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论坛帖子 由 Su-33 发布的

  1. 好BT



  2. 测试中



    - fix: improve display of changes to important cvars (respawninterval/respawninvulnerability/sv_cheats/etc)

    - fix: lower the minimum for match requirements from 4 players to 2

    - fix: sof2++ anm14 lasts 8 seconds instead of 45

    - fix: crashes on filehandlers

    - fix: newline output fixes

    - fix: viewheight/POV was lower than expected, corrected back to default

    - fix: anticheat code

    - fix: leaning animations with pmove_fixed enabled

    - fix: osp scoreboard ping with truePing enabled

    - fix: cl_timenudge doesn't make other players look “jerky” when you use a large negative value

    - fix: cl_timenudge now works correctly

    - fix: map restarts automatically unpause a game

    - fix: fix timer bugs with pauses/unpauses

    - fix: killing spree in DM shows odd numbers

    - fix: improve antilag code slightly

    - chg: cg_drawfps behavior to get a more accurate FPS count

    - chg: remove smoothclients code to account for the new prediction code (it's all done serverside)

    - add: logging for oversized command exploits

    - add: add more output to /settings

    - add: improve logging of other commands slightly

    - add: cvar to disable or enable displaying of killing sprees, defaults to 0

    - g_killingspree <0|1>

    - add: imported parts of Unlagged2 (Neil Toronto)

    Optimization for player prediction, defaults to 1

    - cg_optimizePrediction <0|1>

    Correction for “skipping” players

    Option to show more accurate pings, defaults to 1. This shows actual server←>client latency

    - g_truePing <0|1>

    Cheat protected debugging for hitboxes added

    - cg_DrawBBox <0|1>

  3. 1.0i已经没法作弊,Wallhack看不清敌人,ESP屏幕一片混乱,AIMBOT准星狂跳,1枪都打不到别人。

    openglhack与ESP效果一样。有ZB器的欢迎到OSP 1.0i服务器尝试(目前只有2# FPSCHINA.COM使用)。



    1.0i服务器打开了,PB可以关闭了。 B)


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