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MOHAA GAME Module Classes(3)


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watchactor( Entity actor_to_watch )

Makes the player's camera watch the specified actor.


Drops the player's current weapon.


Cycle to player's next weapon.


Cycle to player's previous weapon.

whatis( Integer entity_number )

Prints info on the specified entity.


Gives player all weapons.


makes sure that zoom is off

PlayerAlliedDeathmatchStart (info_player_allied) → PlayerDeathmatchStart → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

PlayerAxisDeathmatchStart (info_player_axis) → PlayerDeathmatchStart → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

PlayerDeathmatchStart (info_player_deathmatch) → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

arena( Integer arena_number )

set the arena number for this starting position

PlayerIntermission (info_player_intermission) → Camera → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

PlayerStart (info_player_start) → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


forbids spawning from this spawnpoint


allows spawning from this spawnpoint

PortableTurret → TurretGun → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )

Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds


Drops the item to the ground.

PortalCamera (portal_camera) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

roll( Float roll )

Sets the portal camera's roll.

PortalSurface (portal_surface) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Locates the camera position.

Projectile (projectile) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

addownervelocity( Boolean bool )

Set whether or not the owner's velocity is added to the projectile's velocity

addvelocity( Float velocity_x, Float velocity_y, Float velocity_z )

Set a velocity to be added to the projectile when it is created


Make the projectile follow a normal arc on its way to its target

avelocity( [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float yaw ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float pitch ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float roll ] )

set the angular velocity of the projectile

beam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

send a command to the beam of this projectile


Make the projectile into a bomb


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off hard surfaces


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off metal


Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces in water


Make the projectile bounce when it hits a non-damageable solid


Make the projectile be able to hit its owner


set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


set the projectile's speed to be determined by the charge time


Make the projectile be able to hit its owner now

dlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity )

set the color and intensity of the dynamic light on the projectile

dmlife( Float projectileLife )

set the life of the projectile in DM

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

drunk( Float amount, Float rate )

Make the projectile drunk


Make the projectile explode


Make the projectile explode when it touches something damagable

explosionmodel( String modelname )

Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned


set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


Make the projectile heat seek

hitdamage( Float projectileHitDamage )

set the damage a projectile does when it hits something

impactmarkorientation( Float degrees )

Set the orientation of the impact mark

impactmarkradius( Float radius )

Set the radius of the impact mark

impactmarkshader( String shader )

Set the impact mark of the shader

killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

knockback( Float projectileKnockback )

set the knockback of the projectile when it hits something

life( Float projectileLife )

set the life of the projectile

meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

set the meansOfDeath of the projectile

minlife( Float minProjectileLife )

set the minimum life of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)

minspeed( Float minspeed )

set the minimum speed of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)


Makes the projectile not blow up or deal damage when it touches a damagable object


Make the projectile think to update it's velocity


Make the projectile get removed when it stops

smashthroughglass( Integer speed )

Makes the projectile smash through windows & other damageble glass objects when going above a set speed

speed( Float projectileSpeed )

set the speed of the projectile


sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


Update the attached beam

ProjectileGenerator (ProjectileGenerator) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

Accuracy( Float Accuracy )

Accuracy 0-25 feet



Startup the cycle..

Cycles( Integer Cycles )

Number of cycles. 0=infinte


doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities


End the cycle..


Default=1; Set this to 0 if you don't want the PG to fire on startup.


Returns entity being targeted by the projectile generator,

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator



Initialize object


Returns whether the generator is on or off.

launchsound( String Sound )

Set a launch sound for the projectile.

MaxDelay( Float MaxDelay )

Maximum time between bursts


MaxDuration( Float MaxDuration )

Sets the maximum duration of bursts(in seconds)


MaxNumShots( Integer MaxNumShots )

Sets the maximum # of shots to fire in a cycle


MinDelay( Float MinDelay )

Minimum time between bursts.

MinDuration( Float MinDuration )

Sets the minimum duration of the bursts (in seconds)


MinNumShots( Integer MinNumShots )

Sets the minimum # of shots to fire in a cycle


Model( String Model )

Projectile model to use.


target( String targetname_to_target )

target another entity with targetname_to_target.


Tick the cycle..


Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)


Turn On and begin the first cycle

ProjectileGenerator_Gun (ProjectileGenerator_Gun) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

Set the damage that the bullet causes

bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

Set the knockback that the bullet causes

bulletlarge( Integer bulletType )

Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)

bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

Set the range of the bullets

bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis

fakebullets( Boolean useFakeBullets )

Whether or not the projectile generator should fire real bullets.

firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator


meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.

throughmetal( Float dist )

Sets how far the bullets can go through metal

throughwood( Float dist )

Sets how far the bullets can go through wood

tracerfrequency( Integer frequenct )

Set the frequency of making tracers

tracerspeed( Float speed )

Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)

ProjectileGenerator_Heavy (ProjectileGenerator_Heavy) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

projectile( String projectileModel )

Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

ProjectileGenerator_Projectile (ProjectileGenerator_Projectile) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

arc( Float arc )

arc in front of the player

isdonut( Integer isdonut )

will target donut

maxdonut( Float maxdonut )

max extent of donut from player

mindonut( Float mindonut )

min extent of donut from player


Play a pre-impact sound

preimpactsound( String Sound )

Set a pre-impact sound.

preimpactsoundprob( Float probability )

Set the chance for a pre-impact sound to occur.

Range: ( 0.0, 1.0 ), with 0 having no chance, and 1 always occurring.

preimpactsoundtime( Float delay )

Set the time before impact to play the preimpact sound.

projectile( String projectileModel )

Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

ProjectileTarget (ProjectileGenerator_Target) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

ID( Integer ID )

Sets the ID for this projectile generator


PuffDaddy (plant_puffdaddy) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.


Animates the puff daddy.

PushObject (func_pushobject) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

dmg( Integer damage )

Set the damage.

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

pushsound( String sound )

Set the pushing sound


Sets up the pushobject.

Rain (func_rain) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

RandomSpawn (func_randomspawn) → Spawn → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

max_time( Float maxTime )

Maximum time between random spawns.

min_time( Float minTime )

Minimum time between random spawns.

RandomSpeaker (sound_randomspeaker) → TriggerSpeaker → TriggerPlaySound → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

chance( Float newChance<0.00...1.00> )

Sets the chance that the sound will play when triggered.

maxdelay( Float max_delay )

Sets the maximum time between playings.

mindelay( Float min_delay )

Sets the minimum time between playings.

triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

Send event to owner of trigger.

ReSpawn (func_respawn) → Spawn → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

RotatingDoor (func_rotatingdoor) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Closes the door (special doors).

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).

openangle( Float open_angle )

Sets the open angle of the door.

RunThrough (func_runthrough) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

chance( Float chance )

chance that trigger will spawn something.

delay( Float delay )

time between RunThrough being activated.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

lip( Float lip )

distance below trigger we should spawn things.

offset( Vector spawn_offset )

When triggered, what to offset the spawned object by.

spawnmodel( String model_to_spawn )

When triggered, what to spawn.

speed( Float speed )

threshold speed at which RunThrough is activated.

Script → Class

ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire (script_aimedstrafinggunfire) → ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Set the aim target.



ScriptClass → Listener → Class

ScriptDoor (script_door) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door (special doors).


Sets up the script door.

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).


door's movedir


door's open dot product


door's size


door's startorigin

ScriptMaster → Listener → Class

alias( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource

cache( String resourceName )

pre-cache the given resource.

ScriptModel (script_model) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

anim( String anim_name )

Sets the script model's animation


Script model animation has finished.

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

moveanim( String animName )

Makes the script model play an animation and move with the deltas contained in the animation


The script model is moving based on an animation

ScriptModelRealDamage (script_model_realdamage) → ScriptModel → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

ScriptOrigin (script_origin) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire (script_simplestrafinggunfire) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

Set the damage that the bullet causes

bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

Set the knockback that the bullet causes

bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

Set the range of the bullets

bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis



firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon


Turn the gunfire off.


Turn the gunfire on.


Set the projectile model

throughmetal( Float dist )

Sets how far the bullets can go through metal

throughwood( Float dist )

Sets how far the bullets can go through wood


Set the frequency of the tracers

ScriptSkyOrigin (script_skyorigin) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

ScriptSlave (script_object) → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angles( Vector angles )

Sets the angles.

bind( Entity parent )

bind this entity to the specified entity.


Close the area portal enclosed in this object

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

dmg( Integer damage )

Set the damage.

doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

General trigger event for all entities

doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

sent to entity when blocked.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

sent to entity when it is used by another entity


Stop following the path

explode( Float damage )

Creates an explosion at the script slave's position

flypath( Entity array, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

followpath( Entity path, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments are ignoreangles,

ignorevelocity, normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time.

jumpto( String vector_or_entity )

Jump to specified vector or entity.

model( String modelName )

set the model to modelName.

modifyflypath( Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position


Move the script slave.

moveBackward( Float dist )

Move the position backward.

moveDown( Float dist )

Move the position down.

moveEast( Float dist )

Move the position east.

moveForward( Float dist )

Move the position forward.

moveLeft( Float dist )

Move the position left.

moveNorth( Float dist )

Move the position north.

moveOffset( Vector dist )

Move the position by the offset vector.

moveRight( Float dist )

Move the position right.

moveSouth( Float dist )

Move the position south.

moveto( String vector_or_entity )

Move to the specified vector or entity.

moveUp( Float dist )

Move the position up.

moveWest( Float dist )

Move the position west.


Goto the next waypoint.

normalangles( Boolean bUseNormalAngles )

Sets the object to use normal angles when travelling on a spline path


Makes the script slave not shootable


Open the area portal enclosed in this object

path_relativeyaw( Float relativeYaw )

Makes the script slave follow the specified path with a yaw offset,


Turn physics off this script object on

physics_on( [ Integer no_collide_entity ] )

Turn physics on this script object on

If no_collide_entity is set to 1 then the script slave will not collide with other entities

physics_velocity( Vector impulseVector )

Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated

rotateaxis( Integer axis, Float avelocity )

Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateaxisdown( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount.

rotateaxisdownto( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis down to angle.

rotateaxisup( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount.

rotateaxisupto( Integer axis, Float angle )

Rotate the specified axis up to angle.

rotatedownto( Vector direction )

Rotate down to the specified direction.

rotateto( Vector direction )

Rotate to the specified direction.

rotateupto( Vector direction )

Rotate up to the specified direction.

rotateX( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateXdown( Float angle )

Rotate the x down by the specified amount.

rotateXdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the x down to angle.

rotateXup( Float angle )

Rotate the x up by the specified amount.

rotateXupto( Float angle )

Rotate the x up to angle.

rotateY( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateYdown( Float angle )

Rotate the y down by the specified amount.

rotateYdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the y down to angle.

rotateYup( Float angle )

Rotate the y up by the specified amount.

rotateYupto( Float angle )

Rotate the y up to angle.

rotateZ( Float avelocity )

Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity.

rotateZdown( Float angle )

Rotate the z down by the specified amount.

rotateZdownto( Float angle )

Rotate the z down to angle.

rotateZup( Float angle )

Rotate the z up by the specified amount.

rotateZupto( Float angle )

Rotate the z up to angle.


Called every frame to actually follow the path


Called when the script slave is done moving

setdamage( Integer damage )

Set the damage.

setmeansofdeath( String means_of_death )

Set the damage means of death.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the speed.


Stop the script slave.

threadmove( String label )

Move the script slave and create thread which waits until finished.

time( Float travel_time )

Sets the travel time.

trigger( Entity ent )

Trigger entities target.


unbind this entity.


Move the script slave and wait until finished.

ScriptThread → Listener → Class

abs( Float arg )

Absolute value of int or float

addobjective( Integer objective_number, Integer status, [ String text ], [ Vector location ] )

Adds/Changes an Objective

aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource


Turns all AI off.


Turns all AI back on.

angles_pointat( Entity parent_entity, Entity entity, Entity target_entity )

Returns the angles that points at the target_entity given the base orientation of the parent_entity and the position of the entity.

angles_toforward( Vector angles )

Returns the forward vector of the specified angles

angles_toleft( Vector angles )

Returns the left vector of the specified angles

angles_toup( Vector angles )

Returns the up vector of the specified angles

assert( Float value )

Assert if value is 0.

bool( Integer value )

Casts value to a bool.

bsptransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next BSP. Keeps player data, and game data.

cache( String resource_name )

Cache the specified resource.

cam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Processes a camera command.

centerprint( String stuffToPrint )

prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens


Turns on cinematic.


Clears the position of the current objective, for when you don't have one


Clear the fade from the screen

clearletterbox( Float time )

Clears letterbox mode.


Creates a Listener instance.

cuecamera( Entity entity, [ Float switchTime ] )

Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera

will switch over that length of time.

cueplayer( [ Float switchTime ] )

Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,

then the camera will switch over that length of time.


Generate an asm int 3

debugline( Vector start, Vector end, [ Float red ], [ Float green ], [ Float blue ], [ Float alpha ] )

Draws a debug line from start to end using the given color and alpha for g_numdebuglinedelays server frames

delaythrow( String label )

Internal usage.

dprintln( String string )

Prints a debug string.followed by a newline.

drawhud( Integer value )

Specfiy if hud is to be drawn: 0 draws nothing, 1 draws all and 2 draws all minus the weapons bar.

earthquake( Float duration, Float magnitude, Float no_rampup, Float no_rampdown )

Create an earthquake


End the thread.

entity( Integer value )

Casts value to an entity.

error( String message, Integer level )

Generate a script error with specified message and stack level

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.

exec( String script )

Executes the specified script.

fadein( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

Sets up fadein in values.

fadeout( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

Sets up fadeout values.

fadesound( Float time )

fades the sound out over the given time.

float( Integer value )

Casts value to a float.

forcemusic( String current, [ String fallback ] )

Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods.


Freeze the player.

getboundkey1( String keyname )

return a string describing the key

getboundkey2( String keyname )

return a string describing the key

getcvar( String name )


goto( String label )

Goes to the specified label.

hidemenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

hide menu, with option to force it off


hide mouse cursor

huddraw_align( Integer index, String h_align, String v_align )

Sets the alignment of a huddraw element. Specified with 'left', 'center', or 'right'

huddraw_alpha( Integer index, Float alpha )

Sets the alpha of a huddraw element.

huddraw_color( Integer index, Float red, Float green, Float blue )

Sets the color for a huddraw element

huddraw_font( Integer index, String fontname )

Sets the font to use.

huddraw_rect( Integer index, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height )

Specifies the position of the upper left corner and size of a huddraw element

huddraw_shader( Integer index, String shader )

Sets the shader to use for a particular huddraw element

huddraw_string( Integer index, String string )

Sets a string to be displayed. Clears the shader value.

huddraw_virtualsize( Integer index, Integer virtual )

Sets if the huddraw element should use virutal screen resolution for positioning and size

int( Integer value )

Casts value to an int.

iprintln( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline.

iprintln_noloc( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline with no localization conversion.

iprintlnbold( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way.

iprintlnbold_noloc( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way with no localization conversion.

IsAlive( Entity ent )

Returns true if the specified entity exists and has health > 0.

killclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

killent( Integer ent_num )

Kill the specified entity.

letterbox( Float time )

Puts the game in letterbox mode.

leveltransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next Level. Statistics to Map Loading, does not keep player data or game data.

loc_convert_string( String in )

returns a localized version of the string.

locprint( Integer xoffset, Integer yoffset, String stuffToPrint )

prints the included message in the specified location of all player's screens

map( String map_name )

Starts the specified map.

missionfailed( Integer novideofade )

Makes the player fail their mission, level restarts.

missiontransition( String next_map )

Transitions to the next Mission. Statistics to Main Menu, Next Level should be unlocked.

mprint( String string )

Prints a string.

mprintln( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline.

music( String current, [ String fallback ] )

Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods.

musicvolume( Float volume, Float fade_time )

Sets the volume and fade time of the music.


Turns off cinematic.


Pauses the thread.

PlayMovie( String name )

Play a Movie...

popmenu( Integer index )

pop menu

print( String string )

Prints a string.

print3d( Vector origin, String string, [ String [strings] ] )

prints a string in 3D space

println( String string )

Prints a string.followed by a newline.

pushmenu( String name )

push menu

radiusdamage( Vector origin, Float damage, Float radius, Integer constant_damage )

radius damage at origin

randomfloat( Float max )


randomint( Integer max )



Release the player.

removeclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

removeent( Integer ent_num )

Removes the specified entity.

restoremusicvolume( Float fade_time )

Restores the music volume to its previous value.


Restores the soundtrack to the previous one.



server( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Server only command.

set_objective_pos( Vector pos )

Sets the position in the world of the current objective

setcurrentobjective( Integer objective_number )

Sets the specified objective as the current objective

setcvar( String cvar_name, String value )

Sets the value of the specified cvar.

setlightstyle( Integer lightstyleindex, String lightstyledata )

Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data

showmenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

show menu, with option to force it on

sighttrace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise

soundtrack( String soundtrack_name )

Changes the soundtrack.

spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawn the specified entity.

spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

Spawn the specified entity.

string( Integer value )

Casts value to a string.

stuffcmd( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

Server only command.

teamwin( String axis_or_allies )

Sets that the 'axis' or the 'allies' have won the map.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

thread( String label )

Creates a thread starting at label.

throw( String label )

Throws to the specified label.

timeout( Float time )

specifies script timeout time

trace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at

trigger( String name )

Trigger the specified target or entity.

vector_add( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 + vector2

vector_closer( Vector vec_a, Vector vec_b, Vector vec_c )

returns 1 if the first vector is closer than the second vector to the third vector

vector_cross( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 x vector2

vector_dot( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 * vector2

vector_length( Vector vector )

Returns the length of the specified vector.

vector_normalize( Vector vector )

Returns the normalized vector of the specified vector.

vector_scale( Vector vector1, Float scale_factor )

Returns vector1 * scale_factor

vector_subtract( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

Returns vector1 - vector2

vector_toangles( Vector vector1 )

Returns vector1 converted to angles.

vector_within( Vector position1, Vector position2, Float distance )

returns 1 if the two points are <= distance apart, or 0 if they are greater than distance apart

wait( Float wait_time )

Wait for the specified amount of time.


Wait for one server frame.

ScriptVariableList → Class

Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

activatenewweapon( [ String handsurf ] )

Activate the new weapon specified by useWeapon. handsurf allows specifying which hand to use for the player


Makes the sentient an American.

ammo( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient some ammo.

armor( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient some armor.


Is the end of the sentient's block.


Is the start of the sentient's block.

bloodmodel( String bloodModel )

set the model to be used when showing blood

charge( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

Starts the charging of the weapon in the specified hand


Check the animations in the .tik file versus the statefile

damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

general damage event used by all entities

Location values:

-1 General

0 Pelvis

1 Lower Torso

2 Mid Torso

3 Upper Torso

4 Neck

5 Head

6 RUpperArm

7 RForearm

8 RHand

9 LUpperArm

10 LForearm

11 LHand

12 RThigh

13 RCalf

14 RFoot

15 LThigh

16 LCalf

17 LFoot

damagemult( Integer location, Float multiplier )

Sets the damage multiplier for a particular body location

deactivateweapon( String side )

Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.


Make the sentient not drop weapons


drops inventory items

fire( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

Fires the weapon in the specified hand.


Makes the sentient a German.

give( String name )

Gives the sentient the targeted item.

givedynitem( String model, String bonename )

Pass the args to the item

item( String type, Integer amount )

Gives the sentient the specified amount of the specified item.

jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed )

Makes the sentient jump.

maxgibs( Integer max_number_of_gibs )

Sets the maximum amount of generic gibs this sentient will spawn when hit.

maxmouthangle( Float max_mouth_angle )

Sets the max mouth angle.


Is the end of the sentient's melee attack.


Is the start of the sentient's melee attack.


Turns off the shadow for this sentient.


Called every frame when the sentient is on fire.


Pops a sentient's helmet off if he's got one

putawayweapon( String whichHand )

Put away or deactivate the current weapon, whichHand can be left, right or dual.

releasefire( Float fireholdtime )

Releases the attack in the time specified.

reloadweapon( [ String hand ] )

Reloads the weapon in the specified hand

sethelmet( String tikifile, Float popspeed, Float dmgmult, String surfacename, String [optional )

Gives the sentient a helmet and sets the needed info for it


Turns on the shadow for this sentient.

spawnbloodygibs( [ Integer number_of_gibs ], [ Float scale ] )

Spawns some bloody generic gibs.

stopfire( [ String hand ] )

Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.


Stops the sentient from being on fire.


Is the end of the sentient's stun.


Is the start of the sentient's stun.

take( String item_name )

Takes away the specified item from the sentient.


Clears out the sentient's entire inventory.


returns 'german' or 'american'

threatbias( Integer bias )

Sets the threat bias for this player / AI


Gets the threat bias for this player / AI

threatbias( Integer bias )

Sets the threat bias for this player / AI


Toggles the use of the player's item (first item if he has multiple)

use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


Activates the last active weapon

useweaponclass( String weaponclass, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

Use the weapon of the specified class in the hand choosen (optional).

weapon( String weapon_modelname )

Gives the sentient the weapon specified.

weaponcommand( String hand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ] )

Pass the args to the active weapon in the specified hand

SimpleActor → Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


Do not LERP to the next animation

SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


get the angles of the entity using just one value.

Gets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

get the angles of the entity.


entity's centroid


get the forward vector of angles


get the left vector of angles

origin( Vector newOrigin )

Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.

origin( Vector newOrigin )

Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.


entity's origin


get the right vector of angles


entity's target

target( String targetname_to_target )

entity's target

target( String targetname_to_target )

target another entity with targetname_to_target.


entity's targetname

targetname( String targetName )

set the targetname of the entity to targetName.

targetname( String targetName )

set the targetname of the entity to targetName.


get the up vector of angles

SinkObject (func_sinkobject) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


make the SinkObject active, so that it will respond to players touching it.

dampening( Float newDampening )

dampening of SinkObject.

delay( Float delay )

Delay until SinkObject starts falling.

doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

sent to entity when touched.

limit( Float newLimit )

maximum displacement of the SinkObject.


make the SinkObject not active, so that it won't respond to players touching it.


Reset the SinkObject right now.

resetdelay( Float newResetDelay )

Delay between when sinkobject starts resetting.

resetsound( String newResetSound )

Sound played when sinkobject is resetting.

resetspeed( Float newResetspeed )

Speed at which SinkObject resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.

sinksound( String newSinkSound )

Sound played when sinkobject is sinking.

speed( Float speed )

Speed at which SinkObject starts falling.

SlidingDoor (func_door) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

angle( Float newAngle )

set the angles of the entity using just one value.

Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down

direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


Closes the door (special doors).

doopen( Entity other )

Opens the door (special doors).

lip( Float lip )

Sets the lip of the sliding door.

speed( Float speed )

Sets the speed of the sliding door.

SmokeGrenade (smokegrenade) → EffectEntity → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

bouncefactor( Float factor )

sets how far smoke volumes bounce when they collide with something

fadedelay( Float time )

sets how long the entity waits until fading out from 1 alpha to 0 alpha, in seconds

fadein( Float time )

sets fadein time from 0 alpha to 1 alpha, in seconds

life( Float life )

sets how long the smoke emitter lives

maxalpha( Float alpha )

sets maximum opacity of an individual smoke particle, in 0-1 range

offset( Float offset_x, Float offset_y, Float offset_z )

sets offset of the smoke volume from the entity

scale( Float scale )

sets initial scale of each smoke volume

scalerate( Float rate )

sets how fast the smoke volume grows

spawnlife( Float life )

sets how long each smoke volume lives

spawnrate( Float rate )

sets how many smoke volumes are spawned per second

spin( Float avel )

sets the number of rotations per second for this entity around its z axis

velocity( Float vel_x, Float vel_y, Float vel_z )

sets how fast the smoke volume moves away, with x forward and z up

SoundManager → Listener → Class


Add a new music trigger where the player is standing.


Add a new sound where the player is standing.


Add a new reverb trigger where the player is standing.


Add a new sound where the player is standing.


Delete the current sound.

globaltranslate( Vector translate_amount )

Translates all sounds and triggers by specified amount.


Hides the sounds.


Move the player to the current sound position.


Go to the next sound.


Go to the previous sound.


Test out the current reverb settings.


Replace the current sound position with the player's.


Resets the state of all sounds and triggers.


reset the reverb settings to a normal.


Saves the sounds.

show( [ Entity path ] )

Show all the sounds.


Switch the current facet that we are editing.


Updates the current sound with user interface values.

Spawn (func_spawn) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEn

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