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  1. 必须支持 不过周末没有看到服务器里的人呀?
  2. 厉害了 链接坏掉了 888前辈可以再发个吗
  3. 我们决定了高考后的3个月假期从MOHAA资料片和联机模式入手 开始学习并研究 争取做出一些东西或者起码掌握一些以后用得上的技术 我们到时候会向大家请教一些问题 希望各位给予支持
  4. 90后AAer集结地 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=MOHAA 希望前辈们支持
  5. 我们是集中在百度贴吧的一帮子90后 我们会接下去AA的事业 我们已经想好了 等明年一起高考完 就研究AA的引擎 我们的终极目标是做出《荣誉勋章MOHAA》的资料片 这是我们的集中地点 希望多支持 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=MOHAA
  6. 照猫画虎的修改过几次MOHAA的mod 但是这不是长久之计 从哪里入手呢?? VB? C? 这些语言应用性强吗?? 游戏中的scr、cfg、urc这些文件 都是由它编写的吗??
  7. http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjAzNTUwMDY0/v.swf
  8. 《荣誉勋章》专访 Chris Ryan 艺电8月底宣布,前SAS人员 Chris Ryan 将写游戏荣誉勋章的前传小说 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ueFkLlsWXDU/
  9. In Combat Mission, coalition forces are tasked to clear five consecutive objectives to win and the insurgents must stop them at any cost. As objectives are cleared new areas of the map open up to reveal what coalition needs to do next. Watch the Team Health meter which represents coalition reinforcements. If it’s depleted before the current objective is cleared the match ends and coalition forces are stopped in their tracks. This game mode is played on three maps with five objectives on each for the attackers to clear. Objectives are varying and tied to a story line, e.g. secure a downed chopper or eliminate a mortar station. Combat Mission is its own game mode playlist on the front screen. RULES In Combat Mission one team takes on the role of attackers and one team the role of defenders. After each round the teams assignments are switched, so players attack one round and defend one round. Fictionally the coalition soldiers are always the attackers and insurgents are always the defenders. As the coalition moves through the map they are tasked with varying objectives that they need to clear to continue and ultimately win. There are two types of objective logic used to clear these. They are respectively an arm/disarm mechanic and a secure mechanic. The arm/disarm require attackers to arm an objective (with explosives or similar) and which the defenders can then disarm, forcing attackers to rearm. After a certain time an armed objective will trigger, making the game move on to the next objective in the chain. The secure objective tasks the attackers with staying within a certain area long enough to capture it. The more attackers in the radius the quicker it goes, but defenders in the area will counteract this making it slower. When captured the game moves on to the next objective. The UI will clearly indicate what type of action is required, e.g. “Press and hold X to arm explosive” or “Stay within target for five seconds to secure area”. Arm objectives are mostly used to plant explosives while Secure forces the attackers to “own” an area for a certain amount of time by clearing it from enemies. As mentioned, if the attackers manage to clear an objective the game continues to the next objective in line. This is linear and objectives must be taken in the predefined order. As the attackers clear objectives the gameplay area of the map moves, with areas being closed off and opened up. The goal for the attackers is to clear all five objectives and the defenders must simply stop them. The attackers team have a predefined team health, or number of respawns and whenever a player is killed a little health is depleted. If the attacking team runs out of health before finishing the current leg of the objective chain they will lose the whole match. Whenever they manage to trigger, or clear, an objective, they gain some team health back. If the Attackers, or coalition forces, manage to clear all objectives they have won the round. If the defenders, or insurgents, manage to stop them they have won. COMBAT MISSION SPAWNING Combat Mission uses an automatic spawn system that measures the playing field and uses a predetermined set of rules to find the best spot for a player to rejoin the battle. In other words, when a player spawns in he will just press one of two buttons. For insurgents, or defenders, this is always a predetermined point on the map. Coalition, or attackers, on the other hand, uses a more complex logic to keep them in play close to the objectives. All soldiers on the coalition side are invisibly joined to four man units, or fire teams. These are in no way communicated to the player, but they are used to pick good places to spawn on. During the spawn process the player will see through a spawn camera what the situation looks like and whether spawning on a member is a good idea or not. If the system can’t find a valid player as a target it will default to spawn the player in his/her home base, which is simply a predetermined place on the map. MAPS Combat Mission uses its own custom maps which are larger than the maps of any other game mode and custom built for the flow and narrative.
  10. 《荣誉勋章》Experience 第三部分 战斗任务模式-高价值目标 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/y5L8IjHSmWI/
  11. 《荣誉勋章2010》Experience 第二部分预告 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/n35NnNluRas/ 这是BETA反馈改善视频,跟前阿帕奇游戏视频有各方面多大改善?
  12. Fallen Angel 多人游戏预告片 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/lXhe6bc1Pe8/ 另外,荣誉勋章2010也将出小说 prequel novel as for Medal of Honor Electronic Arts announced today that Chris Ryan, former SAS officer will write a prequel to the game Medal of Honor. So far, no details filtered through this book, nor even its availability in our countered and date of publication. Nevertheless, the author states that the story is told in his book directly involve the operators of Tier 1 with the characters of "Rabbit", "Mother," "Preacher" and "Voodoo." Finally, remember that the game will be sold at preferential rates with the book in an American teacher.
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