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  2. 地震的那一刹那,我本能地扣了扳机   连长提着手枪指挥着:“原子弹爆炸了,赶快抢占工事!”   那一年,我刚满20岁,在唐山机场某连服役。我们部队驻地在郊区的一片大苹果园里,一排崭新的平顶红砖房整齐地环立在足有两层楼高的406雷达天线旁。从这里往东是唐山市区,往西紧挨着飞机场跑道,往北2华里是唐山机场的场站机关。往南不远,是一个有着几百户人家的村子,叫做“碑子院”。   1976年的夏天显得非常奇特,出现了许多古怪的征兆。雷鸣闪电伴着滂沱大雨下个没完没了。老兵们望着外面白茫茫的一片大水,都说从来没见过这么大的雨水;炊事班那头已经生养过几代子孙的老母猪突然吃起自己的新生小猪来;大震头几天,碑子院村鸡飞狗跳,在我们营地都听得真真切切;井水变浑了,河水突然倒流起来,道路则多处翻浆……   7月28日凌晨3点钟,我被叫醒换岗,这是一班到4:30分的夜岗。我当时的感觉是,怎么外面这么静啊?连每天夜岗都咬得我难受之极的蚊子也不见了。我按惯例隐蔽到距雷达天线20多米的果树下。时间大约到了凌晨3点半,天地越发显得昏暗,一种莫名其妙的恐怖感爬上我的心头,我身上的每根神经都开始绷紧了。   突然,从雷达天线车的方向传来一阵金属的哆嗦声,十几米高的塔形铁掌显然是正在被一股巨大的力量摇晃着。“有情况!”我惊恐地端好枪,一步步向发出声响的地方走去。一步,两步,三步……第五步还没落脚,天线上空忽然闪出一个月亮般大小、边缘松散的大白球。它那令人毛骨悚然的白光把大地足足照亮了两秒钟,房屋、果树、小草等都清晰地出现在眼前。还没等天暗下来,脚下已经剧烈地摇晃起来,一切的一切都在翻江倒海似地动。“是原子弹袭击?不对,没有冲击波。啊——是地震!”大脑在瞬间就形成了判断。我拼命地喊起来:“地震了,地震了!”在摔倒在地之前,我本能地拉了一下枪栓,并扣动了扳机。没有子弹的枪膛里发出可怜的空响,立刻就被甩飞了。随之而来的是如千百架飞机启动时的巨大轰鸣,毫不客气地压住了我声嘶力竭的呼喊。我甚至连自己的声音都听不清,整个人在地上一会滚向东,一会滚向西,很快就分不清方向了。大约过了几十秒钟,在渐渐远去的隆隆声中,我刚好滚到一根排球网柱下,赶紧抓住它,踉踉跄跄地站起来。我简直不相信自己的眼睛了,那一排排崭新的小平房,竟一间也没有倒,几个门口,人不断地跌出来……   我强咽下一口唾沫,润润喊哑了的嗓子,同时奔到窗台下,捡起用来计算站岗时间的小闹钟。此时时针正好指向3点37分(注:此表不一定特别准确)。   震后仅仅几分钟,在砸塌的雷达车上,在大路口,在防地的周围,都出现了持枪的身影。连长提着手枪指挥着:“原子弹爆炸了,赶快抢占工事!”我抓住他的一只胳膊,用沙哑的嗓子喊道,不,不是战争,是地震了。他愣了一下,立刻命令大家离开建筑物,全集中到操场上去。   震后7分钟,战士们已经开始奉命行动了。一部分人坚守岗位,修复雷达工作室,另抽出10多人由指导员带领,奔向离连队最近的碑子院(1984年出版的军史上这样记载着:“在唐山大地震发生时,驻唐山市郊的某部十连,震后不到七分钟,即赶到1公里之外的生产大队,抢救遇险群众……”)。那时,天上断断续续地下起了雨,脚下每几分钟一次的余震,使路上的人像喝多了酒似的东摇西晃。   到了村口,借着闪电的余光,大家都呆住了——这是那个熟悉的繁华的小村庄吗?再也看不到那片冀东特色的绘有壁画的平顶灰砖房,脚下是一堆堆大土包。十几个惊魂未定的幸存者穿着裤衩在那儿哆嗦着,有的还紧紧抱在一起。周围到处都是呼救和哭喊声,这些人竟无动于衷。一个赤背上淌着血的村干部显然已经动员了大半天,嗓子都喊哑了,但呆若木鸡的人们还是一动不动。我们的出现,好像一针强心剂,僵死的人们开始活跃起来。那村干部更像是见了救星,猛扑过来,抓住指导员的手,带着哭腔说:“咋办啊,这可咋办啊?”指导员跳上一个大土堆,挥手喊道:“乡亲们,不要怕,有部队在,就有你们的亲人在,快给我们带路啊!”“解放军万岁!”“共产党万岁!”   我们最先从身边的土堆里扒出一个小男孩,又从木梁下面拉出他那断了双腿的母亲。血,搀杂着墙灰土的人血,有生以来第一次沾上了我的双手,它粘糊糊的,带着一股刺鼻的腥味。我和两个老兵领着几个群众首先向村子里边跑去。跨过几处木头与砖堆,又越过半截断墙,眼前猛然闪出一具白乎乎的丰满女尸。两位直了眼的老人,正在院子里往裸尸上盖一条破被单。一问,新婚丈夫还埋在旁边的砖瓦中,我竭力控制住涌上大脑的热血,忙和大家奔上那座半人高的房堆,用双手疯狂地扒开了…… 在当时,所有铁锹、镐头等工具都被埋到了土堆里,就是有,我们也不肯用,一切只是为了群众的安全。所以救人扒口子,全靠手指头。   玻璃、瓦片、钢筋很快就把双手划得鲜血淋漓。盛夏季节穿的凉鞋不断碰到钢筋上,脚裂开了一道道肉口子……我们竟觉不出疼来。有个群众手下扒出了一个蚊帐,我忙跑过去,按了按那个蚊帐,像皮球一样有弹性。这是人肚子!我忙把大家都喊过来,小包围圈里出现了四五双手,砖、瓦、木片、灰土纷纷飞向一边,很快那赤条条的大腿和热乎乎的身子就露出来了。几分钟后,一幅惊心动魄的惨景赫然出现在我们面前,只见两根水桶般粗细的房梁,紧紧地挤住了一个扁脑袋,两条胳膊蜷缩在胸前,不断地抽动着……我抢上去用力推开房梁,伸手搂住那个不规则的头颅,血水和脑浆顿时倾泻在我的军装上,染花了一大片。新郎在我怀中噗噗地直喘气,紫色的泥沙和血浆不断从口鼻中喷出来……   记不得两具尸体是怎样抬到一条被单上去的了。从那时起,我的头脑空白了,人也变得疯狂了。我几步跳出院子,用力挥动着胳膊跑着,喊着:“哪里还有埋着的人?哪里还有埋着的人?”我们几个人,像一股狂热的台风,用几乎是拼命的速度卷过一家又一家,很快又救出三个喘着大气的小伙子。但还没等看清他们长得什么样子,就又被呼救声给叫走了。等忙了一圈回来,脚下竟是三具僵硬的尸首了。这件事每每想起来,我就为没对他们及时进行人工呼吸而内疚。直到多年后一位大夫听了我的叙述明确指出,他们可能是死于严重的内伤时,我的心才平静了一些。   被救的小伙子死死抱着我,泪流满面地问我的名字   我告诉他:“我叫解放军。”   我们折回村头,这里已经像开了锅一样。同志们得知市里的噩耗以后,正围着干部们请愿呢!“唐山师范学校告急!”这急促的喊声立刻使人们安静下来。唐山师范学校有四五百人还埋在坍塌的楼里。这所学校在当时的唐山也是一所高等学府了。   我们以最快的速度冲到倒塌的大院内,稀稀拉拉的几个同学,散布在三座不如平房高的楼堆上,在暴雨的冲刷下,一股股红色的小溪流正从碎墙和裂缝中涌出来。很多死者的四肢和腰身暴露在水泥板堆外面。呻吟和惨叫声从脚边一直响到废墟的深处。我也顾不得听指挥了,几步跨上这震前的三层大楼顶,迎接我的是变了调的“解放军万岁!解放军万岁!”的呼叫。一个大个头男同学,最先扑过来,抱住我半天说不出话来。   在一条水泥板和碎砖支成的窄缝里,一个男低音从里面时断时续地传出来。余震袭来,那条缝隙又缩小了几分。我脱下军装,从那条缝隙里强挤了进去。里面黑咕隆咚的,足有5米多深,借着洞口的余光,我好半天才看清里面的一切。一辆变了形的自行车梁,紧压在那男同学的腰上。车上是块破床板,再上面是一块摸不到边的水泥预制板,离他只有一米多高。余震伴随着地声滚来,尘土中床板又“咔咔”地断了好几截。只听一声惨叫,自行车下的人又疼得昏了过去。我用力吐出溅进嘴里的灰土,情急之中每一根神经都绷紧了。余震一个接着一个,要说不害怕,那简直就是睁着眼说瞎话。我只要后退出几米,声称里面已经卡死了,无法搭救,自己就可安然无事……可是在那时候,几乎每一个军人都置生死于不顾了。后面几个焦虑的声音喊道:“危险,解放军同志,你赶紧出来吧!”我硬着头皮说没事。   这时车子下面的那个同学带着哭腔说:“叔叔,我……我全靠你了……”其实我那年才刚刚 20岁,跟他差不多大。情急生智,我忽然想到了中学时学过的杠杆原理,于是顺手摸了一根铁棍,迅速插到自行车的车梁底下,使尽全力用半个身子压下去。啊!自行车居然活动了,慢慢抬离了伤员的腰。我忙在棍下垫了块石头,又继续撬起来……就这样,硬是在这几乎不可能抬起的数吨重物中,牢牢地支起了一个微小的空间,我兴奋地抱住他的腿,一点点向透进生命之光的洞口挪去……洞口早聚集了一大批人,大家七手八脚把我俩拉出来,还没等站稳,只听轰隆一声,在余震卷起的尘雾中,那道窄缝就永远地消失了!所有的人都目瞪口呆。   我吃力地背起断了腰的男同学向操场走去。这位1.80米的大小伙子压在我只有1.60米多一点的身躯上,实在是让我勉为其难。一不小心,脚板踩在木梁的一根大铁钉上,顿时感到天旋地转的疼痛。好不容易到了操场上,才发现自己的大脚趾头上的指甲已经快掉下来了,可能是刚才碰到了石头上,仅剩一点皮连在脚上。那个被救的小伙子死死地抱住我的左腿,泪流满面地问我的名字。我不说,他就死死地不松手。我费力地掰开他的手,告诉他:“我叫解放军。”趁他一愣神,我赶紧一瘸一拐地跑开了……   我没有计算自己一共救出了多少人,我相信所有的战友们都没有计算过。除非这个人有毛病。后来《空军报》的记者在采访我的时候,报道我先后救出了“十几个阶级弟兄”,我未置可否,我想,那应该是最小的、最保守的一个数字吧!我想我在这里有必要把一个小小的细节讲给大家听。 在我和四个小伙子组成的救人小分队正干得热火朝天的时候,一个老教师不知从哪儿拿来了十多个生桃子。“来来来,每人一份,吃完了再干。都3点多了。”“什么?”我暗吃了一惊,这就是说,从凌晨接岗到现在,我已经整整12个小时米水未进了。人就怕松劲,这样一想,我顿觉眼前一黑,好半天才定住神。作为解放军战士,我们连队在那个苹果园已经驻扎了十多年,还没吃过人家一个苹果,但是现在,我却实在控制不住自己的眼睛了,目光死死地盯住了那几个生桃子。不过,我还是毅然推开了老师那捧着桃子的手,说:“谢谢您,我不能吃。我省下一份,群众和伤员就能多吃一份了。”老人老泪纵横……这不是我凭空捏造出来的精彩故事,这是发生在唐山大地震中军民之间无数个真实的往事之中的一个。   实在吓不跑,也只准射向哄抢者的腿,尽量不打死一人   我永远无法忘记震后最初几天那不太和谐的音符。   在倒塌的冷库中,5万头生猪被大雨冲刷着,散发着诱人的味道;银行那摔裂的保险柜旁,飞舞着一张张崭新的“大团结”;商店里原先摆在柜台上的手表、收音机、呢料现在全都暴露在了光天化日之下……   哄抢是这样开始的——人们先是自发地拥向食品店,拣出里面可吃的东西填饱肚子,然后找到布店,用一块块布匹裹在自己赤裸的身体上。吃饱穿好后,一些人终于原形毕露了,带头冲向那些并不属于自己的财富。在商店,他们掠走了一切能搬动的东西;在银行,成捆的钞票塞进了扎起裤脚的裤裆;在食品厂,有人因分赃不均而厮打成一团……新市区百货商场,这个唐山最大的商业中心废墟边,部队战士手挽手组成三道人墙还是被冲开了;路南区那个空空的保险柜,碑子院那个被抢得见不到一块整砖头的供销社,至今还在我眼前晃动着……   在这极度混乱的状态中,“八一”军旗下的战士们本着打不还手,骂不还口的原则,再次冲上第一线,保护这批唐山明天的物质基石。战士们的血,再次流下来。有的战士几乎被打死,手中还死死抓着一捆布!   当我和另一个战友被派驻某供销总社时,唐山公物的守卫者们接到了“险况时可以开枪自卫”的命令。   我还清楚地记得,面色严峻的指导员先向我们通报了发生在昨天的惨剧:在某供销社,几个陆军战士,全部被打成重伤,造成终生残疾。接着再三叮嘱我们,情况危急时,第一个点射,只准朝天上放;第二个点射,只能朝人头上方的空中放。实在吓不跑,也只准扫射他们的腿部,尽量不打死一个人。   黑夜降临了,在零星传来的枪声中,我端着压满30发子弹的冲锋枪,警惕地巡逻在一堆堆公物边,那废墟中用塑料布搭起的窝棚里,另一位等待换班的战士就枕在装有几十万公款的铁匣子上睡觉……   几天后,枪声停了,各级组织基本上恢复了,一场限期退赃还款的运动开始了。当街挂起的高音喇叭里,整日整宿地呼喊着:“广大社员注意了,广大社员注意了,限期XX日晚12点前,把公共财产送还原处,过期不还者,查出严办!及时送还者,概不追究!”   人,毕竟是人,当他们的头脑清醒后,意识到自己到底干了些什么时,惊恐和悔恨马上占满了整个身心。因此,他们没有勇气在光天化日之下把公物送还回来。于是,每当夜幕降临时,一群群黑影重又活跃在几天前他们来过的地方,你会惊奇地发现,在商店、银行、工厂的军队警戒线外,冒出一堆堆的物品。
  3. From the album:


    © 11

  4. girl

  5. 还犹豫啥?等能等来幸福?
  6. 基地战队已阅! 将严格迎接荣誉届盛事!
  7. 哈哈! 新春愉快! 心想事成!
  8. (括号内文字为解读规则或其他建议) 1、规则基本同常规赛,obj模式,还是3张图,抢3。 2、参加人数12v12(或者人员不限,服务器开到最大,双方可以无限加入,不断增兵,以体现新春合家欢之融洽气氛。) 3、开火箭筒,设一发炮弹(平时可以禁放,春节不放炮不行,毕竟是过大年嘛!增加喜庆气氛!) 4、参赛队伍实行单循环比赛,一场定胜负,积分情况同常规赛。 5、参赛战队队员只挂本战队战队队标,不体现个人id。(以便在ts中制造必要的混乱,保护一些特殊同志) 6、每一战队启用1-3名特工人员,加挂对方战队队标,打入对方内部,采取一切可能手段,竭尽所能负责捣乱对方计划、部署、总之,发挥你无穷想象力,干一切杀人放火之事!(抢3第一局:双方互派1名特务打入对方内部;抢3第二局,双方互派2名特务打入对方内部;抢3第三局,双方互派3名特务打入对方内部。为了充分增加娱乐性、增加难度、体会不曾体会过的感觉!哈哈!) 7、每局比赛最后,ts中判定胜负。(因为有时侯,谁也不知道活在最后的人是自己人还是对方的特务。谁的人完成任务,或者活到最后,谁的战队获胜。) 8、联赛设: 新春优胜奖1名(联赛积分第一) 狗年人气奖1名(参赛人气最旺战队获得) 最佳娱乐奖1名(奖给表现最佳战队,特指娱乐性最高) 最聪明机智奖1名(奖给比赛时应变能力最强,表现最机智战队) 虽败犹荣奖1名(奖给发挥比最佳差一点点的战队) 发挥最差奖1名(哈哈!奖给发挥最差战队,以示鼓励) ......其他奖项,欢迎补充! 注意:为体现公平原则,各项奖项不得兼得。 抛砖引玉!供大家参考!希望大家度过一个难忘的春节!(备注:灵感来自于老莫)
  9. 新春荣誉特别联赛举办要点: 1、组委会立马成立 2、参赛队快点确定 3、规则尽早指出,一定要体现趣味性、娱乐性、合家欢等(春晚之一切内涵) 4、比赛时间、场次。 关于春节期间举办MOH特别联赛的指示(老莫出版社供稿) 赛制一:每人六颗雷,没有枪。如果最后还剩下活的,成为僵局,即按存活人数评判输 赢。(想象一下大街上逛荡着N个手无寸铁的白人的场面...) 赛制二:每人只有手枪,无子弹。残酷的抡人战争,也许由此研发出新的战术--抡人也是要有技巧地。(想象一下街头流氓群殴的场面) 赛制三:所有规则同常规赛,唯一的特点是,双方互相派入2名(双方共4名)特务,负责捣乱。除本队队长和个人外,其余人都不知道。2个特务也不知道彼此。每小局无论战斗结果如何,若本队内潜伏的特务还存活,即宣告本队战败。(比赛全部结束后,由双方队长提供名单,公布最终结果) 注:特务可以象正常队员一样作战,也可以做包括TK、挤人、堵门、装死、放空枪、留记号报位等任何坏事。任何队员,若怀疑其他任何队员是特务,可以就地击毙。 例如:V2 ,抢3,M与JS比赛,JS事先指定LULU和ZLZB是特务,如果小局M获胜,但2者有一存活,判定该局M失败。 想象一下,MOH版无间道的热闹场面。 补充:关于特务的选择,关于特务的选择,由队长事先找对方合适的人选进行个别谈话, 双方意象达成即可。 ************************老莫一出,创意非凡************************* 特务可以做正常队员的任何动作,当然包括开枪投雷,只是是否要打空枪看个人爱好... 觉得特务人选还是用本队的人好,ID还是用以前的,这样比较有趣,如果ID全部一样,就没法实现常规赛的指挥作战了。 判定胜负与常规赛一样,只是在比赛完结之后,双方队长交换特务名单,单后重新按照规则评断结果,其实胜负其次,关键在比赛中大家的怀疑心态和最后大家知道谁是特务的恍然大悟,这样比较有趣... 补充一点:关于特务的选择,由队长事先找对方合适的人选进行个别谈话,双方意象达成即可 Mozartao
  10. 为了喜迎新春,建议各大战队广开思路,春节期间举办一个特别联赛, 场次不必太多,有3-5场足够!但是内容要有新意!哈哈!都是为了逗乐呀! 同意的举手! 1、同意 2、非常同意 3、只能同意 4、不同意不行 5、为啥不同意 6、同意就挺好的 7、是男人一定要同意 8、女人嘛,不能不同意 联络官:=M=的菜花、小雪 联络网址http://www.mclan.com.cn/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=19069&star=1#3725
  11. 不管如何,我们又共同度过了一个难忘的2005。 经过多少日夜的战火洗礼,我们之间的友情更加深厚! 展望2006, 希望各个兄弟战队,百尺竿头,更进一步! 游戏毕竟只是一个纽带,更有内涵的东西往往在朝夕相处的那些不眠之夜里! 哈哈! 新年快乐!
  12. 想加入基地就去 基地战队(点击进入)
  13. 1.加入基地来去自由、无拘无束、 2.无试用期、无转正期,无需考核,新兵当天享受老兵一切待遇。 3.无需训练,可以立刻参加联赛,基地方式:在战斗中成长! 4.表现突出,一战成名,连升三级。 5.基地有组织无纪律,一日战友,终生兄弟! 你还犹豫什么?赶快登陆www.freejd.com加入基地。 (移动用户发短信139*********;联通用户发短信130*********;小灵通用户发短信10600**********)
  14. 没问题! 到时候兄弟你负责收门票! 哈哈!
  15. 周一晚,看到FF2服务器主要是三个战队人员在PK,girl闲得发慌,何不来个友谊赛! 当时=FF=人最多,于是girl建议=BASE= 和=E=打=FF= ,可=FF= 不同意,说他们人不够。 于是girl又建议=BASE= 和=FF=打=E=,=E=也不同意,人少。两队都决定联手打=BASE=。 哈哈!正中girl的下怀! 可当时=BASE=只有6个人,也不够。当然girl是有办法的,立刻去喊=M=兄弟帮忙。 于是促成了史无前例的四队PK大战 (=BASE=和=M= V =E=和=FF= )。 结果姑且不论,过程比较精彩! 感慨之余,girl认为:两两联队比赛,可以比单纯两队比赛,观赏性、娱乐性都要强很多! 也可以更好的促进联合战队的相互了解、相互提高!大家教学相长,其乐无穷。 游戏毕竟是游戏!不过游戏也是来源于实战。实战中英美盟军还联合那!为什么荣誉比赛中 我们不能联合哪? 展开讨论,今后我们各个兄弟战队可以经常性的举办一些两两自由组合的联军对抗赛, 这样一来可以解决各个战队平时上线人员偏少,组不成队参赛的问题!二来, 可以发扬荣誉的内在魅力!更好的促进大家之间相互了解!使荣誉游戏长盛不衰! 综上所诉:girl建议今后可以试开辟新的联军对抗赛(两个对两个,每队各上6人)。 具体比赛规则,大家集体讨论决定。参考:联军轮流组合,抽签决定,娱乐为主, 比赛成绩不是重要的!
  16. 说的有理! 不过娱乐还可以。 不妨设计一个攻防双方1:2人员配备,看看比赛有没意思? 哈哈!因为实战中绝对没有人员对等! 毛主席教导我们:集中优势兵力打歼灭战!哈哈!
  17. 基地确认EA联赛比赛结果。 对于联赛期间,与兄弟战队建立的深情厚谊,基地倍感珍惜!再次感谢EA组织的这次成功的联赛! 对于S-22兄弟作出的巨大贡献,基地代表所有参赛战队鞠躬致谢! 基地证书保管人的姓名,通信地址和邮编(当然联系人是基地元首) 肖宏 海南省海口市正义路5号B5-702 邮编570206
  18. 哈哈! 元首看来是把没比的分数提前算进来了! 哈哈!当前积1分。
  19. General The ClanBase MoHAA Objective SummerCup is an online tournament for European, Russian or Israeli clans only. The supervisors may only allow clans from other regions after discussing this with the Chief of Cups and if pings are less of an issue. If enough clans of another region sign up there is a good chance we will make an extra division for that region so those clans could play each other there. The size of the cup is determined after the subscription period, based on the number of clans that subscribed and on what we believe is manageable. Clans are selected for participation based on their proven stability (i.e. the ability to complete leagues), their reputation and their experience with international online matches. Clans who violate the following rules may be given a card. In serious cases the supervisors may consult with the ClanBase Crew and a decision to impose a temporary or permanent ban from all ClanBase competitions may be taken. A clan can be given 3 types of card: Yellow card: This card is given out for small rule violations. When a yellow card is given in some cases a match result could be changed in favor of the opposing clan. Other then that this card mostly is a warning. A second yellow card is to be considered as one red card. Red card: The match in which they received this card will be changed into a forfeit loss. In some cases this card is handed out together with one or more player bans. A second red card falls in the category 'Two red cards' below. Two red cards: A clan that has been given two red cards will be kicked from the cup. In some cases a second red card is handed out together with player and/or an entire clan ban(s) for 1 or more seasons. Only 1 card can be given for each match. In case of several violations only the most severe card will be handed out. However, all extra punishments for each of the rule that was violated are still applied. When a clan is given a red card all previous given yellow cards are removed. Abusive behaviour towards a ClanBase Crew admin or supervisor, cup admin or opponent, at any time during the cup season, can be punished by the supervisor. The Clanleader or Teamcaptain is responsible for his own members knowing and following the rules. A Clanleader or Teamcaptain breaking the rules may incur penalties against the whole clan in case of an OpenCup, EuroCup or country in case of a NationsCup. ClanBase reserves the right to broadcast every match. This can be done with online game broadcast tools for spectating purposes. The recording of such broadcasts can't be refused by the clans. In many cases ClanBase will allow or ask third parties to broadcast the matches. Spectators may never be charged. Tournament Layout The clans in each group play each other in consecutive match weeks. The 2 highest ranked clans of each group advance to the playoffs. The tournament tree for the playoffs is: A1 ? B2 ? H1 ? G2 ? E1 ? F2 ? D1 ? C2 ? C1 ? D2 ? F1 ? E2 ? G1 ? H2 ? B1 ? A2 Supervisors The cup is supervised by supervisors who are responsible for enforcing the rules, scheduling matches that aren't scheduled on time by the clans, and recruiting and coaching cup admins. For any problems, contact the supervisors on the cup's IRC channel or through the e-mail address linked below the menu on the frontpage of this cup. If several admins are signed up the supervisor decides who will admin the match. Any issue that affects a supervisor's own clan may not be handled by that supervisor. It must be handled by the other supervisor or by a ClanBase Crew member. For problems that the supervisors can't solve, or for complaints about the supervisors, competitors can mail to the Chief Cup supervisors . Mails containing abusive language, a case in which the rules have been correctly applied or any issue that has not been discussed with a supervisor first will all be ignored. Match admins A cup admin is someone who helps ClanBase during cups, he is not a part of and also not related to the ClanBase Crew and may not call himself a CB Admin. Cup admins are able to enter matchreports and matchresults for cup matches, outside that cup they are regular ClanBase users. Cup admins who abuse their position may be removed from the cup admin lists. Cup admins are appointed by the supervisor. If you want to become a cup admin, use the Cupadmin link in the cup menu and sign up there. You can also use this link to sign up, or contact the supervisor. Someone who is not (yet) appointed as a cup admin may admin a match only if both clans are made aware of this and agree with it. Anyone who falsely pretends to be a cup admin will be banned from ClanBase, and the maps he adminned do not count unless both teams agree that they should. A cup admin makes sure the match is played according to the rules, records demos, takes screenshots, enters match results and makes match reports (with screenshots) on ClanBase. Clans may refuse a cup admin for the following reasons: the clan of the cup admin is playing in the same group, the cup admin's clan is a likely playoff candidate, the cup admin has the same nationality as the majority of players in the other clan or the cup admin is a known friend of the other clan. If a clan wishes to refuse a cup admin they must announce this as soon as the cup admin is known. Once the match procedures (server testing, etc.) have started, a cup admin can no longer be refused. If a clan breaks a rule without the cup admin noticing, they are still liable for the consequences. Cup admins are free to chase any player during a match. Cup admins have the right to kick players who abuse them or their opponents and who continue to do so after one clear warning. A player that has been kicked is banned from the rest of the match and the clan must complete the rest of the map with a player short. No matter how wrong you think a cup admin is, stay polite; being abusive won't ever help. If you think that the cup admin has made the wrong decision, but you can't convince him of it at the time, inform the supervisor(s) of it after the match. When there are not enough cup admins available for all matches, the matches of clans who have an active cup admin in their ranks will get preference. If there is no cup admin available to admin your match, please follow these steps: Go through the server testing procedure as explained in these rules. In case of a conflict or disagreement, consult a supervisor or a cup admin on the cup channel or the game channel, not in the #clanbase channel. Keep logs of everything that is said on IRC. Send the match result and the screenshots to the supervisor by email immediately after the match. Clans and Players Clans who quit the cup are likely to be excluded from the next cup season. Players always have to be easily identifiable to cup admins, opponents and spectators. Therefore, players must use easily identifiable nicks which are the same (or closely resemble) those registered on their allowed playerlist (Cupmenu → Clans → Players) for the cup on ClanBase. A EuroCup and its corresponding OpenCup are considered to be one and the same cup in the following rules. A clan can only use players who are registered as clan members in ClanBase at the start of the season (i.e. before the Monday of the cup's first match week), who are still registered as such and who have not played in the same cup with another clan. All other players require special permission from the supervisor before being allowed to play. Such permission can only be granted based on the rules below. Any player that is not on the allowed playerlist of that clan in that cup has not (yet) officialy been allowed to play by the supervisor(s). A player may not play for more than one clan in the same cup no matter what may appear on any match reminder emails or allowed player lists. As soon as the player plays for a clan, he is no longer allowed for any other. To play for another clan he must first go through the new member procedure described below. Failure to follow this rule will result in a forfeit loss for the second clan. A new member (that is: any player who was not registered with the clan on ClanBase before the cup's first match week, or any player who has already played in the cup with another clan) can only play after all the following conditions have been met: The new member must be registered with the clan on ClanBase before the Monday of the last week of the group matches (which is the deadline). Members registered during or after that week will not be allowed to play in the current season. Players can only switch clans in their own or a higher division. If a player is required after the deadline it will be dealt with under the rules for adding a player in the playoff section. Permission to use the new member must be requested and received from the supervisor by email, who will add the member to the clan's allowed playerlist roster for the cup. The supervisor must be correctly informed of the exact date when the player last played in the cup with another clan. Any incorrect information given to the supervisor is the responsibility of the Clanleader, and may result in penalties being applied as if the player was unauthorised. The new member must spend (or have spent) 1 matchweek (Monday to Sunday) before or during the group phase without playing in the cup for any clan. After the deadline (the first Monday of the last week of the group matches) new members are not allowed. Exceptionally, the supervisor may allow new member(s) only if all 4 conditions have been met: The clan made the playoffs but would have to forfeit due to members leaving or being permanently unavailable. The new member has not played in a higher division The new member has not played with another clan in the same cup after the deadline. If such an exception is made, the unavailable or leaving players will be removed from the allowed player list. A member who was removed from a clan's roster during the season, but did not play in the cup for any other clan afterwards, can start playing for his old clan again at any point during the season (including the playoffs) provided that he is registered again and that permission is asked and received from the supervisor first. A member who was removed from a clan's roster and has played for another clan in the same cup will have to go through the entire new member procedure again first. Only the rules above determine if a player is allowed to play or not. The player rosters in the e-mails that are sent to the clans before each match may contain players who are not allowed to play, for example because they already played for another clan. This will never be accepted as an excuse for fielding these players; it is the clans' responsibility to only field players who are allowed to play by the rules. If you have any doubt at all about whether a player is allowed to play or not, always discuss the case with the supervisor first instead of risking a forfeit loss! Sanctions for clans: If a clan fields a player who by the rules above was not allowed to play, then they receive the card below that rule. If they violated more then 1 Clans & Player rule they will be given 1 red card. If the offense involved an attempt to deceive the cup admins and opponents, e.g. by letting a player fakenick or by providing wrong information, then the clan and all its players will be removed and banned from the cup. If this attempted deceit occurred in the last week of group matches or later then the clan will also be excluded from the next cup season. In serious cases (e.g. using a higher ranked player) the supervisors may consult with the ClanBase Crew and a decision to impose a temporary or permanent ban from all ClanBase competitions may be taken. Sanctions for players: If a player plays for any clan after being told he was not allowed to play by the supervisor(s), he will be banned from the cup. If the offense involved an attempt to deceive the cup admins and opponents, e.g. by fakenicking, then he will be banned from all the current season's cups. If this attempted deceit occurred in the last week of group matches or later then he will also be banned from the next cup season. In serious cases (e.g. lying even when warned) the supervisors may consult with the ClanBase Crew and a decision to impose a temporary or permanent ban from all ClanBase competitions may be taken. Server settings Client settings Normal settings. Match rules - general All matches will be played with the latest edition of DMW anti-cheat. If a newer version appears, it will be announced on Cup page whether to use that one or the old one. The only exception that can be made is when known bugs or issues with the anti-cheat cause a clan to forfeit a match. Then the match will be replayed within the same match week. If a newer Anti-cheat becomes available and is Clanbase approved then Clanbase can change to this Anti-cheat at any time during the cup. If the match admin is running Matchwatch all players Reverend zip files must be sent to the match admin immediately after the war for admin verification. If there is no admin then both clans must exchange the zip files immediately after the war and the person running the scanner must release the zip file password as soon as it is generated by Matchwatch to their opponents. All clans participating in the cup MUST send the ip抯 of all the players on its allowed player list to the Cup Supervisor. They must also state whether the ip is static or dynamic. If a clan fails to do this then they are NOT permitted to play ANY matches. Failure to do so will mean that the clan will receive a forfeit loss for each match in the roster they miss. ALL Clans must take an rcon status screen shot on their server and email this to the Cup Supervisor after each match so ip抯 can be checked. Matches are played 5 on 5. Showing up with less than 5 players is equivalent to a no show and therefore a forfeit loss. Only 1 shotgun is allowed. Picking up an opponents shotgun is allowed. No rocketlaunchers are allowed during matches. Only the mapfix 2.4 is allowed The map list is: Obj/obj_team1 (The Hunt), Obj/obj_team2 (V2 Rocket Facility), Obj/obj_team4 (The Bridge). Match rules - qualifier matches A player may only play a qualifier with 1 clan. Players who played for the winning clan in a qualifier will not be allowed to play for any other team in the cup (EuroCup + Open Cup) during the first 3 match weeks. This rule seeks to discourage players who do not intend to compete with the clan from 'helping' it qualify. Players who played for the losing clan in a qualifier must first go through the new member procedure (as described in the Clans And Players section) before they can play for another clan. Match rules - group matches Group rankings A forfeit loss corresponds to a loss of all maps. No map scores will be entered. A no-show is regarded as a forfeit loss. A clan that forfeits a group match for the second time will be removed from the Cup. If a clan leaves the cup with only one match to go, then the last match will be considered a forfeit loss and all the clan's matches will count for the ranking. This rule does not apply however to clans that had already forfeited a match or that had won or lost all their previous matches. If a clan leaves the cup after having qualified for the playoffs, it can be replaced by the clan ranked below it in its group. Clans receive 2 ranking points for a victory and 1 ranking point for a tie. Clans are ranked by their ranking points. If two clans have an equal amount of points, the outcome of the match between the tied clans determines the rank. When necessary, net round wins (rounds won minus rounds lost) will be used to break ties. In case one of the tied clans has a match or map win by forfeit, rounds against the clan that forfeited do not count for any of the tied clans. In case one of the tied clans has forfeited one or more maps (or whole matches) during the cup, it automatically loses the net rounds count. Match rules - playoff matches Roster and Scheduling A predefined roster determines which match must be played in which week. Group matches are to be played in the week specified in the roster. However if both clans request it, a match can also be scheduled on the monday of the next week. The exact match date and time must be arranged by the clans before the Sunday that precedes the match week. The exact scheduling deadline is Saturday midnight CET. To challenge another clan, use the Roster page. To accept a challenge or make a counter challenge, use the Pending page. A challenge that was accepted can still be rescheduled until the scheduling deadline. If by Saturday midnight CET the clans still haven't succeeded in scheduling the match, the following procedure is to be followed: Both clans have to send an email to the supervisor before Sunday 22h CET, in which they explain what the problem is and specify all the dates and times (during the match week) on which they can play. After 22h CET on Sunday, the supervisor will force any matches not scheduled by the clans themselves without further consulting them. If both clans mailed the supervisor then he will pick a date on which both clans can play if there is one. If there isn't then the supervisor will favour the more flexible clan; i.e. the clan that can play on the most dates. If there is doubt about which clan is more flexible then the supervisor divides the week in 9 slots (7 evenings + Saturday afternoon + Sunday afternoon = 9) and counts the number of slots in which each clan is available. Therefore a clan that can provide 5 or more evenings/weekend afternoons on which it can play can be certain that the match will be scheduled on one of them. If only one of the two clans mailed the supervisor then he will always pick a date/time that suits that clan. If neither clan sent a mail then he will schedule the match as he sees fit. During the match week, any scheduled match, be it scheduled by the clans themselves or by the supervisor, can only be rescheduled if both clans agree on a new date/time in the same match week and if both inform the supervisor of this by email at least 1 day before the original date of the match. Rescheduling on the day of the match will require a wildcard being used. Wildcards Each clan is given 1 wildcard, which it can use to cancel and reschedule a planned group match, for whatever reason. Clans are strongly advised to cherish their wildcard until they really need it because of bad luck (e.g. connection problems). Using the wildcard lightly and then losing a later match because of real problems would be a painful way to be eliminated from the cup. The wildcard can be used until the countdown of the first map begins, or until the time the cup admin wants to force the match to start. Once the first map of a match has started, it is too late to use a wildcard. A wildcard used against a clan that later quits the cup is not restored. Clans that try to use their wildcard a second time lose by forfeit. It is not the cup admins responsibility to check whether a clan already used its wildcard. When a wildcard is used, the clans have to reschedule the match immediately to one of the days into the same or the following matchweek of the original match date, and inform the supervisor. If no agreement is communicated to the Supervisor within 48hrs of the original match time, he may force the match to be played as he sees fit. Wildcards can not be used for playoff matches. A playoff match can only be postponed by decision of the supervisor. Problems that affect only 1 player will never be sufficient reason to postpone a playoff match. Before the match Meeting on IRC before the match: Meeting time = 1 hour before starting time. Deadline time = 30 minutes before starting time. Starting time = the scheduled starting time of the match. The clans and the admins gather on the match channel (Quakenet IRC) that is named on the roster page and in the reminder e-mail. No other channel name may be used. Channel logs will be used to keep track of the players' arrival times. All players must be present before the meeting time (i.e. not 1 minute or 5 minutes after but before the meeting time). Being present means being in the match channel and using a nickname and tag that clearly matches the nickname and tag registered on ClanBase. Once players have shown their presence, they are free to reboot (but must return to the match channel within 5 minutes). Faking a players presence by making someone else pose as him will result in a forfeit loss. A clan is fully present at the time all of its players who will play in the match are present. This time changes if another player who will play joins later. If one clan is not fully present at meeting time, it is assigned the disadvantage in the admin's server decision (cfr. below). If neither clan is fully present at meeting time, the last clan to be fully present is assigned that disadvantage. If both clans are fully present at meeting time, neither is assigned the disadvantage. The cup admin announces which clan has the disadvantage in the channel topic (if any). Players who are not present before the deadline time (repeat, before) are not allowed to participate in server testing (assuming a server hasn't been decided upon already) But are instead considered to have ping 0 on all servers. They have to wait on IRC until the server is decided. If one clan has not a single player (someone who will actually play in the match) present before the deadline time, then the other clan may immediately decide on the server. It is free to change its server decision later on when the other clan shows up. If one clan has not a single player present before the starting time, it forfeits the match. If the reason for not showing up is proven to be beyond their control (e.g. ISP problems for all players) the forfeit can later be changed into a wildcard, if still available. If a clan is not fully present 10 minutes after the starting time they can either decide to wildcard the match, if still available, or forfeit the match. Announcing maps (not applicable if maps are predetermined by the schedule): Both clans should tell the cup admin their choice of map(s) at meeting time. If at deadline time a clan has still not informed the admin of its map(s), he should remind them and give them one more minute. After that minute he picks their map(s) if they still haven't, taking the leftmost map(s) in the map list that were not picked by the other clan. The admin publically announces the maps as soon as he knows them all. Incase admin isn't available for the game, both teams should announce their maps before the deadline time publically in the matchchannel. Incase one of the teams havent announced it map after the deadline time, the map that will be played is the leftmost map(s) in the map list that were not picked by the other clan. Server negotiations: Server testing begins at meeting time, even when a cup admin is not yet present. The topic of the match channel must always contain the IP being tested, the proposed IP of clan A, the proposed IP of clan B and the tag of the clan (if any) that has been assigned the disadvantage. Example: 'Testing: [iP] | A: [iP] | B: [iP] | Disadv: B'. The proposed IP of clan x should be the IP where it has the smallest advantage over the other clan, or, if it has been assigned the disadvantage, the IP where it has the smallest disadvantage. As both clans have an interest in proposing the server with the smallest (dis)advantage (cfr. the procedures below) they can decide on their own proposed IP freely. The clans take turns suggesting a server. Suggesting a server does not create the obligation to accept it. The IP and password of the suggested server are put in the topic. All players of both clans (except those not allowed to participate in server testing) join the suggested server immediately and without any discussion, and on the server join their team and make sure they have the proper settings for server testing. If a clan has more players available than are needed to fill a team, the players that join the team during server testing will be considered to be the intended lineup. If a clan intends to use different lineups on different maps, it must make this clear to the admin and the opponent as soon as the maps have been announced. Any changes to the clans' assumed lineups can be forbidden or be reason to change the server decision if they would cause an advantage. In simple language: letting a high-pinger test the servers and then replacing him by a low-pinger during the match is forbidden. Clans that are caught artificially worsening the quality of their connections during server testing will be removed from the cup. All players stay on the server until the cup admin has made notes and given them permission to quit. On IRC either clan can update the topic if it wants to make this server its proposed IP. The other clan now proposes a server and the procedure is repeated. The procedure is repeated until the clans agree on a server, until all possible servers have been tested or until the scheduled starting time of the match - whichever comes first. If a clan does not cooperate during server testing (typically by not joining the server being tested or by leaving it before the cup admin allows it) it will be assigned the disadvantage (once a clan has been assigned the disadvantage it has an interest in cooperating fully; the more servers get tested properly the more chance to find one with a smaller disadvantage). Server decision: if by starting time the clans still haven't agreed on a server, the cup admin can decide on the server himself based on the following considerations (in the order they're listed): Only visible aspects of the connection quality are considered. These aspects are: ping, stability of ping, smoothness of movement, pl indicator value (if available). Any player not present before the deadline time is considered to have ping 0 on all servers in all comparisons of the clans' connections as well as in all calculations of average pings. If one clan has been assigned the disadvantage then the admin picks the IP where it has the smallest disadvantage. When neither clan has been assigned the disadvantage, the admin picks an equal server if one is available. Average pings are considered to be equal when they differ less than 20% of the lower average ping. When neither clan has been assigned the disadvantage and no equal server is available, then the admin will pick the least unequal of the IPs the clans proposed in the topic, with the following restrictions: If a clan has better connections than its opponent on servers in its own country, and worse connections on servers in all other countries, then the match may not be played on a server in that clan's own country. If a clan has members playing from different countries then this rule applies for all these countries. If a clan has members playing from several countries, and it is the connection of its foreign member(s) that makes it impossible to pick a fair server, then the admin can decide (but only as a last resort) to not further consider the connections of those members. The admin can decide on a two-server match only if the advantages on the two servers even out to overall more equal circumstances than can be found on any single server. If no cup admin is available for the match, then the clans are still expected to show up on time, follow the above procedures and keep a channel log. If by starting time they still haven't agreed on a server, they should propose one IP each in the topic and then ask the supervisor or a cup admin who is available on IRC to decide. When requested the channel log can be used to assign the disadvantage to one of the clans. Both proposed IPs will be tested again before a decision is made based on the principles described above. If two clans have agreed on a server beforehand and have reserved it, they can skip the server testing procedure if they both inform the supervisor and/or the cup admin beforehand. Once this is done, another server can only be used if both clans agree. Once a server has been decided upon, this decision stands for the entire match, except in the following circumstances: both clans agree on a server change, the connections to the server have changed drastically for several players, or the server decision was based on information that was false or has changed. Only the admin can judge whether the latter conditions apply to a sufficient degree to warrant a server change. The IP of the server(s) being used must always be put in the topic of the match channel, so the supervisor always knows where the match is being played. Average pings are considered to be equal when the average of both clans pings differ less than 20ms of each other. Reference: http://www.clanbase.com:8000/mohaaping.JPG Match proceedings The match may not begin before the admin is ready. The cup admin will pause the match whenever a player overflows or crashes. The pause may last no longer than 5 minutes (enough time to reboot and reconnect). The maximum total pause time is 10 minutes per map per team. The game may only be paused at the end of a round. Players are allowed to pause themselves if there is no admin during the game and if there are visible technical problems of a player. If there is a admin during the game then it is not allowed for players to pause themselves; you will have to tell him the problem and he will pause the game at the end of the round. Tactical time outs are not allowed. Problems with a voice communication program being used are no valid reasons to pause a match. The break between maps will be exactly 10 minutes unless the clans ready up themselves. The Cup admin may force the map start if players don't ready up in time. After the match The matchresults are entered in ClanBase by the cup admin. If no cup admin was present for your match, screenshots of all maps played must be sent to the supervisor(s) immediately. Demos can be uploaded to ClanBase by uploading them to ftp.clanbase.com/incoming after being zipped and named according to the convention ('warid_clan1_clan2_map_ineyes_player.zip') - otherwise they will be automatically deleted. You can find full instructions on uploading demos here. Cheating and Anti-cheating ClanBase's cheating and abuse policy applies to this cup. Changes and Exceptions These rules are subject to change at any time. Changes made after the start of the season will always be reported on the cup page. All clans are expected to know all the rules; not knowing them is no valid excuse for not following them. For situations not covered by the rules, the supervisors will consult with ClanBase's chief cup supervisor and together they will make decisions based on the spirit of the existing rules and in the interests of justice.
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