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  1. 非常感谢二楼的翻译提示! 准备在LINUX上架个COD4的服,有细节存在疑虑,这下清楚多了! 再次感谢!下面我该研究SERVER CFG的配置了.....发疯中
  2. Call Of Duty 4 Linux Multiplayer Server Code Version 1.7 Readme Last update: 2008-06-28 ============================= !! IMPORTANT !! Call of Duty 4 Linux Server is NOT SUPPORTED by Activision® Customer Support. Please do not call with any questions related to this free beta product. There are other channels to aid you listed at the bottom of this document. =============================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Upgrading to 1.7 3. Installation From Scratch 4. Note for localized versions of the game 5. Support Channels 6. FreeBSD Note =============================================== 1. Introduction This document explains how to install the Call of Duty 4 Linux server version 1.7. Installation from scratch and upgrading an existing installation are both covered. Usage is very similar to other Call of Duty titles ... many of the console commands, command lines, and cvars are identical, so if you are comfortable maintaining dedicated servers for those games, you will find this process familiar. MOD USERS: PLEASE READ... It is recommended that any user modifications that have been installed to the Call of Duty 4 directory be removed before installing this package. These modifications are not supported by Activision® and may not be compatible with some of the new features that are included. When installing or upgrading a server, if problems or unexpected behavior arise, your first step in troubleshooting should be to do a clean install with the original data files. 2. Upgrading to 1.7 Just stop the game server, replace cod4_lnxded-bin, etc on your server with the files included in this package, and restart the game server. New files may be added, such as main/iw_12.iwd; make sure they land in the correct subdirectory. Please verify that your mods are compatible with the new version; that is beyond the scope of this document. 3. Installation From Scratch - Get the retail Call of Duty 4 disc(s) (there may be multiple discs depending on what edition of the game you have obtained, or perhaps a single DVD-ROM disc). - Copy the contents of disc one's "Setup/Data" directory to wherever you want to install the Call of Duty 4 Linux server. There should be a "localization.txt" file in the root of this directory, and a "main" Subdirectory. Each additional disc should be opened and the contents of each "Data" folder should be copied over to the existing Main folder. When you have copied everything, the final installation size is around 6.3 gigabytes. - Alternately, you may install on Windows® and copy the installed game to your Linux system, but many will opt to skip this step since the data files are uncompressed and easily accessible on the discs. Final installation size is around 6.3 gigabytes. - Please make sure you transfer the data as BINARY and not TEXT or ASCII if you use the FTP protocol to upload the files! - Unpack this archive in the root of the newly-copied tree, so "cod4_lnxded" is in the same directory as "localization.txt". Unlike the original Call of Duty, there are not seperate .so files like "game.mp.i386.so", so don't be concerned when you don't see them. Files such as main/iw_12.iwd need to go into the correct subdirectories; make sure they don't lose the path information and all copy into the base directory! - OPTIONAL: Install PunkBuster: ./pbsetup.run -e ./pbsetup.run --add-game=cod4 --add-game-path=/where/i/uploaded/cod4/ ./pbsetup.run -u You will need to agree to the PunkBuster license before you may install it. This will download the latest version of the Punkbuster software to your Linux server, so you need an Internet connection. - Now, run the server: cd /where/i/copied/callofduty4 ./cod4_lnxded - When you see "--- Common Initialization Complete ---", the game server has started, but you need to start a map before the server will accept connections. At this point, type: map mp_crash ("mp_crash" being a given map's name). - Now you should see your server in the in-game browser. You will now want to customize your server, including writing config files and command lines that don't require human interaction, but that is beyond the scope of this document. 4. Note for localized versions of the game If you have a copy of the game that does not include the English translations, you will need to explicitly set the game's language or the server will not be able to find its data files. If you have, for example, the French data files, you must add this to your server's command line: ./cod4_lnxded +set loc_language 1 This is a list of values for various languages. English installations can ignore this. English (default): +set loc_language 0 French: +set loc_language 1 German: +set loc_language 2 Italian: +set loc_language 3 Spanish: +set loc_language 4 5. Support Channels There are a LOT of knobs you can tweak to customize and automate your server, but it is beyond the scope of this documentation. Please refer to the admin manuals for any Quake 3 based Multiplayer game (including Quake 3 Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the original Call of Duty and United Offensive, etc) for specifics. There is a mailing list for discussion and support of Linux servers for all of the Call of Duty games and expansion packs. Hundreds of experienced server admins and even some of the game's developers monitor this list, and are eager to help with politely asked questions. Send a blank email to cod-subscribe@icculus.org to get on the list, and list archives can be seen at: http://icculus.org/cgi-bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-cgi?38 Bug reports should NOT be sent to the list. We have a web-based bugtracking system for this. If you don't report bugs there, we don't promise to even be aware of them, let alone fix them! You can find the bug tracker here: https://bugzilla.icculus.org/ Also, http://callofduty.com/ and http://infinityward.com/ may direct you to important information, documentation and current news about Call of Duty titles. 6. FreeBSD users This server is known to work on FreeBSD with the Linux binary compatibility layer. If it doesn't, we consider it a bug and appreciate the report since we won't necessarily be testing on FreeBSD ourselves. // end of README.linux ...
  3. 馒头服务器怎么才能进去?天天等天天等.... 出个招给俺吧
  4. 管理员能否PM个口令啊,就这个服务器PING好 长年累月的在外面转忧....郁闷啊..怎么能进去?
  5. 烟雾蛋取消?! 这绝对是个坏主意! 坚决不同意!
  6. 搞不懂,那些抢上去飞天上自杀的一个个性趣怎么那么大?
  7. 好心没好报,狗咬吕洞宾 好心提醒"搜索",却换来这一句.
  8. 遇到好几个了,抢飞机一流,抢到后,飞到天上没几秒,就掉下来... 求求你了,自已单机练好再抢行么? 我是设置好摇杆,单机飞了二天二夜,完完全全练好了喷射机后,才正式在SERVER抢飞机的.而且一架飞机我上天后,基本一局内不掉了.有时有导弹高手打下来的可能. 求求你了,练习一下行么?
  9. 我日啊,还没找到免CDKEYR 方法?我还等着今晚玩呢. HERO的没升级?
  10. 我说呢,昨晚看到空无一人.就没进... 我最喜欢这个服务器了,我 0 PING
  11. ASE有BF2在ASE里也能登入SERVER的补丁,可以用的.搜一搜吧.
  12. 关键是服务器升级后,还能不能免CD KEY了?
  13. 服务器好是好. 可是昨晚我回家想上去爽爽,发现没了.
  14. 刚开局,我机器快,别人还没几个进入游戏中呢... 难道是累积计算的?可是,我上局,上上局,没怎么压死几个队友啊.有几个抢不到飞机,专门在跑道上对着飞机闲逛... 我试着站在飞机上面,想体验站在上面飞在高空的滋味...可是,不成功. 为什么不让我站在飞机上面玩啊.
  15. 操TMD,哪个狗玩意儿闲的没事,攻击游戏服务器干他妈啊! 有种去弄弄中情局之类的啊.
  16. 不对,我昨天在BF2里看到个=FREE=BOOL
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