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  1. 日哦。。。Q上跟偶说句话 偶好知道哪头素乃。。。 =.=
  2. 呵呵 乃个JR QQ上怎么找不到你了 改名了吗?
  3. 就是2呗。。。。。 不过计划是2007年才推出呢
  4. 恩 服务器版本不同 ET目前有3个版本 2.55 2.56 2.60 在EYE里可以看服务器信息的
  5. http://www.tiptopcn.com/down/ET_Patch_2_60.exe 国内 较快 http://www.splashdamage.com/files/ET_Patch_2_60.exe 国外 新特点: Client can record game audio to a wav file. wav_record starts recording wav_stoprecord stops recording cl_wavefilerecord 1 will start recording from the moment a demo is loaded. 可录音成WAV,CFG中的wav_record开始录音,wav_stoprecord结束录音,cl_wavefilerecord 1 "Unable to load an official pak file" now reports the pak filenames in the console. 在控制台中可显示无法装载的官方PAK文件名称 Minor optimizations in server and client engine for lower cpu usage. 减少资源占用 'MODS' menu added. 增加MOD的选项 cg_draw2D is no longer cheat protected. Wounded freelook is now enabled (a la RTCW). It is also completely moved clientside so there is no lag. 人挂点再做仰卧起坐的时候,可以360度看了(像RTCW时代一样) BUG FIX: Fixed incorrect Level 4 CovOps knife damage on wounded players. 修正LV4的COVOPS的小刀伤害 *Fixed disguised CovOps having laggy health to enemy team. 修正已伪装的COVOPS的生命条延迟出现问题(也就是说COVOPS的生命条在敌队看 来不会再若隐若现了) Fixed Level 3 engineering using incorrect charge for landmines. 修正lv3的ENG的地雷能量条使用量问题 Fixed Field Ops incorrectly using medic charge time for ammo packs. 修正FEILD OPS的AMMO PACKS充能时间使用到MEDIC去了 Fixed pistol prediction (client could "fire" the pistol faster than it's supposed to). 小枪不会有奇怪的发射问题(子端看到枪快速射了两次但只有一发) Fixed players being randomly switched to spectator mode upon attaining level 4 skills. 当LV4的玩者在换地图的时候不会再被踢去SPECTATOR去了 Fixed Antilag (it was dependent on client fps, and headshots weren't delagged). 修正ANTILAG的问题(只看子端的状态,爆头不会再延迟了) Fixed artillery markers not being properly drawn on compass. 炮击的黄准心现在会在地图的正确位置(MORTAR用) Fixed Luger spread and pausing on last shot. 修正德军的小枪(鲁格 LUGER)的散射率跟最后一发会停住的问题(?) Fixed akimbo rapid fire exploit. 修正双枪的射击速度问题 Fixed the issue that when playing the Fuel Dump map you could plant the dynamite and it would say, "base fortification" but actually destroy the Fuel Dump. 修正FUELDUMP这张地图的TNT错误讯息(当放TNT在FUEL DUMP跟 BASE FROTIFICATION的TRIGGER交界处会显示放在BASE FROTIFICATION但实际上是炸 FUEL DUMP) Fixed radar dynamite bug (both sides could plant dynamite near the truck for no apparent reason, and get XP for defusing it). 修正RADAR这张地图的BUG,(TNT洗XP的贱招) Fixed the problem that when all of your team's mines were in use, you couldn’t disarm enemy landmines. 修正当自己队上的地雷已经全数使用后,不能解敌队地雷的问题 Fixed mistaken dynamite announcements (announcement planting dynamite near goldrush tank barrier 2, but it doesn’t get destroyed). 修正错误的TNT讯息,(应该只有指GOLDRUSH这张地图放TNT在靠AXIS重生点的楼梯 上明明有语音说装了TNT却炸不掉) Fixed mg42s not being antilagged. 修正MG42未受ANTILAG的影响 Fixed riflegrenade-through-teamdoor exploit. 修正BALA GUN的穿门BUG(BATTERY的后门) Fixed knife not being antilagged. 修正小刀未受ANTILAG的影响 Fixed Medic viewlocking sometimes snapping to non-medics. 修正挂掉的人锁定视野应该是看MEDIC但却看到非MEDIC的问题 Fixed Garand/K43 ammo exploit. 修正Garand/K43的弹药问题 Fixed the distancefalloff bug (damage would drop, then suddenly increase with distance). 修正距离/伤害量问题,照理说应该越远伤害越小,但有时突然却变成越远伤害越 大(小枪or爆炸性武器?) Fixed the prone → invisible player (prone into wall) bug. 修正卧倒的人会趴进去墙里的BUG Fixed the disguised name and normal name both being shown when moving the crosshair over a disguised covert ops while spectating. 修正当SPECTATOR在观察A玩家,而A玩家看到B玩家是COVCOP(已伪装)SPECTATOR会看到名字重迭 的问题 Battery bunker now autoselects spawnpoint when captured. BATTERY现在重生点会优先由FORWARD BUNKER出生 Binoculars can no longer be used while using mounted mobile MG42 or mortar. 现在在使用固定式MG42或是MORTAR时不能再用望远镜了 其他具体信息请参考: http://www.rtcw.jolt.co.uk/content/v2.60_Readme.html COPY版的,可以导入如下注册表信息(不包含两排线): ================================================== Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Activision\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory] "Version"="2.55" "InstallPath"="你的ET安装目录" ================================================== 自行填写ET安装目录,例如 "InstallPath"="D:\\Program Files\\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory 1.01"
  6. 涨人气,从水开始~~
  7. 没听说过 应该是没有吧 这个选项在MOH里有吗?
  8. 死狐狸也来了 最近在哪里发财呀?
  9. -__-又有人来干我了 等俺买个菊花保护器去.....
  10. 不知道为什么TOP没有人 一直都没有 可惜了
  11. 为啥米每个人都要日我地菊花捏?
  12. 小店刚开张就抢劫。...没人性啊
  13. 第一次进游戏会有个玩家建立 进入游戏的OPTION里分game(游戏设置) view(视图设置) controls(操纵设置) system(系统设置) 依次介绍: GAME: VIEW: CONTROLS: SYSTEM:
  14. ET下载地址: http://chao.punk62.com/download/et/wolfet.exe ET1.02补丁下载地址: http://chao.punk62.com/download/et/et_patch_1.02.exe ETPRO 3.1.0下载地址(ET的MOD,类似OSP): http://chao.punk62.com/download/et/etpro-3_1_0.zip 以上下载地址由=DOC.W=提供
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