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Life is mostly like to be endless compromises after censures.

Entries in this blog

Talladega Nights

U lost something U thought important, then U realize something or someone precious Finally U got something U really need. Ummmm, where's the final French kiss? ... ...Oh, forget it... ...




Total nuts... Do not eat or drink anything while watching it, if U real want...for Ur good



American Beauty

U have no idea what I'm talking about I am sure. But don't worry... U will... some day... I'm sure...



Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

==================================================================== Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough I don't wanna lose you I don't wanna use you Just to have somebody by my side And I don't wanna hate you I don't wanna take you But I don't wanna be the one to cry That don't really a matter to anyone, anymore But like a fool I keep losing my place And I keep seeing you walk through that door But there's a danger in loving somebody too much And it's sad when you know it's



American Psycho

American Psycho might be a movie about a real psycho made by the business world or maybe telling us all of them are that kind. American Psycho II told a story about a successful female serial killer chasing her dream, maybe the killer inside the girl made her dream or the dream made the killer, who knows...



Not good

I got a bad feeling recently that's really really bad, I'm afraid I am losing my grandmother for real this time, hard to tell what I am lotting on now. Just trying to figure out the scene when it comes for real.




:nono: 不要吝惜您投的宝贵的一票, 它可能会改变一个人的生活, 也许会伴随一个即将到来的生命一生哦! 即时在我们百年之后…… 听说预产期:2006-11-09 到时截止!替事主感谢大家提供的意见 某位文人给的,可惜全是三字的,不知道拆来用好不好? 寒月 雅馨 云岫 汐情 雅馨 杰希 景辉 梦瑶 语琦 子晨 雨露 晗羿 氏政 唐秀 唐宣 静婷 雯倩 沂南 鸣浩 泽辉 咏波 绍峰 佳雨 霈泽 煜宸 煜晨 皓轩 韦皓 耀辉 心洁 以下由投票网友提供! 姚伊辰 姚保罗 姚(心\芯\馨\歆\鑫)钰 姚雨枫 姚雨馨 (aya 知道姚姓缺水啊?!这么多雨水……) 姚淑君 5 又想到一个:姚过(谐音杨过、腰果、咬过……) 其他姚姓历史名人   姚范:桐城人,清代著名文学家,乾隆进士,任三礼馆纂修,其学深究遗经,综括精粹。(这个否决了……音同要饭……)   姚鼐:姚范的侄子,与方苞、刘大槐创立了清代散文重要流派--桐城派,曾参加过清代《四库全书》的编纂,其治学以经为主,




family F ather A nd M other I L ove Y ou Father And Mother I Lover You though I was or maybe yet a headachy child...



Review of Saving Private Ryan 1998

Human nature: None of them want such a mission for Ryan's poor mother, cos they thought they were sent for the war. None of them want to take out the mg42, cos they then thought they were assigned to saving private Ryan. Pain for the cost Unexpected truth Moment to decide Make up minds Hard to choose Frailty of men Unexpected encounter again Ultimately persevere Price of the victory



For anyicu

Stroy is here So everybody is innocent, everybody is evil, everybody didn't care about every U... So U 'r permit to do the same way, cos it sounds reasonable, it's the revenge of victims, What is the defference after U got what U want without any care to the other victims? It's no point in doing that, nothing but a childish boy scout. Be reasonable, it's not the exact result U want with this game. I write this in EN cos I do not need everyone to understand what does it me



Something maybe I'd like to do as another Daydream

I'd like to own a shop like this, if I got enough money... Do I have that money? No... What's more? I can't start a shop filled up with all sorts of pistols, rifles, shotguns, bullets and shells... in my motherland legally... even I got enough loan... What is more lethal than arsenic? Lethal ideas of people. Both history and common sense suggest that guns don't take lives, people did... THX for the photographs uploaded by 911pm



Another day of blue

   The Blue Day Book   心情忧郁时 别在悲伤的海里沉浮   -----------------布拉德里·特雷弗·格里夫   Everybody has blue days.   每个人都有忧郁的日子。   These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.   那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、怨气丛生、寂寞、整个人彻底的精疲力竭。   Days when you feel small and insignificant,   那些日子总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道,   when everything seems just out of reach.   每件事情似乎都够不着边。   You can't rise to the occasion.   你根本无法振作起来。   Just getting started seems impossible.   根本没有力气重新



Thank you for smoking

As a person with few words I would never want to argue with a guy like that. Dialogue that I like …… My product(cigarette) puts away 475,000 a year. 我这行每年害死四十七万五千条人命 Oh, okay, now 475 is a legit number. 好啦 这是官方数字 Okay, 435,000. 好吧 四十三万五千人 That's 1,200 a day. 这可是1200人每天喔 How many alcohol-related deaths a year? 酒类每年多少死亡人数 - Well, does that... - 100,000 tops? -嗯 有.. -十万到顶了吧 That's, what, 270 a day? 那就是 多少 两百七十人每天 Wowee. 270 people, a tragedy. 哇 两百七十人 真是悲剧啊 E



Buster Machine

The reason why I use Buster Machine not Die Buster for the tittle is that U should know the former episode named Gun Buster. U could find out some answers of the puzzles left by the Die Buster.



9 & Mathematics

把任意数字的个、十、百……位数字依次相加所得的数字不等于 9 的,大于 9 继续相加, 用最后加得的小于 9 的数字与其上个和相减所得的数字大于 9 的话,继续相加相减,最后的结果都会是 9! 22 - 4(2+2) 18 - 9(1+8) = 9 1873 - 19(1+8+7+3) - 10(1+9) - 1(1+0) = 9 3954230 26(3+9+5+4+2+3+0) - 8(2+6)



Curious George

Cute protagonist, fair-sounding music...fly ur dreams of nature inside this movie, outside the crowd.




一部俄罗斯版的《狼牙山五壮士》 虽然没有宏大的战争场面,对士兵生活的交代也稍显模棱, 却用一次不可能的任务证明了在理想主义逝去后的俄罗斯, 对于信念的忠诚依然是其民族精神不可磨灭的一部分。




今年是鲁迅诞辰 125 周年,逝世 70 周年! 虽然仍旧不乏愚民,中国已然今非昔比…… 记得幼时被迫学习您的作品时,对您曾恨之入骨; 当时真的难以理解:难道让小学生抄写 N 次大作,大家 9 都是‘大家’了?!后来方知留作业的不是鲁师父您…… 记得中学时听了语文老师对您所处环境和时代的描述,方知您写作的无奈; 当时深感您的伟大和痛苦,庆幸自己的幸福……单纯的幸福真让人怀念啊…… 记得现在自己也是个馒头…… 9 是要让一些夜以继日忙于财富的人知道,中华民族曾经有过您这位忧患民族命运的大家,且仍然有人记得您! 虽然现在幸福已经不在象以前那么简单,虽然发现自己很难满足,虽然中国在腾飞……(大家都这么说的) 我仍然希望自己能像您笔下的那颗血色馒头般警醒人群,哪怕只是一点点…… 相关链接: 日本的“鲁迅学” 他们眼中的鲁迅 (他们在研究警醒当时国人的鲁迅,而国人眼中财富高于一切的时代何时结束?)



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