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**UPDATE** CoD4 1.6 Patch in TESTING

« on: February 02, 2008, 05:52:52 PM »


Saw this a few days ago. Forgot to post.

http://iamfourzerotwo.com/2008/0 ... ning-on-pc-and-ps3/

If this patch is a mirror patch to what the xbox recieved I will be very dissapointed in IW. Personally I dont think that most of the cod4 community doesnt care about kill cams. We want real bugs fix. Bah...we'll see.


http://www.infinityward.com/comm ... msg198912#msg198912


First off, please refrain yourselves from flaming, yelling, screaming, insulting anyone in this thread.

I'd like to start a comprehensive list of things that still need to be addressed in the game. Lets list everything we can think off, and let IW sort it out. Personally I back IW up for the wonderful work they've been doing, but unfortunatly the game still needs a little work.

Another thing to consider, personal preferance should NOT be considered a BUG/CHANGE. Think before you post. I will follow this thread and try to update it AS LONG as your request or bug report is confirmed.

1. Server browser > Lenght of server names. This is a def issue. I just saw my own server and only HALF of the name is there.

2. Server browser > I do understand that a lot of servers are still not updated BUT, CoD4 has some sort of built in filters that we dont see. it causes the game to return a lot less servers on the screen then actually exist. You guys had it right with MOHAA and CoD1. I don't care how long it takes, I jsut want to see more servers.

3. Server browser > Filters. We need a little more. I dont expect filters like in ASE or QTracker but we do need a few (like Hardcore, oldschool, only modded etc etc)

4. Asthetics > portion of the community here has been requesting colored names to be displayed in game. I don't really care for it, but its not much.

5. Gameplay > Some members have recorded vidoes in regards to the gun sway issue. (ex gun shoots dead center but gun sways in IR) I personally dont have an issue, but it should be looked into or adjusted.

6. Gameplay > Some mebers showed concerns in sniping still being off. Majority of the competitive community dissagrees but again, it would be nice to see that IW has looked into the issue.

7. Custom Maps > There are still issues with .iwd map files. If placed in map folder they still cause random crashes. If they are placed in the mod folder, they can cause long d/l times for server that do not redirect their mod folder. Also, servers with a LOT of customs maps have a long list of .iwd files (some of up to 8-10megs) to be downloaded all at once. That's def an issue. If IW did address the issue and feels that the issue has been solved, please post the correct way to run custom maps/modded servers.

8. Spawn locations > I understand that these maps werent ment for 32 or bigger servers. Still, even in a 24 man servers, spawns are a little off. Lots of spawning one of top of another leading to spawn killing/camping and the likes. Mods provide spawn protection, but it should also be available in ranked server who wish to run a large TDM/FFA/SAB/DOM servers.

9. Gameplay > The damage vaules for the AK47+red dot are off. (I forgot about this one thanx)

10. CoDTV > This is a MUST for competition. There was word of GarretJax working on this but no one has heard of an update. I believe IW should take over and make it perfect (this game has the potential to beat CS off the face of the planet) The comp. community would Love this.

11. SLI optimizing, currently cuts 45-50% of your frame rate if ENABLED in nvidia control panel. Its confirmed its a game issue and not a driver issue by nvidia them self. (Supposedly this only happens with series 7 cards) Def issue. (possibly an issue with 8 series cards as well)

12. Gameplay > Head hit box is STILL abit off when leaning. (personally I think its fine, but community speaks!)

13. more competive minded maps.

14. no experience points if map changes by voting or same map is played again? i just had this issue, but another player said, he got xp. problem of server lag? Submitted by codemanx

15. Demo Playback > should be easier. ATM it needs to be launched from the modernwarfare mod (apparent it doesnt work for some people)

16. Demo Playback > quitting demo ESC key would make it easier.

17. Game Interface > minor spelling fix: "Lanuch" instead of "Launch"

18. Gameplay > if to many players stand close to each other (very close), nobody of them receives damage, the engine can't decide it. shouldn't happen in normal gameplay, but it's possible (eg. testclients). (I've seen this sometimes. Nade explodes around 5 people but doesnt kill everyone. Very rare)

19. air strike cursor (and scoreboard) not recorder - video proof: http://tinyurl.com/38uc8x (4 MB)

not sync at the end but doesn't matter. resolution: 1280x480, container: avi, codec: xvid (use VLC if you can't see the video)

20. General > Support for longer player names.

21. Gameplay > Autoballance needs some loving.

22. gameplay > round/score limit bugs if more then 10 rounds are in the config.

23. General > Would like it more like cod2 where you can enable map voting but disable player kicks. Our biggest problem on our servers is that we like the ability to let players vote to change maps but then have to deal with players kick voting.

24. General > larger maps. Some members of the community feel the current stock maps are too small esp in servers over 24 slots.

25. Gameplay Eliminate gun sway when sniper rifle can be rested on a wall or when sniper is prone. Reduce gun sway when sniper is crouched.

Again, please try to keep this post civil fellas. Lets give IW a few pointers as to where to go with the next patch (if there is one). Please refrain yourself from mentioning the annoying perks, 203, clays, excesive nade use, etc etc. The ranked servers need to have those due to challanges. If you want to play on a server that has those thigns under wraps, play on modded servers where your rank and challanges do not matter.

If anyone has more things to put on please post and I will update this post.

* diskord puts flame jacket on, just in case.

**更新** 雪 41.6 片在测试

? 在:之上 2008 年二月 02 日, 下午 05:52:52?


天以前看见这。 忘记邮寄。

http://iamfourzerotwo.com/2008/0 。。。 ning-在-之上个人计算机-和-ps 3/

如果这一片是镜子片到什么 xbox recieved 我将会在网路世界大会是最 dissapointed。 亲自地我 dont 认为大部份的雪 4个社区 doesnt 关心杀凸轮。 我们想要真正的疯狂固定。 呸。。。我们将会见到。

下个片已经被 DEV 确认!

http://www.infinityward.com/comm 。。。 msg 198912#msg 198912

w 00 t!

第一的走开,请节制你们自己从燃烧的, 大叫、尖叫, 在这一条线中侮辱任何人。

我想要开始仍然需要在游戏中被演说的一本事物的广泛目录。 让目录每件事物我们能想离开, 而且让网路世界大会挑出它。亲自地我向上支持网路世界大会因为令人惊奇的工作他们一直做, 但是 unfortunatly 游戏仍然需要一个小工作。

另外的一件事物考虑, 个人的 preferance 不应该被视为一个虫/变化。 在你邮寄之前,想。 我将会跟随这一条线而且试着像你的请求一样的长更新它,否则虫报告被确认。

1. 伺候器浏览器 > 伺候器的 Lenght 命名。 这是一个 def 议题。 我刚刚看见我自己的伺候器,而且只有一半的名字在那里。

2. 伺候器浏览器 > 我确实了解许多伺候器仍然没被更新但是, 雪 4 一些种在过滤器中建造我们 dont 见到。 然后实际上存在,它导致游戏在荧屏上归还一个运气比较少的伺候器。 你用支索撑住正确地被 MOHAA 和雪有它 1. 我不关心它费时多久, 我 jsut 想要见较多的伺候器。

3. 伺候器浏览器 > 过滤。 我们需要一少多。我 dont 在 ASE 或者 QTracker 期待过滤器同类,但是我们确实需要一些 (同类天然岩石碎块, oldschool, 只有 modded 及其他及其他)

4. Asthetics> 这里的社区的部分一直请求彩名字在游戏中被显示。 我不真的照顾它, 但是它的不是很多。

5. 游戏可玩性 > 一些成员已经关于枪摇议题记录 vidoes。(ex 用炮射击射击正中央但是在 IR 用炮射击摇) 我亲自地 dont 有一个议题,但是它应该被调查或调整。

6. 游戏可玩性 > 一些 mebers 在仍然剪断是走开方面表示担心。 竞争社区 dissagrees 的多数除了再,见到会是好的网路世界大会已经调查议题。

7. 习惯地图 > 仍然有议题与。iwd 地图申请。 如果放在地图文件夹之内了他们仍然引起任意的坠毁。 如果他们被放在之内 mod 文件夹,他们能引起不重新传入他们的 mod 文件夹的伺候器的长的 d/l 时代。 同时, ,伺候器用许多关税地图有一长串的。iwd 文件 (一些达 8-10 megs) 突然被下载。 那是 def 一个议题。 如果网路世界大会向议题发表演说而且感觉议题已经被解决,请邮寄正确的方法跑订制的地图/modded 伺候器。

8. 卵位置 > 我了解这些地图 werent ment 为 32 或较大的伺候器。 剧照, 甚至在一个 24个男人伺候器中,卵稍微远。 许多产另外领先的顶端之一产杀害的/野营和同类。 修改程序档提供卵保护,但是它也应该在想要跑大的 TDM/FFA/SAB/文件对象套式伺候器的排列的伺候器中是可得的。

9. 游戏可玩性 > 损害 vaules 为 AK47+红色的点是走开。 (我有关这一个 thanx 忘记)

10. CoDTV> 这是竞争的必须。 有处理这的 GarretJax 的字但是没有人已经听说更新。 我相信网路世界大会应该接管而且使它完美的 (这一场游戏有潜能击退 CS 行星的脸) 排字工人。 社区会爱这。

11. 如果在 nvidia 控制嵌板中能够, SLI 最佳化, 现在减少你的框架率的 45-50% 。 它的确认它的一个游戏议题和不是一个驾驶员藉着 nvidia 发行他们自己的。 (据称这只以系列 7张卡片发生) Def 议题。 (可能地一个议题用 8 系列恐怕最好备置卡片)

12. 游戏可玩性 > 头击中盒子静止的是 abit 离开何时倾斜。 (亲自地我想它的罚款,但是社区说!)

13. 较多的 competive 有意的地图。

14. 如果地图藉由投票改变或者相同的地图再被玩,没有经验指出? i 刚刚有了这议题,但是另外的一个运动员说,他得到了 xp 。 伺候器落后的问题? 藉着 codemanx 委托

15. 示范录灌再生 > 应该比较容易。 它需要从 modernwarfare mod 被发射的自动柜员机 (明显的它一些人的 doesnt 工作)

16. 示范录灌再生 > 离开示范 ESC 钥匙会使它变成更容易。

17. 游戏接口 > 较小的拼字固定: " Lanuch" 而非 " 开始 "

18. 游戏可玩性 > 如果至许多运动员站在彼此 (非常接近的) 的附近,没有人他们接受损害,引擎不能决定它。 不应该在正常的游戏可玩性中发生,但是它是可能的。 (举例来说 testclients) (我已经有时见到这。 Nade 爆炸大约 5个人,但是 doesnt 杀每个人。 非常稀有的)

19. 空袭光标 (和记分板) 不录灌机 - 影像证明: http://tinyurl.com/38uc8x(4 MB)

不在最后同步但是不有关系。 决议: 1280 x 480,容器: avi,codec: xvid(使用 VLC 如果你不能见到影像)

20. 一般的 > 较长的运动员的支持命名。

21. 游戏可玩性 > Autoballance 需要一些亲爱的。

22. 游戏可玩性 > 回合/得分限制疯狂的如果更多那么 10个回合在 config 中。

23. 一般的 > 想要它更相似的雪 2 你能哪里使地图投票能够但是使运动员踢失去能力。 在我们的伺候器上的我们最大的问题是必须处理运动员踢投票的投票然后除了改变地图的我们喜欢能力让运动员。

24. 一般的 > 较大的地图。 社区的一些成员感觉现在的存货地图在超过 24 的伺候器位置中是太小的 esp 。

25. 当狙击兵来福枪能被停留在一面墙壁上的时候,游戏可玩性除去枪摇或者当狙击兵是俯伏的时候。 当狙击兵被蹲下的时候,减少枪摇。

再,请试着保存这邮寄市民的 fellas 。 让给网路世界大会一些指针关于哪里与下片搭配 .(如果有一)请从提到令人感到懊恼的福祉节制你自己, 203, 泥土, excesive nade 使用, 及其他等等被排列的伺候器需要有那些由于 challanges。 如果你想要利用有在外套下面的那些 thigns 的一个伺候器,在你的等级和 challanges 不有关系的 modded 伺候器上的游戏。


* diskord 放火焰夹克在,之上仅仅以防万一。

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