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71 文件

  1. COD4 V1.70 主机免等待补丁

    《使命召唤4》V1.70 主机免等待补丁,仅在服务器端使用。该补丁可以解决以下问题:

    下载后将压缩包内的 iw3mp.exe 文件覆盖到游戏文件夹即可。

    3 下载


  2. COD4 V1.60 → V1.70 升级补丁

    《使命召唤4》V1.60 → V1.70 升级补丁,安装之前需要将游戏升级至 V1.60 。




    安装该升级补丁的前提是游戏务必已经升级到了 V1.60 。

    19 下载


  3. COD4 V1.60 升级补丁

    《使命召唤4》V1.60 升级补丁,可以将任意先期版本的《使命召唤4》升级至 V1.60,282MB 。


    新增地图 Creek, Chinatown, Broadcast 和 Killhouse ;
    囊括了 V1.50 及所有先期版本的修正内容。
    提示:该补丁囊括了所有先前版本补丁的内容,因此重新安装游戏的话,只安装 V1.60 这一个补丁即可。

    5 下载


  4. 《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.20 全语言版升级补丁

    《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.20 全语言版升级补丁,可以将任意先期版本升级至 V1.20 。

    更新版本1.2 Readme档案 - 2007年12月



    • 玩家可以选择「记住我」记住使用者的密码和使用者名称。

    • 玩家现在可以设定可将各式玩家名称放在前头的战队队徽。

    • 玩家可以设定一组显示化名,取代玩家的使用者名称。

    • 游戏可以直接由专属服务器开设,而无须设定玩家上限。


    • 所有游戏画面将会正确显示24名玩家。


    • 所有模式皆可使用「市场花园」地图。

    • 所有模式皆可使用「工厂」地图。

    • 增加更多的重生点和第二层重生点,避免重生伏击。

    • 计分板现在会显示玩家的Ping值。

    • 计分板现在会显示服务器名称。

    • 增加交谈文字在画面上显示的时间。

    • 将交谈文字移至罗盘上方。

    • 「Say」文字现在以白色显示,「TeamSay」文字现在以黄色显示。

    • 移除玩家阵亡时的自动嘲笑讯息。


    • 修正会让玩家屏幕一片空白的程序当掉问题。

    • 修正「废弃村庄」各种贴图破碎的问题。

    • 修正玩家在「雷马根」里可以穿越物体的错误。

    • 修正改变地图后,声音会闷掉的问题。

    • 修正服务器列表无法使用滚轮卷动的问题。

    • 修正服务器列表会于卷动时刷新并让玩家回到列表开头的问题。

    • 修正输入管理指令后会让专属服务器当掉的问题。

    • 修正允许远程服务器记住最后联机的问题。


    • 降低B.A.R.在多人游戏中的后座力。

    • 降低B.A.R.在多人游戏中的杀伤力。

    • 增加MP40在多人游戏中的杀伤力。

    • 降低G43在多人游戏中的后座力。

    • K98的榴弹数量由4降低为3,现在和M1葛兰德的榴弹数相同。


    • 替前一版Readme档案的句子句尾加上句号。

    更新版本 1.1 ReadMe档案 - 2007年8月







    • 修正了游戏奖励无法在专属服务器上运作的错误。

    • 修正了玩家在尝试以有人使用的名称建立账号之后,然后使用已有账号登入,会卡在登入选单的错误。

    • 修正了在单人游戏中会显示Punkbuster讯息的错误。

    • 修正了当任何玩家从同盟军换队至轴心军时,玩家会看到除错讯息的问题。

    • 修正了如果春田式狙击枪在狙击模式下用尽弹匣内的弹药时,无法离开狙击模式装填弹药的错误。

    • 修正了使用者在服务器列表中选择一个游戏时会造成当机的错误。

    • 修正了「条款与条件」画面背景错位的错误。

    • 修正了将鼠标移到「音响与影响」选单中的滑杆上时无法选取滑杆的错误。

    • 修正了离开「控制器设定组态」不会让玩家返回选项选单的错误。玩家会直接回到游戏中。

    • 修正了在800x600分辨率下,于多人游戏加载画面里,「加载中」文字会覆迭在关卡缩图上的错误。

    • 修正在高分辨率下,于「自订游戏」选单中,箭号未能与其它文字置中排列的错误。

    • 修正了在游戏暂停选单中,卷动「瞄准灵敏度」滑杆时,没有播放声音的错误。

    • 修正了在多人游戏暂停选单中,于音效音量变更后没有播放指示音量的声音的错误。

    • 修正了在「音响/影像」设定中,玩家没有作任何变更,却出现储存变更提示的错误。

    • 修正了在单人游戏的敌方士兵加载画面中,特定提示文字覆迭在士兵图像上的错误。

    • 修正了在训练任务暂停选单中出现未中文化讯息的错误。

    • 修正了在「额外内容选单」中,背景按钮图片与其它接口不一致的错误。

    • 修正了在「统计资料与勋章」画面中,背景按钮图片与其它接口不一致的错误。

    • 修正了使用方向键选择一个已解开影片后,会将所有影片说明中的「解开标准」文字移除的错误。

    • 修正了当使用者尝试在1280x1024、1360x1024以及1600x1200分辨率下经由接口退出游戏时,取消按钮与背景错位的错误。

    • 修正了在「信任的服务器列表」的「偏好服务器」子选单中,未出现「从偏好列表中移除」按钮的错误。

    • 修正了在「选项/控制器」选单中,「移动/倾身」切换选项对面有个消失字段的错误。

    • 修正了如果玩家尝试加入主持人编辑过INI档的多人游戏,玩家不重新启动游戏便无法进入多人游戏的错误。


    • 在多人游戏中,M18无后座力炮和德制火箭筒的杀伤力和杀伤半径降低。


    • 在制作群中替PunkBuster加上了"r"。

    4 下载


  5. COD4 单人模式 V1.40 免光盘补丁

    《使命召唤4》单人模式 V1.40 免光盘补丁


    其实 V1.40 的单人模式执行文件自 V1.30 以来并无变化。

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  6. COD4 英文版 之 简体中文增补包 V0.1

    《使命召唤4》简体中文增补包 V0.1

    Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare Simplified Chinese Language Add-On V0.1

    该增补包可以在《使命召唤4》英文版的基础上增补简体中文文件。现在的版本是 V0.1,仅对多人模式的数十个图标进行了汉化,因此也没什么技术含量。






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  7. 《英雄连:抵抗前线》繁体中文版 V2.102 -> V2.103 升级补丁

    《英雄连:抵抗前线》繁体中文版的发行版本是 V2.102,该升级补丁可以将繁体中文版的《英雄连:抵抗前线》从 V2.102 升级到 V2.103。

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  8. 《英雄连:抵抗前线》全语言版 V2.102 免光盘补丁

    《英雄连:抵抗前线》(Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts )全语言版 V2.102 免光盘补丁。

    将解压缩后得到的 RelicCOH.exe 文件和 rs 文件夹覆盖到游戏文件夹即可。


    0 下载


  9. 《英雄连:抵抗前线》繁体中文版翻译文件 第二版





    安装中国主视角游戏网《英雄连》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包,以增补本站特别制作的雅黑字库文件和简体中文翻译文件;
    将解压缩后得到的 RelicCOH.ChineseSimp.ucs 文件复制到 游戏文件夹EngineLocaleChineseSimp 内替换原文件即可。
    点击下载《英雄连》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包

    某某网在他们最近发布的《英雄连之抵抗前线》中文美化版 繁体中文补丁中使用了本站特别制作的微软雅黑字体集成字库文件。本站作为一个负责任的网站,曾就字体使用问题同微软公司和字体原开发公司方正公司进行过先期咨询。本站制作的字库集成文件仅用于本站自己的《英雄连》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包 以及本站未来推出的 简繁体中文增补包 。本站希望某某网不要再擅自将他人制作的游戏专用字库文件用于其自己的补丁。

    0 下载


  10. 《英雄连》繁体中文版 V2.101 -> V2.102 升级补丁

    《英雄连》繁体中文版 V2.101 → V2.102 升级补丁


    0 下载


  11. 《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.10 全语言版 免光盘补丁

    《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》(Medal of Honor: Airborne)V1.10 全语言版免光盘补丁。

    0 下载


  12. 《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.00 -> V1.10 全语言版 升级补丁

    《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.00 → V1.10 全语言版 升级补丁














    2 下载


  13. 《英雄连》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包 第二版

    《英雄连》或 资料片《抵抗前线》V2.xxx 简体中文增补包 第二版

    Company of Heroes OR Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts V2.xxx Simplified Chinese Language Add-On 2nd Edition

    该增补包可以在《英雄连》原版或其资料片《抵抗前线(火线对决)》V2.xxx 各种语言版本的基础上增补简体中文文件,并可以随时切换回原来的语言版本和进行后续升级。

    在目前已知的 V2.100 - V2.102 版本中测试通过。

    注意:不适用于 V1.xxx 版本。万一装在了 V1.xxx 上也没关系,接着把游戏升级到 V2.xxx 就可以了。


    使用该简体中文增补包后切换游戏语言的方法请 点击这里 ,提出翻译修改建议请 点击这里 ,其他注意事项请查看 置顶主题 。


    9 下载


  14. 《英雄连》繁体中文版 V1.20 -> V2.101 升级补丁

    《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.20 → V2.101 升级补丁。

    该补丁可以把繁体中文版《英雄连》的第一个版本 V1.20 升级到 V2.101 。

    v2.101 09/24/2007

    - Connectivity improvements.
    - Lobby improvements.
    - Fixed several simulation crashes.
    - Automatch fixes.

    - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s
    - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3
    - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel
    - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35
    - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles.
    - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2
    - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage).
    - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45
    - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel.
    - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50
    - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12.
    - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers.
    - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2
    - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25.
    - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses.
    - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons.
    - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers.
    - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces.
    - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon.
    - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example).
    - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain.
    - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds.
    - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions.
    - UI changes to creeping barrage.
    - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts
    - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50)
    - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3
    - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3.
    - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20.
    - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival.
    - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65
    - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun
    - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades.
    - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced.
    - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.
    - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5.
    - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG.
    - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types.
    - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches.
    - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects.
    - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds.
    - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup.
    - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers.
    - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions.
    - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches.
    - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied.
    - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7
    - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad.
    - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry.
    - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit.
    - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory.
    - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere.
    - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements.
    - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier.
    - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center.
    - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry).
    - Building critical tuning.
    - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced.
    - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness
    - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25
    - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.
    - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90.
    - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally.
    - StuH tilt set to 0m.
    - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry.
    - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice.
    - Help text not yet updated.
    - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed.
    - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally.
    - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land.
    - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads.
    - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack.
    - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire
    - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved.
    - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35
    - Lieutenant Auras were tuned.
    - Removed received suppression modifiers
    - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9
    - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking.
    - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9
    - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs
    - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2
    - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4.
    - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from:
    - Second level requires 30 instead of 24
    - Third level requires 54 instead of 36
    - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted
    - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20
    - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel.
    - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower
    - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300
    - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower
    - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2.
    - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower
    - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower
    - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite.
    - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375.
    - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75.
    - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8
    - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range.
    - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell.
    - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14
    - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6.
    - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker.
    - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers.
    - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location.
    - V1 scatter tuned.
    - PIAT Weapon tuned
    - Damage reduced from 100 to 90
    - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4).
    - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up)
    - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles.
    - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40
    - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000.
    - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6
    - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles.
    - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
    - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75
    - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10.
    - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned.
    - Increased suppression
    - Increased accuracy at long range
    - Increased burst length
    - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often.
    - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures.
    - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements.
    - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095

    v2.100 09/24/2007

    - Refactored network library.

    General Features
    - Added Commonwealth Army.
    - Added Panzer Elite Army.

    - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed.

    0 下载


  15. 《英雄连》繁体中文版 V1.71 -> V2.101 升级补丁

    《英雄连》(Company of Heros)繁体中文版 V1.71 → V2.101 升级补丁。

    v2.101 09/24/2007

    - Connectivity improvements.
    - Lobby improvements.
    - Fixed several simulation crashes.
    - Automatch fixes.

    - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s
    - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3
    - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel
    - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35
    - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles.
    - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2
    - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage).
    - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45
    - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel.
    - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50
    - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12.
    - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers.
    - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2
    - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25.
    - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses.
    - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons.
    - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers.
    - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces.
    - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon.
    - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example).
    - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain.
    - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds.
    - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions.
    - UI changes to creeping barrage.
    - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts
    - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50)
    - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3
    - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3.
    - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20.
    - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival.
    - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65
    - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun
    - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades.
    - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced.
    - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.
    - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5.
    - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG.
    - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types.
    - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches.
    - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects.
    - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds.
    - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup.
    - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers.
    - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions.
    - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches.
    - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied.
    - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7
    - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad.
    - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry.
    - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit.
    - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory.
    - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere.
    - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements.
    - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier.
    - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center.
    - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry).
    - Building critical tuning.
    - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced.
    - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness
    - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25
    - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.
    - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90.
    - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally.
    - StuH tilt set to 0m.
    - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry.
    - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice.
    - Help text not yet updated.
    - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed.
    - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally.
    - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land.
    - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads.
    - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack.
    - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire
    - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved.
    - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35
    - Lieutenant Auras were tuned.
    - Removed received suppression modifiers
    - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9
    - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking.
    - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9
    - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs
    - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2
    - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4.
    - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from:
    - Second level requires 30 instead of 24
    - Third level requires 54 instead of 36
    - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted
    - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20
    - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel.
    - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower
    - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300
    - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower
    - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2.
    - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower
    - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower
    - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite.
    - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375.
    - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75.
    - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8
    - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range.
    - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell.
    - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14
    - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6.
    - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker.
    - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers.
    - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location.
    - V1 scatter tuned.
    - PIAT Weapon tuned
    - Damage reduced from 100 to 90
    - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4).
    - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up)
    - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles.
    - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40
    - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000.
    - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6
    - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles.
    - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
    - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75
    - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10.
    - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned.
    - Increased suppression
    - Increased accuracy at long range
    - Increased burst length
    - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often.
    - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures.
    - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements.
    - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095

    v2.100 09/24/2007

    - Refactored network library.

    General Features
    - Added Commonwealth Army.
    - Added Panzer Elite Army.

    - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed.

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  16. 《英雄连:抵抗前线》全语言版 V2.101 免光盘补丁

    《英雄连:抵抗前线》(Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts )全语言版 V2.101 免光盘补丁。

    将解压缩后得到的 RelicCOH.exe 文件和 rs 文件夹覆盖到游戏文件夹即可。


    1 下载


  17. 《英雄连》英文版 V1.71 -> V2.101 升级补丁

    《英雄连》(Company of Heros)英文版 V1.71 → V2.101 升级补丁。

    v2.101 09/24/2007

    - Connectivity improvements.
    - Lobby improvements.
    - Fixed several simulation crashes.
    - Automatch fixes.

    - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s
    - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3
    - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel
    - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35
    - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles.
    - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2
    - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage).
    - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45
    - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel.
    - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50
    - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12.
    - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers.
    - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2
    - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25.
    - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses.
    - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons.
    - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers.
    - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces.
    - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon.
    - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example).
    - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain.
    - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds.
    - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions.
    - UI changes to creeping barrage.
    - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts
    - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50)
    - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3
    - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3.
    - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20.
    - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival.
    - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65
    - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun
    - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades.
    - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced.
    - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.
    - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5.
    - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG.
    - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types.
    - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches.
    - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects.
    - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds.
    - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup.
    - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers.
    - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions.
    - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches.
    - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied.
    - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7
    - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad.
    - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry.
    - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit.
    - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory.
    - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere.
    - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements.
    - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier.
    - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center.
    - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry).
    - Building critical tuning.
    - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced.
    - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness
    - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25
    - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.
    - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90.
    - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally.
    - StuH tilt set to 0m.
    - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry.
    - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice.
    - Help text not yet updated.
    - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed.
    - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally.
    - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land.
    - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads.
    - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack.
    - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire
    - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved.
    - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35
    - Lieutenant Auras were tuned.
    - Removed received suppression modifiers
    - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9
    - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking.
    - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9
    - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs
    - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2
    - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4.
    - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from:
    - Second level requires 30 instead of 24
    - Third level requires 54 instead of 36
    - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted
    - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20
    - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel.
    - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower
    - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300
    - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower
    - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2.
    - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower
    - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower
    - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite.
    - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375.
    - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75.
    - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8
    - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range.
    - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell.
    - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14
    - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6.
    - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker.
    - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers.
    - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location.
    - V1 scatter tuned.
    - PIAT Weapon tuned
    - Damage reduced from 100 to 90
    - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4).
    - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up)
    - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles.
    - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40
    - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000.
    - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6
    - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles.
    - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
    - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75
    - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10.
    - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned.
    - Increased suppression
    - Increased accuracy at long range
    - Increased burst length
    - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often.
    - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures.
    - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements.
    - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095

    v2.100 09/24/2007

    - Refactored network library.

    General Features
    - Added Commonwealth Army.
    - Added Panzer Elite Army.

    - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed.

    0 下载


  18. 《英雄连》英文版 V1.40 -> V2.101 升级补丁

    《英雄连》(Company of Heros)英文版 V1.40 → V2.101 升级补丁。

    v2.101 09/24/2007

    - Connectivity improvements.
    - Lobby improvements.
    - Fixed several simulation crashes.
    - Automatch fixes.

    - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s
    - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3
    - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel
    - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35
    - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles.
    - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2
    - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage).
    - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45
    - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel.
    - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50
    - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12.
    - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers.
    - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2
    - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25.
    - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses.
    - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons.
    - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers.
    - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces.
    - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon.
    - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example).
    - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain.
    - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds.
    - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions.
    - UI changes to creeping barrage.
    - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts
    - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50)
    - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3
    - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3.
    - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20.
    - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival.
    - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65
    - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun
    - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades.
    - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced.
    - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.
    - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5.
    - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG.
    - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types.
    - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches.
    - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects.
    - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds.
    - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup.
    - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers.
    - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions.
    - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches.
    - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied.
    - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7
    - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad.
    - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry.
    - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit.
    - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory.
    - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere.
    - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements.
    - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier.
    - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center.
    - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry).
    - Building critical tuning.
    - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced.
    - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness
    - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25
    - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.
    - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90.
    - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally.
    - StuH tilt set to 0m.
    - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry.
    - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice.
    - Help text not yet updated.
    - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed.
    - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally.
    - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land.
    - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads.
    - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack.
    - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire
    - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved.
    - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35
    - Lieutenant Auras were tuned.
    - Removed received suppression modifiers
    - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9
    - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking.
    - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9
    - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs
    - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2
    - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4.
    - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from:
    - Second level requires 30 instead of 24
    - Third level requires 54 instead of 36
    - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted
    - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20
    - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel.
    - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower
    - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300
    - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower
    - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2.
    - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower
    - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower
    - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite.
    - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375.
    - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75.
    - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8
    - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range.
    - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell.
    - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14
    - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6.
    - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker.
    - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers.
    - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location.
    - V1 scatter tuned.
    - PIAT Weapon tuned
    - Damage reduced from 100 to 90
    - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4).
    - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up)
    - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles.
    - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40
    - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000.
    - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6
    - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles.
    - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
    - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75
    - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10.
    - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned.
    - Increased suppression
    - Increased accuracy at long range
    - Increased burst length
    - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often.
    - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures.
    - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements.
    - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095

    v2.100 09/24/2007

    - Refactored network library.

    General Features
    - Added Commonwealth Army.
    - Added Panzer Elite Army.

    - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed.

    1 下载


  19. 《英雄连:抵抗前线》英文版 V2.100 -> V2.101 升级补丁

    《英雄连:抵抗前线》(Company of Heros: Opposing Fronts)英文版 V2.100 → V2.101 升级补丁。

    v2.101 09/24/2007

    - Connectivity improvements.
    - Lobby improvements.
    - Fixed several simulation crashes.
    - Automatch fixes.

    - Vet 3 Ostwind receives a 40% boost to accuracy.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command Building reduced 15 fuel.
    - Wehrmacht Panzer Command build time increased by 15s
    - Knights' Cross Holders receive Panzerfaust ability at Vet 3
    - Panther cost reduced from 140 fuel to 125 fuel
    - Panzerfausts cost reduced to 35
    - Panzerfausts improved vs light vehicles.
    - Stugs and StuHs receive a 15% health modifier at vet 2
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks receive damage modifier at Vet 1 decreased from .85 to .75
    - Wehrmacht Halftracks deliver 20% more damage Vet 2
    - Vet 2 StuH has a received penetration modifier of .85
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower range increased from 20 to 35
    - Churchill Crocodile Flamethrower damage output increased vs pinned (1.5 damage, 2x accuracy) and suppressed targets (1.25 damage).
    - Sniper rifles accuracy vs trench cover increased from .25 to .45
    - Reduced cost of Allied MG nest by 5 fuel.
    - Ranger Veterancy experience requirements increased to 14/28/50
    - British Howitzer Popcap reduced to 10 from 12.
    - BAR damage increased to .4 versus Panzer Elite soldiers.
    - Puma\234 Armoured Car Vet 2 range bonus reduced to 1.125 from 1.2
    - Nebelwerfer Vet 3 damage reduced to 1.15 from 1.25.
    - More StuH projectile Tuning. Projectile set to artillery type to deal with very errant misses.
    - FG42 tuned. Burst length reset, moving accuracy and moving burst modifiers adjusted to match non-assault rifle weapons.
    - Tuned some Stug and StuH target damage modifiers.
    - Vet exp values tuned for British and Panzer Elite Vehicles, British Captains, LTs, and Luftwaffe Ground forces.
    - Pak35 weapon on 250 AT halftrack had its priority tuned vs team weapons. Will kill weapon teams more effectively instead of shell intersecting team weapon.
    - Bug fix for V1 that prevented it from landing if the FOW closed in too early during the ability (if a spotter was killed for example).
    - Received accuracy modifier removed from British Captain.
    - Bren carriers build time increased to 35 seconds.
    - Bren carriers Armour Piercing ability cost increased to 40 munitions.
    - UI changes to creeping barrage.
    - Fixed Bofors vs tp_armour_axis_panther_skirts
    - Vet cost Updates for Werhmacht Support units and Vehicles (from manpower/fuel - 100/30, 300/50, 300/70 to 100/20, 200/40, 250/50)
    - Wehrmacht Puma/234 Heavy Armoured car receives a 20% weapon range increase at Vet 2 and a 30% weapon damage increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Mortar teams receive a 50% damage increase to their barrage at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 35% speed boost at vet 1
    - Wehrmacht Nebelwerfers receive a 25% damage increase to their barrage at vet 3
    - Wehrmacht MG42s receive a +15 sight range increase at Vet 3
    - Wehrmacht Pak38s receive a 25% damage boost at Vet 3.
    - Kettenkrad sniper detection range increased to 20.
    - King Tiger generates 100mp reduction for 5 minutes upon arrival.
    - Wehrmacht Battle Phase fuel cost reduced to 50 from 65
    - Armour Piercing shells on Allied 57mm AT and British 17pounder increased to 50mun
    - Wehrmacht Panthers, Stugs, and Panzer IVS, and PE Panzer IVs Infantry Support Tanks are more resistant to infantry AT (Panzerschrecks, Bazookas, Sticky Bombs, Recoilless rifles, PIATs etc.) when they receive armour skirts from Veterancy or upgrades.
    - Wehrmacht pioneers receive a repair ability at Vet 3 that enables them to repair more effectively in combat. The damage modifier while repairing was reduced.
    - British LTs are affected by suppression, but can take a considerable amount of fire before becoming suppressed.
    - British Infantry sections and LTs have their capture modifier set to 1.0 instead of 1.5.
    - Bren carriers lose a received damage bonus (.85) when they upgrade with the Vickers MMG.
    - Mortar damage modifier increased vs tp_trench cover types.
    - British mortars have additional accuracy bonus vs slit trenches.
    - British Rifle grenades improved vs tp_trench cover type and trench objects.
    - Panzer Grenadiers and Fallschirmjagers have their passive mine detection re-enabled. Mines within 10m will be detected when the PGs are immobile for 3 seconds.
    - 250 Funkwagen halftrack will detect and reveal camouflaged snipers in an area around itself when setup.
    - British Infanty damage modifier while constructing emplacements increased from 1.5 to 2.0 to match Sappers.
    - Panzer Elite start with 50 munitions.
    - Stormtrooper's bundled grenade does 3x damage vs slit trenches.
    - Button vehicle will disable coaxial MGs before the main gun. Main gun will remain active for 5 seconds after ability is applied.
    - Tank guns set to .9 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry). Increased from .7
    - Removed rear damage enabled flag from Kettenkrad.
    - Panzer Grenadier AT grenades set to do the same damage vs British Infantry as regular infantry.
    - Wehrmacht forces receive a new medkit.
    - The basic medkit is available at tier 2 (after researching Escalate to Skirmish) but only functions in friendly territory.
    - At tier 4 (Escalate to Battle Phase) they receive a new medkit that can be used anywhere.
    - Stukas, V1s, and Nebelwerfers all have improved damage vs British emplacements.
    - Nebelwerfers and Stukas set to 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier.
    - Pak 38s and Flak 88s have been moved into the Vehicle Veterancy research at the KampfKraft Center.
    - Mortars set to do 1.0 damage vs tp_infantry_soldier target types (Panzer Grenadiers and British Infantry).
    - Building critical tuning.
    - V1 FOW scatter modifiers reduced.
    - PIAT scatter modified to reduce anti-infantry effectiveness
    - British Priest damage modifier vs buildings set from .35 to .25
    - Panzer Elite Scout car health increased from 220 to 260.
    - British Artillery cooldowns (basic and supercharge barrages) set from 60 to 90.
    - StuH weapon scatter reduced, angle of gun depression increased marginally.
    - StuH tilt set to 0m.
    - Panzer Elite AT grenade damage bug fixed on target types associated with British Infantry.
    - Pioneer veterancy moved to support veteran choice.
    - Help text not yet updated.
    - Pioneers have a received damage modifier when massed.
    - Butterfly mines set to damage all infantry types equally.
    - All Flamethrowers set to do damage to gliders after they land.
    - Removed incorrect squad AI plan from several tank squads.
    - Fixed a bug where abilities, such as BAR suppression, were able to be used in hold of M3 Halftrack. These abilities wouldn't work in the halftrack.
    - A data bug fix was made to Panzer Elite Suppressive Volley Fire
    - The modifiers would reset incorrectly when the squad moved.
    - Panzer Grenadier G43 Rifle upgrade cost increased to 50 from 35
    - Lieutenant Auras were tuned.
    - Removed received suppression modifiers
    - Set stacking cooldown weapon modifier on LT vet 2 from .75 to .9
    - Fixed a bug where the non-stacking modifier was stacking.
    - Added reload weapon modifier to LT vet 2 and set to .9
    - Removed reload weapon modifiers on LTs
    - Removed stacking accuracy modifier on LT vet 2
    - Reduced popcap bonus on LT vet 3 from 8 to 4.
    - Increased the amount of action required to gain veterancy levels on British Lieutenants from:
    - Second level requires 30 instead of 24
    - Third level requires 54 instead of 36
    - Panzer Elite Halftrack costs were adjusted
    - 250 Infantry Halftrack drops to 15 fuel from 20
    - 250 'Funkwagen' Halftrack drops to 0 from 20 fuel.
    - Munitions Halftrack was decreased from 280 to 220 manpower
    - All Panzer Elite 250 halftracks were increased in health from 260 to 300
    - Panzer Elite Scout cars cost decreased from 240 to 220 manpower
    - Panzer Elite Scout Car popcap decreased from 4 to 2.
    - Tank Buster infantry increased in cost to 390 manpower
    - Assault Infantry increased in price to 360 manpower
    - Received damage modifiers reduced to .99 on Group Zeal ability for Panzer Elite.
    - Panzer Elite 88mm health increased from 250 to 375.
    - British 25pounder fuel cost increased from 55 to 75.
    - British 25pounder popcap increased to 12 from 8
    - British 25pounder scatter increased 'forward' to help prevent shots landing within its minimum range.
    - Building criticals fixed for artillery. A bug was killing all occupants of a building when there was a near miss by artillery shell.
    - Axis Personnel population upkeep threshold increased from 12 to 14
    - Pioneer upkeep doubled from approximately 3 to approximately 6.
    - Upkeep removed from repair pioneer at Repair Bunker.
    - tp_slit_trench had its disable_target_search removed and artillery was added to its projectile pass through for flamethrowers.
    - V1 set to a new projectile type that will allow it to pass through buildings in order for it to hit its targeted location.
    - V1 scatter tuned.
    - PIAT Weapon tuned
    - Damage reduced from 100 to 90
    - Target accuracy reduced vs moving light vehicles (generally from .8 to .4).
    - PIAT armour penetration values set for a few missing Commonwealth vehicles (in case PIAT is picked up)
    - Allied Bazookas are slightly less accurate vs light vehicles.
    - British Starting pop cap dropped from 46 to 40
    - Panzer Elite Base Building Health increased from 500 to 1000.
    - Heavy Tank guns have reduced accuracy vs PE light vehicles. Modifier is set from 1 to .6
    - Stuarts, M8 Greyhounds have .8 moving accuracy modifier vs PE Light vehicles.
    - Sticky bombs given a .8 damage modifier vs Panzer Elite Light vehicles.
    - Snipers retreat modifiers tuned. Sniper retreat received accuracy modifier set to .75
    - Axis Mortar scatter reduced marginally to account for its extra range. Angle drops from 10 to 9, distance_scatter drops from 12 to 10.
    - Fallschirmjager FG42 rifle tuned.
    - Increased suppression
    - Increased accuracy at long range
    - Increased burst length
    - Increased reload frequency. Weapon will reload less often.
    - Removed 'building' type off Wehrmacht and Panzer Elite defenses to prevent Registered Artillery from being used on these structures.
    - Registered artillery has a slight modification to its target requirements.
    - Panzer Elite Aid Station health regeneration modifier set from .15 to .095

    v2.100 09/24/2007

    - Refactored network library.

    General Features
    - Added Commonwealth Army.
    - Added Panzer Elite Army.

    - A large number of bug fixes and tuning changes have been addressed.

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  20. 《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》英文版 V1.00 → 繁体中英文双语版 V1.00 转换包

    《荣誉勋章:神兵空降》英文版 V1.00 → 繁体中英文双语版 V1.00 转换包

    内置免光盘文件,可随时在繁体中文和英文版之间切换,支持 Punk Buster 检测,支持未来升级。

    该转换包可以将《荣誉勋章:空降兵》英文版 V1.00 完全转换为繁体中英文双语版 V1.00 。



    进入 我的文档\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne™\Config 文件夹;
    打开 MOHASettings.ini(如果您安装游戏后从未运行过游戏,则不会有该文件);
    把 Language = INT 改为 Language = TCH 是繁体中文版,反之是英文版。
    该文件 17 MB ,支持浏览器和网际快车(FlashGet)左键点击下载,同时在线最大 30 IP 。

    9 下载


  21. 《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》V1.00 全语言版免光盘补丁

    《荣誉勋章:神兵天降》(Medal of Honor: Airborne)V1.00 全语言版免光盘补丁。

    0 下载


  22. MOHPA V1.20 全语言版免光盘补丁

    《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》V1.20 全语言版免光盘补丁,适用于包括英文导演版、英文版、繁体中文版、简体中文版在内的所有 MOHPA V1.20 版本。

    注意:大陆地区《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》简体中文版发行的起始版本是 V1.20 ,不需要安装任何升级补丁,可以安装 V1.20 免光盘补丁。


    荣誉勋章第一个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:联合袭击》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:反攻诺曼第》),它共有两部资料片。第一部是 Spearhead (大陆译作《奇袭先锋》;港台译作《诺曼第大空降》;第二部是 Breakthrough (大陆译作《突破防线》;港台译作《突出重围》),需要注意的是两部资料片都需要先安装《联合袭击》,但两部资料片之间没有依存关系。

    荣誉勋章第二个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋战役》),无资料片。

    5 下载


  23. MOHPA V1.00 -> V1.10 繁体中文版 升级补丁

    官方发布的《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》繁体中文版 V1.00 → V1.10 升级补丁。

    该补丁仅对繁体中文版的 MOHPA 进行升级,如果要给其他语言版本的游戏升级,请下载相应语言版本的升级补丁。


    荣誉勋章第一个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:联合袭击》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:反攻诺曼第》),它共有两部资料片。第一部是 Spearhead (大陆译作《奇袭先锋》;港台译作《诺曼第大空降》;第二部是 Breakthrough (大陆译作《突破防线》;港台译作《突出重围》),需要注意的是两部资料片都需要先安装《联合袭击》,但两部资料片之间没有依存关系。

    荣誉勋章第二个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋战役》),无资料片。

    1 下载


  24. MOHPA V1.00 全语言版免光盘补丁

    《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》V1.00 全语言版免光盘补丁,适用于包括英文导演版、英文版、繁体中文版在内的所有 MOHPA V1.00 版本。

    注意:大陆地区《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》简体中文版发行的起始版本是 V1.20 ,不需要安装任何升级补丁,可以安装 V1.20 的免光盘补丁。


    荣誉勋章第一个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:联合袭击》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:反攻诺曼第》),它共有两部资料片。第一部是 Spearhead (大陆译作《奇袭先锋》;港台译作《诺曼第大空降》;第二部是 Breakthrough (大陆译作《突破防线》;港台译作《突出重围》),需要注意的是两部资料片都需要先安装《联合袭击》,但两部资料片之间没有依存关系。

    荣誉勋章第二个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋战役》),无资料片。

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  25. MOHPA V1.10 全语言版免光盘补丁

    《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》V1.10 全语言版免光盘补丁,适用于包括英文导演版、英文版、繁体中文版在内的所有 MOHPA V1.10 版本。

    注意:大陆地区《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》简体中文版发行的起始版本是 V1.20 ,不需要安装任何升级补丁,可以安装 V1.20 免光盘补丁。


    荣誉勋章第一个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:联合袭击》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:反攻诺曼第》),它共有两部资料片。第一部是 Spearhead (大陆译作《奇袭先锋》;港台译作《诺曼第大空降》;第二部是 Breakthrough (大陆译作《突破防线》;港台译作《突出重围》),需要注意的是两部资料片都需要先安装《联合袭击》,但两部资料片之间没有依存关系。

    荣誉勋章第二个 PC 版本 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (大陆译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋之战》;港台译作《荣誉勋章:太平洋战役》),无资料片。

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