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  1. thx all downloading ISO now lol
  2. Su-33

    SOF2 Cvars

    Soldier of Fortune 2 Multiplayer Test Cvar / Command List for Server Operators and Clients Server Side cvars g_gametype <name> Sets the gametype that will be use on the next map change. The currently available options are “dm” (Deathmatch), “tdm” (Team Deathmatch), “elim” (Elimination), and “inf” (Infiltration). g_availableweapons <list> Sets the weapons that are available for use on the server. Each weapon is represented as a 0, 1, or 2. When a weapon is set to 0 it will not be available for use at all. When a weapon is set to 1 it will only be available for use in gametypes that have weapon pickups only (ie. Not in infiltration). When set to 2 the weapon will be available in all gametypes. The default value is “2222222222211” which is all weapons are on in deathmatch gametypes but the RPG-7 and MM1 are disabled in infiltration and elimination. The weapons are in the following order · Knife · M1911A · USSOCOM · M590 Shotgun · Micro Uzi · M3A1 · USAS12 · M4 Assault Rifle · AK74 Assault Rifle · MSG90A1 Sniper Rifle · M60 Machinegun · MM1 Grenade Launcher · RPG-7 fraglimit < # > Sets the number of kills a single person must reach before the map is cycled. 0 turns this feature off. Default is 20 timelimit < # > Sets the amount of time (in minutes) before the map is cycled. 0 turns this feature off. Default is 0. g_inactivity < # > Sets the amount of time (in seconds) before an inactive client is disconnected from the server. 0 turns this feature off. Default is 0. teamlimit < # > Sets the number of rounds a team must win (for Infiltration / Elimination) before the map is cycled. 0 turns this feature off. Default is 8. g_friendlyfire <#> Enables or disables friendly fire. When set to 1 you will be able to shoot and kill people on your own team. When set to 0 you will not be able to injure your own teammates, but will still be able to injure yourself. g_speed < # > This sets the base movement speed. Default is 280. sv_maxrate < # > Sets the maximum rate a client can set on the server. This helps throttle outgoing bandwidth. 0 means that no limit is enforced. Default is 0. sv_hostname < name > This sets the name of your server which will appear in the client’s server browser or in GameSpy. Default is “hostname”. sv_maxclients < # > Sets the maximum number of players your server will support. Default is 8. g_password < password > If a non-blank password is specified, your server will then require the clients to enter a password to join. If you specify a blank password, “”, then you will remove this password. Default is “” (no password). g_allowvote < # > Determines whether or not you allow clients to call votes on your server. 0 will prohibit clients from calling votes, while 1 will allow voting. Default is 1 (allows voting). g_voteduration < # > Sets the number of seconds a vote will stay up, so that a client may cast a vote. Default is 60. g_timeouttospec <#> Number of seconds before a client which is not sending the server data is automatically sent into spectator mode. The default is 15 seconds. g_roundtimelimit <#> Sets the number of minutes before the end of a “round” in either infiltration or elimination. Default value is 5 minutes. sv_mapcycle <filename> Sets the filename which is used for map cycling. The default value is “default.mapcycle”. g_suicidepenalty <#> Sets the amount of score lost for killing yourself. The default value is –1. g_teamkillpanelty <#> Sets the amount of score lost for killing a teammate. The default value is –1. sv_pure < # > Sets your server into pure mode. Pure means that the data files on the client must exactly match the data files on the server. Any files which do not match up will be rejected. You must set this cvar from the command line (+set sv_pure 0) and not the console. Since the test does not allow any external data files, this cvar has no purpose. Default is 0 (not pure). rconpassword < password > If a non-blank password is specified, your server will have a remote console password. This allows the server operator to connect remotely to change server settings. If you specify a blank password, “”, then you will remove this password and disable remote console. Default is “” (disabled). g_forcefollow <#> Enables or disables the ability to fly around as a ghost. When set to 1 all clients will be forced to follow another client rather than having the option. When set to 0 all clients will have the freedom to fly around. Default value is 0. g_followenemy <#> Enables or disables the ability to follow an enemy when ghosting. When set to 1 you are allowed to follow enemies, when set to 0 you will only be allowed to follow your own teammates. Default value is 1. Client Side cvars com_maxfps < # > Sets the maximum frame rate you will achieve. The main purpose of this cvar is to help throttle outgoing data to the client. Each frame that is rendered sends information to the server indicating your most recent movement information (as well as other information). Decreasing the rate will decrease the amount of traffic you send to the server, and thus, may lower your lag. Default is 85. rate < # > Sets the maximum number of characters you will receive from the server every second. If you are experiencing lag, you should try to reduce this. Default is 2500. rconpassword < password> Sets the password that you will be using to issue remote console commands. This password must match the password specified on the server. Default is “”. cg_drawfps < # > This cvar determines whether or not your frame rate is displayed in the upper right corner. A value of “1” will display the frame rate, while a value of “0” will not. Default is “0” (not displayed). cg_lagometer < # > This cvar determines whether or not the lag-o-meter graph is displayed in the bottom right corner. This graph is useful in determining if you have severe lag, if the server has performance issues, etc. A value of “1” will display the graph, while a value of “0” will not. Default is “0” (not displayed). cg_chattime <#> Sets the amount of time a chat message will stay on the screen. This value is in milliseconds and is defaulted to 6000 (or 6 seconds). cg_voiceradio <#> Enables or disables voice radio messages on the client. When set to 1 all radio messages from teammates will be heard. When set to 0 no radio messages will be heard. Default value is 1. cg_voiceglobal <#> Enables or disables global voice callouts such as “sniper”, or “fire in the hole”. When set to 1 you will hear all global voice callouts, when set to 0 you will hear none. Default value is 1. cg_soundglobal <#> Enables or disables global sounds such as the “briefcase taken” sound. When set to 1 you will hear all of the global sounds, when set to 0 you will hear none. The default value is 1. cg_soundfrag <#> Enables or disables the sound played when you kill someone. When set to 1 you will hear the sound, when set to 0 you will not. Default value is 1. sys_noaltenter < # > This cvar determines whether or not ALT-ENTER will toggle you between windowed mode and full screen mode. This cvar was introduced because some people prefer to bind game functions to both the ALT and ENTER keys, and on some occasions, they would inadvertently switch modes. A value of “1” will prevent you from toggling, while a value of “0” will allow you to. Default is “1” (no toggling). Client Side Commands rcon <command> This will instruct the server you are connected on to issue the command specified. You must have the rconpassword cvar set prior to using this command. weaptoggle <a> <b> This client side command toggles between two classes of weapons. The available classes of weapons are “primary”, “secondary”, “pistol”, and “grenade”. For example, if you wanted to make a bind that would toggle between primary weapon and grenades you could do. /bind <key> “weaptoggle primary grenade” Or, if you wanted to make a bind that would bring up your primary weapon no matter what you could do. /bind <key> “weaptoggle primary primary”
  3. 我为了中考N个月没玩了,什么设置什么东西忘得差不多了,你高考时难道还记得住么?
  4. 0是不限制,调0好了,另外sv_maxrate影响上传带宽 :-0
  5. 问题是降低maxrate怎么能不lag了呢? UT2004怎么了?我只玩UT2XMP
  6. 就一个catphone 应该不需要,不如开TS2好了
  7. 好像那个时代的大炮都是积木状????
  8. 那看不到有什么用呢? 为0时隐藏就好
  9. 另外楼上的今天SOF2比较卡,可能BF2人太多? 我把maxrate调到9kbits/s 还是有一点。
  10. A friend of mine informed me that there was a post @ evenbalance about Windows XP, SOF2 and Punkbuster. They admitted that punkbuster was causing some lag in sof2 on windowsxp machines, and gave an odd but quick fix. Windows Compatibility Mode (never thought i'd use it) try running sof2 in Win98 compatibility mode, i havent tried it yet, but cloud did and said he got a good performance boost out of it. remember this should only be different on punkbuster enabled servers 用兼容模式运行SOF2,如果PBlag的话。 选择Windows 98兼容模式 另外每个月下载一次新版本pb,可从本站下,很快提供
  11. 又是P弄的,cfg用L就行了啊,那些人真是没事干
  12. 正是此时,才是最关键的时刻。 人不是机器,你只要努力了,总能打动别人的。加油吧!
  13. 就你,大家都不lag,呵呵
  14. 楼上的,对战友怎么能这样呢? 我一个外人不想多说什么。 别对别人要求太高,你自己能做到的事情别人不一定能做到。 另外可以看出你过于冲动,你原属于UN战队,那么你应该以UN为荣誉。为什么要挂队标?除了能让战友识别你,更重要的是你自己要与你队中其他人和睦相处,互相配合,英勇杀敌。正如军队中的士兵一样。当一个士兵受了伤,看到有队友过来是多么幸福的是啊。希望你回头再看一下你的UN战队,你的队友,再看一下你为什么退出,再考虑一下你是否真的要退出。UN期待你回来,他们是真心的。
  15. ZB想戒很简单。 硬盘全部格式化,再几个月不玩,就戒了。
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