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论坛帖子 由 =637=北京泥大也 发布的

  1. 我对泥大也看法有了很大转变



  2. 原帖:http://bbs.dtfps.cn/thread-1978-1-1.html


    Free Multiplayer Map! The tide is out and the sun is high – this daytime version of Makin sheds new light on the battle!

    Fixed exploits that allowed for power ranking servers.

    Fixed router related server authentication errors.

    Fixed HTTP Redirect functionality for downloading mods

    Fixed sound device crashes stemming from Emulated Sound Devices

    Fixed exploit which allowed players to color their name tag.

    Hits now register properly while targeted player is leaning.

    Enabled /cg_drawfps in multiplayer games.

    Fixed command-line +connect functionality

    /cg_fov no longer resets to the default value in between matches.

    Dedicated servers automatically reconnect to the Master Server in case the Master Server resets.

    "Accept Game Invite" is bound to its default key, F10.

    Implemented fix for attempting to join password protected servers from the server browser.

    Fine tuned Bolt-Action Rifles for balance.

    Screenshots no longer overwrite each other.

    Fixed various multiplayer map related issues and exploits.



    Filefront - http://files.filefront.com/

    IGN / Fileplanet - http://www.fileplanet.com

    Fileshack - http://www.fileplanet.com/

    Gamespot - http://www.gamespot.com/

    Gamershell - http://www.gamershell.com

    Ausgamers - http://www.ausgamers.com

    Worthplaying - http://www.worthdownloading.com

    Computer Games - http://www.computergamers.com

    Gamezone - http://downloads.gamezone.com

    GamersLifeLine.com - http://gamerslifeline.com

    Hypernia.com - http://www.hypernia.com

    FPS Admin - http://www.fpsadmin.com/

    Planet Call of Duty - http://planetcallofduty.gamespy.com/

    楼主不是TNW战队吗? 怎么又挂UN的队标了?
  3. 呃,

    :( 首先,阿亮没你老兄那么有时间; :(

    :huh: 再则不太守规矩,工作中已经有很多纪律之类的东东,本来就比较烦了; :huh:

    :rolleyes: 再再则最重要的是,玩 COD2 是一个兴趣之一,且只是一个兴趣而已,游戏嘛,生活中还有很多其它兴趣可以填充休息时间,不像你老兄对这个 Game 这么投入。 :rolleyes:

    :lol: 从来没想过要加入什么站队,还是当散兵比较好,想起来上来整一把就睡觉多好。 :lol:

    ;) 过年回 lp 老家了,挂 well.E 马甲在 HF 混战。 ;)

    你不是老兵,胜似老兵! 我之所以现在这么专注,是我怕一旦将来有了孩子,就不能来了,所以我要珍惜把握!

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