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由 psycho0222 发布的全部内容

  1. 在注册表里的 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Activision\Call of Duty 4
  2. 谁能给下安装好以后默认的CD-KEY。记得是8开头的。 谢谢!
  3. 谁能给下电驴2.5G版安装后默认的CDKEY,记得是8开头的,谢谢!!
  4. 怪不得今天在服里玩一半看到好多人被T了..................
  5. 有的小地图也这么玩,没办法...........................................
  6. ATHLON 3000+(939) 1GDDR400(512MBX2) 6600GT双128........
  7. 希望多开几个非死亡模式的服务器...........................
  8. 试下这个 http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe ===================================== PunkBuster kicks me for INIT FAILURE, what does that mean? Usually, this message means your PB is not working properly. You should run our PBSETUP program to make sure your PB is up to date. However, we have recently discovered that some broadband routers routinely drop OOB (Out of Band) packets for no apparent reason. Since all PB packets are OOB, these routers can actually block PB's communication (again for no apparent reason). To determine if the router is the cause of this problem for you, remove the router and connect directly to the internet. If you are able to play this way, then the cause is very likely the router. Based on user feedback, the following router brands/models are reported to have problems. Not necessarily all models of a brand might be affected, and the list is in no way complete but it can give you a few hints. Also, we do not claim that our list below shows the only solution to fix your issue, nor that it will fix it for sure even though it has worked for others. It could very well be that changing some settings in your router could help as well. Contacting the company directly might help you as well. Linksys - possible solution: Use firmware 1.44.2 Motorola - possible solution: Update to latest firmware Netgear - possible solution: Disable SPI (statefull packet inspection) ====================================================
  9. 金AK,金M60,还有金连喷,金乌兹呢??
  10. 只爱用红点,基本不用ACOG.............
  11. 有次在一个死亡服投票换到了SABTOGE模式.结果就我一个去抢炸弹,后来USMC他们埋下了炸弹也没人去拆
  12. 我全部都是默认键位....................................
  13. shipment,wet work 这两幅地图应该禁手雷......................................
  14. 我自己每次开局都是选自动分配阵营,结果从来都是分到OPFOR/SPETNAZ.难道大家都喜欢当好人???
  15. 作弊的啊..........................
  16. 是服务器的问题吧,有的时候所有人都是3位数的PING,走路都一格一格的.....
  17. 这局我也在,被手雷炸的很郁闷啊...............................................
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