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  1. 主要是编码的转换,除了少数文字是双字节,譬如中文韩文日文等等,其他文字都是单字节。游戏的单字节处理每次只处理一个字节,譬如一个字母。但是双字节文字不同,要想载入一个字,必须读取两个字节才能显示完整,按照英文的一次只载入一个字节,那么只能是乱码。
  2. 等我回北京吧再看看吧。不一定非要支持DX9的显卡吧?否则我还得换显卡。 你对比一下看看有无双字节的设置。
  3. 不知道PK的引擎能否载入过大的字库。。。。他给你的是全部文件吗?
  4. 笔记本的显卡是 savage ix 的,已经装了dx9b了。。。。
  5. 是游戏里文件的位置和使用次数等等,开发基于MOH MOD的时候可以速查。
  6. 你在南方还是北方?
  7. 日。笔记本跑不起来,菜单都进不了。说没有DX9渲染。等我回北京再看吧。 PK Editor v1.3.5 有下载链接么?
  8. 你们觉得速度怎么样?
  9. 现在的空间提供商我不是很满意,速度不快。目前不敢宣传,弄不会起反作用。
  10. 上一讲我们已经通过 coord 命令知道了奥马哈沙滩上某点的坐标,这一讲我们要学习如何在这个点上增加东西,放什么好呢?就放一个V2导弹吧。 1. 现在来学习放置物件的两个指令语法中的第一个: local.别名 = spawn 模型路径/模型.tik local.别名.origin = ( x轴 y轴 z轴 ) local.别名.angle = 0 对应我们要放置的V2导弹,写成: local.V2 = spawn models/static/v2.tik local.V2.origin = ( 925 -4007 -443 ) local.V2.angle = 0 其中别名随便起,但同一组中别名要一致,建议使用模型名称。第一行是产生 V2 导弹,第二行是指定 V2 的坐标,第三行是指定导弹的水平方向上的角度,譬如是朝西还是朝东。( 925 -4007 -443 ) 就是我们在上一讲中确定的沙滩上的某点坐标。 现在我们就在 obj_team3.scr 中增加以上内容。 2. 好,保存一下,然后再进入游戏建立主机看看效果吧! 3. 咦,这个导弹人怎么能穿过啊,好像不存在一般。 4. 不过不打紧,我们增加一个参数让它成为实实在在的硬件。这个参数就是 solid 。 在刚才的那段后面加上一句 local.V2 solid ,保存即可。 5. 再进入游戏,这下行了,无论是人还是手雷火箭筒都不会穿过了。 好了,今天就讲到这里,我们再复习一下今天的内容: 修改地图脚本,用一组语句在该坐标上增加一个V2导弹。 local.V2 = spawn models/static/v2.tik local.V2.origin = ( 925 -4007 -443 ) local.V2.angle = 0 local.V2 solid 大家可以试试把语句中的 v2.tik 替换成 vehicle_c47.tik 或者 piperplane.tik 或者 tree_winter_fillpine.tik 看看会变成什么?
  11. 这一讲我们来学习如何确定地图中某点的坐标,以便在希望的坐标上增加物件。地图就拿奥马哈登陆的 OBJ 地图来做例子吧,因为沙滩足够空旷,可以放不少东西。 [确定地图中某点的坐标] 1. 要想确定地图中某点的坐标,我们需要进入该地图。所以我们要先建立主机,并选择奥马哈登陆的OBJ地图 obj_team3,如下图。 2. 进入主机后,首先我们要物色一个地方放东西,注意不要误闯雷区。嗯,就放在那里吧,如下图。 3. 既然决定放到那里,就要走过去,否则不好定位。那么就走过去吧,如下图。大家是不是觉得偶很啰嗦啊 ,没办法,为了讲到尽量详细只能这样了。 4. 然后按 ~ 键打开控制台,~ 键一般在 TAB 键的上边,数字1 键的左边,ESC 键的下边。打开后输入 clear [回车],如下图。 注:clear 只是单纯的清屏指令,把控制台乱七八糟的显示清掉。 5. 接着我们输入 coord [回车],coord 是显示当前坐标的命令,如下图。 注:3D 游戏中坐标点由 X轴 Y轴 Z轴 标注,即平面坐标+垂直坐标。 6. 可以看到屏幕上显示出了当前的坐标和面向角度,如下图。 注:其中坐标 location 后面显示的是 x轴 y轴 z轴 的值,我们需要记下来,如果对要增加的物件的精确要求不高,那么取3个数值的大概整数即可。譬如这里的坐标值是 925.68 -4007.61 -443.88,那么我们就记下 925 -4007 -443 。 至此我们的地图某点坐标值的确定就学习完了,实际上还有两种比较简单的确定坐标的方法,但是coord命令是基础命令,所以大家先熟悉这个命令比较好。下一讲我们就要在奥马哈的沙滩上增加东西了,欢迎大家学习。
  12. 大家可能在某些服务器看到过原本地图上没有的东西,譬如箱子、武器、机枪、飞机扔炸弹等等等等,这都是因为服务器端的地图脚本做了改动,MOHCHINA.COM 现编写相关教学,让大家循序渐进地学习,一起来发掘 MOHAA 的乐趣。 在该教学中我们会先从增加静态的东西讲起,然后逐步过渡到编写复杂的动态服务器端地图脚本。 [制作前的准备] 1. 我们需要V1.11版本的荣誉勋章。 2. 下载我已经提取的地图脚本文件。 [进一步的准备] 1. 将下载下来的地图脚本压缩包解压缩,我用的是 WinRAR 3.20。在压缩包上点右键,选择 释放到 maps\ ,如下图(点击查看大图,下同)。 2. 将解出的 maps 文件夹复制到游戏的 main 目录里,并且确认里面是 dm 和 obj 文件夹,如下图。 3. 如果我们要编辑 OBJ 模式的 OMAHA 地图,就要进入 maps 里的 obj 目录,把 obj_team3.scr 拖放到 记事本 程序上。如下图。 注:虽然脚本的扩展名同屏保扩展名,但它不是屏保文件。用任何文本编辑软件都可以编辑这些脚本,记事本是为了方便讲解和使用才放进去。 4. obj_team3.scr 打开后的样子,以后就在图中标注的地方进行编辑,如下图。 5. 确认游戏控制台已经打开,用于在游戏中输入操作指令,如下图。 至此所有的准备工作都做完了,下一讲我们将要学习如何确定地图中某点的坐标。
  13. S-22


    1. if it is a static model make a .map file that is only clip brushes and put it in the same diretory as your model . Have a look at the Pak0.pk3\models\static directory . 2. you can import the model into radiant but only so you can use clip brushes to make it's shape . The clip brushes are brushes like metal clip or wood clip etc they stop you from being able to go through the object they block you and bulllets etc . After you make the shape of your model with clip brushes then remove your model and save the .map file it should have clip brushes only in it . If you need an example extract one of the ones from pak0 and have a look .
  14. S-22


    1. Make your sky brushes "common/caulkSky" texture. Then add this to worldspawn (select a sky brush and hit key N). Key: farplane_color Value: 0 0 1 That will make your sky blue. The three numbers are, red, green, and blue. 2. You can make a new sky if you wish, but it is not as easy. There are 6 jpg images in pak0.pk3/env folder for every sky in the game. Then there is a shader file in pak0.pk3/scripts, named sky.shader, that has the code to make those images work as a sky in the game. Using caulksky, you can set any color you wish. The three RGB color numbers can be mixed, like this. farplane_color .8 .6 .4 That would make the sky a golden color. The mixing of the colors is not like paint because the values are for light. R G B 1 1 0 = yellow 1 1 1 = white 0 0 0 = black .5 1 1 = light blue If you hit key K in the editor, it will bring up a color window. It has the RGB values on the right, but they must all be divided by 255 to get the "normalized" numbers that farplane_color uses. Hope that helps. 3. Key: suncolor 60 60 60 Key: sundirection -60 90 0 Key: sunflarename sun 4. i have a map that has a lot of skyscrapers (ie. very tall brushes, climable and with a far view when on top) question is, to "buffer" the player's view or ability to view beyond the edge of the map, what could i do (besides building a wall or extending the actual map, making more tall brushes and blocking off the extra map space) ? an idea i have is to run thin brushes around the edge of the map with images of a city skyline and then put the sky box behind that; would that work and if it did, what sized would i need to make the brush so the texture came out with the right "dimentional" look ? 5. Walls, treelines/hedgerows, a few model trees, and fake buildings can all be used. Have a look at map m4l0 in the MOHAATools/docs folder. It has a complex sky box and treeline setup. Filter out all the junk, so you can have a good look at how they did it. You can also make new skys using programs like Terragen and TerraSky (terrasky is hard to find).
  15. 好哇 已经60%了 FPS游戏的文件执行特点都差不多,只是包的压缩算法不同。 估计得明天才能下载完了。
  16. Ok let me just clear up a few things ... Yes i see people post stuff about hidden menus, weird views with the hud, edit script etc etc I've been using all the above for many months now, it's very easy to find out about if know where to look, and even easier if your familiar with things like the quake games and fakk2 / sin So i just thought i'd post a big thread (this one) with a lot of the information that i've had at my disposal. That way everyone will know how to do these things, and no longer feel that these things are some sort of Black Magic only know to a select few. I'd should have done this earlier yes, but well i lead a very busy life and i've only just got around to it ... better late than never. If you study the above info and the links to the 2 html documents you'll have a very good understanding of the mohaa engine and how to use it. I've still got masses more info that i need to post, but i've not tidied it all up yet ... but as soon as i have it'll be on TMT 1st As for DEBUG ... that's just a programming process you do when your fixing bugs in the program/script. The threads i've posted above allow you to output messages to the console (and the logfile if turned on) that greatly help in tracking down where a bug lies in your script. Basically you use 2 types of message, one is just so you know when you've entered/left a thread, or at which part of a thread the script is processing. The other sort of message you use to ouput the contents of a variable, so you can check it's been set correctly. Outputting messages is a very very basic way of debugging, and most languages have far more advanced methods, but your limited with the mohaa scripting language ... so if you have problems in your scripts, stick in some messages and track those bugs down. You can always delete all the debug code once your scripts are running smoothly ... indeed if you examine some of the mohaa scripts in global you'll see that there are still messages in them that were never taken out ... exploder.scr has several 'println "z " messages. just type developer 1 in console and see how many messages start to appear as you play the standard mohaa maps. one of them even uses 3d debug messages, that shows the entitiy numbers as your playing ... i think it's SP map where your a sniper and have to escort the tank crew through the map.
  17. 3 useful threads to add to your map script files for debugging. They give nice formatted output in console, and are great when the logfile is turned on: To use them, put these 2 lines immediately after "main:" level.debug = 1 level.debugtime = 1 These 2 lines, activate the debuging lines to console, and also activate a TIME message. The time messages are most useful for benchmarking, to see which threads are taking far too long to process. Then at the start of a thread add a line like: thread debugtextstart ("currentthreadname: self = " + self) at he end of a thread add a line like: thread debugtextend ("currentthreadname: self = " + self) inside your threads either in a loop or after an important command, put a line like: thread debugtext ("myvalue = " + local.myvalue) // the 3 threads follow, stick these into your map script file, preferably right at the bottom. debugtext local.text: if (level.debug == NIL || level.debug != 1) end if (level.debugtime == 1) local.text = (" Time: " + level.time + "> " + local.text) else local.text = (" " + local.text) println local.text end debugtextstart local.text: if (level.debug == NIL || level.debug != 1) end println " " println "[-" println "////////////////////////// START OF THREAD //////////////////////" local.text = ("// THREAD = " + local.text) if (level.debugtime == 1) local.text = (local.text + "\n// Time: " + level.time + "\n") local.text = (local.text + "\n----------------") println local.text end debugtextend local.text: if (level.debug == NIL || level.debug != 1) end local.text = ("\\ THREAD = " + local.text) local.text = ("----------------\n" + local.text) if (level.debugtime == 1) local.text = ("\\ Time: " + level.time + "\n" + local.text) println local.text println "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ END OF THREAD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" println "-]" println " " end
  18. Commands (cmdlist) From main menu: (no map running) cmdlist -back -leanright -moveright cvarlist -leanleft -moveleft listmenus -use set bind unbind alias seta exec devcon gotoreturnmenu setreturnmenu -statistics +statistics ui_getplayermodel ui_applyplayermodel playermodel finishloadingscreen startserver ui_removehud ui_addhud locationprint centerprint ui_checkrestart ui_resetcvars ui_hud clear ui_testlist ui_loadconsolepos ui_saveconsolepos ui_hidemouse ui_showmouse inv_restart editspecificshader editshader editscript notepad soundpicker lod_spawnlist viewspawnlist ui_startdmmap dmmapselect maplist loadmenu togglemenu globalwidgetcommand widgetcommand hidemenu showmenu popmenu forcemenu pushmenu_dm pushmenu_sp pushmenu tmstop tmstartloop tmstart pitch playsong loadsoundtrack stopmp3 playmp3 sounddump soundinfo soundlist play ff_disable r_infoworldtris r_infostaticmodels farplane_info gfxinfo screenshot modelist modellist shaderlist imagelist cl_dumpallclasses cl_dumpclassevents cl_classevents cl_classtree cl_classlist cl_pendingevents cl_dumpevents cl_eventhelp cl_eventlist gogetpatch launchgamespy fastconnect aliasdump dialog saveshot vidmode tiki animlist tikilist tikianimlist ping setenv rcon localservers reconnect menuconnect connect stoprecord cinematic disconnect vid_restart snd_restart clientinfo configstrings cmd -cameralook +cameralook +togglemouse -mlook +mlook -button14 +button14 -button13 +button13 -button12 +button12 -button11 +button11 -button10 +button10 -button9 +button9 -button8 +button8 -button7 +button7 -button6 +button6 -button5 +button5 -button4 +button4 -button3 +button3 -button2 +button2 -button1 +button1 -button0 +button0 -speed +speed +leanright +leanleft +use -attacksecondary +attacksecondary -attackprimary +attackprimary -attack +attack +moveright +moveleft -strafe +strafe -lookdown +lookdown -lookup +lookup +back -forward +forward -right +right -left +left -movedown +movedown -moveup +moveup centerview difficultyHard difficultyMedium difficultyEasy loadlastgame loadgame autosavegame savegame killserver gamemap devmap map spdevmap spmap sectorlist restart dumpuser systeminfo serverinfo status clientkick kick heartbeat midiinfo net_restart in_restart pause writeconfig changeVectors quit unbindall touchFile cd fdir dir path ctrlbindlist altbindlist bindlist unctrlbind ctrlbind unaltbind altbind append scale subtract add cvar_savegame_restart cvar_restart reset setu sets toggle wait echo vstr meminfo 239 commands
  19. Variables (cvarslist) From the main menu: (no map running) g_lastsave "" A com_autodialdata "" snd_maxdelay "12" snd_mindelay "2" snd_chance "1" snd_volume "1" snd_mindist "160" snd_reverblevel "0.5" snd_reverbtype "0" snd_yaw "0" snd_height "16" snd_length "16" snd_width "16" cg_te_alpha "1" cg_te_color_g "1" cg_te_color_r "1" cg_te_color_b "1" cg_te_filename "dump/testemitter.txt" cam_angles_yaw "0" cam_angles_pitch "0" cam_angles_roll "0" viewmodelactionweight "0" viewmodelnormaltime "0" viewmodelanimnum2 "0" viewmodelblend "0" viewmodelanimslot "0" viewmodelsyncrate "0" subteam3 "0" subtitle3 "" subteam2 "0" subtitle2 "" subteam1 "0" subtitle1 "" subteam0 "0" subtitle0 "" cg_hud "1" dlg_badsave "This save game is invalid" A ui_startmap "" cl_movieaudio "1" A cl_greenfps "0" ui_returnmenu "0" ui_failed "0" ui_success "0" ui_gotmedal "0" ui_gmboxspam "1" ui_NumShotsFired "0" ui_NumHits "0" ui_NumComplete "0" ui_NumObjectives "0" ui_Accuracy "0" ui_PreferredWeapon "none" ui_NumHitsTaken "0" ui_NumObjectsDestroyed "0" ui_NumEnemysKilled "0" ui_HeadShots "0" ui_TorsoShots "0" ui_LeftLegShots "0" ui_RightLegShots "0" ui_LeftArmShots "0" ui_RightArmShots "0" ui_GroinShots "0" ui_GunneryEvaluation "0" ui_health_end "0" ui_health_start "0" ui_drawcoords "0" ui_inventoryfile "global/inventory.txt" ui_newvidmode "4" ui_compass "1" ui_debugload "0" soundoverlay "0" A ui_itemsbar "0" A ui_weaponsbartime "2500" A ui_weaponsbar "1" A ui_consoleposition "" A ui_gmbox "1" A ui_minicon "0" A s_obstruction_cal_time "500" s_show_sounds "0" s_show_num_active_sounds "0" s_show_cpu "0" s_initsound "1" A s_dialogscale "1" C s_testsound "0" C s_show "0" A s_mixPreStep "0.05" AL s_loadas8bit "0" A s_separation "0.5" A s_ambientvolume "1.00" A s_musicvolume "0.9" A s_volume "0.9" L net_port "12203" L net_ip "" AL net_socksPassword "" AL net_socksUsername "" AL net_socksPort "1080" AL net_socksServer "" AL net_socksEnabled "0" AL net_noipx "1" AL net_noudp "0" C graphshift "0" C graphscale "1" C graphheight "32" C debuggraph "0" C timegraph "0" A ff_disabled "" ff_developer "0" ff_ensureShake "1" A ff_defaultTension "1" A use_ff "1" dcl_texturescale "32" dcl_maxoffset "10" dcl_minsegment "24" dcl_maxsegment "512" dcl_pathmode "0" dcl_dostring "apply to all" dcl_dobmodels "1" dcl_doterrain "1" dcl_doworld "1" dcl_dolighting "1" dcl_alpha "1" dcl_b "1" dcl_g "1" dcl_r "1" dcl_rotation "0" dcl_widthscale "1" dcl_heightscale "1" dcl_radius "16" dcl_shader "blastmark" dcl_shiftstep "4" dcl_autogetinfo "1" dcl_showcurrent "1" L dcl_editmode "0" r_gfxinfo " GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc. GL_RENDERER: Radeon VE DDR x86/SSE GL_VERSION: 1.2.2333 WinXP Release GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATIX_envmap_bumpmap GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATIX_pn_triangles GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATI_vertex_shader GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_blend_square GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGI_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXTENSIONS: WGL_EXT_extensions_string GL_EXTENSIONS: WGL_EXT_swap_control GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 2048 GL_MAX_ACTIVE_TEXTURES_ARB: 3 PIXELFORMAT: color(32-bits) Z(24-bit) stencil(8-bits) MODE: 4, 800 x 600 windowed hz:60 GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits CPU: Intel Pentium III rendering primitives: single glDrawElements texturemode: GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST picmip: 1 texture bits: 32 multitexture: enabled compiled vertex arrays: enabled texenv add: enabled compressed textures: disabled " L r_maskMinidriver "0" L r_allowSoftwareGL "0" L r_loadftx "0" L r_loadjpg "1" A ter_fastMarks "1" A ter_minMarkRadius "8" r_precacheimages "0" r_static_shadermultiplier3 "1" r_static_shadermultiplier2 "1" r_static_shadermultiplier1 "1" r_static_shadermultiplier0 "1" r_static_shaderdata3 "0" r_static_shaderdata2 "0" r_static_shaderdata1 "0" r_static_shaderdata0 "0" A r_sse "0" r_showportal "0" A vss_smoothsmokelight "1" A r_debuglines_depthmask "0" R r_useglfog "1" A r_lightcoronasize ".1" C r_farplane_nofog "0" C r_farplane_nocull "0" C r_farplane_color ".5 .5 .5" C r_farplane "0" r_skyportal_origin "0 0 0" r_skyportal "0" C r_light_showgrid "0" A r_light_nolight "0" A r_light_int_scale "0.05" C r_light_sun_line "0" C r_light_lines "0" A r_stipplelines "1" r_maxtermarks "1024" r_maxpolyverts "16384" r_maxpolys "4096" A r_entlight_maxcalc "2" A r_entlight_cubefraction "0.5" A r_entlight_cubelevel "0" A r_entlight_errbound "6" C r_entlight_scale "1.3" C r_entlightmap "0" C r_noportals "0" C r_lockpvs "0" C r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK" C r_offsetunits "-2" C r_offsetfactor "-1" C r_clear "0" C r_showstaticbboxes "0" C r_showhbox "0" C r_shownormals "0" C r_showsky "0" C r_showtris "0" C r_nobind "0" C r_debugSurface "0" C r_logFile "0" C r_verbose "0" C r_speeds "0" C r_showcluster "0" C r_novis "0" C r_showcull "0" C r_nocull "0" C r_ignore "1" C r_staticlod "1" C r_drawspherelights "1" C r_drawsprites "1" C r_drawterrain "1" C r_drawbrushmodels "1" C r_drawbrushes "1" C r_drawstaticmodelpoly "1" C r_drawstaticmodels "1" C r_drawentitypoly "1" C r_drawentities "1" C r_norefresh "0" C r_measureOverdraw "0" C r_skipBackEnd "0" C r_showSmp "0" C r_flareFade "7" C r_flareSize "40" C r_portalOnly "0" C r_lightmap "0" C r_drawworld "1" C r_nocurves "0" r_printShaders "0" C r_debugSort "0" lod_tool "0" lod_position "0 0 0" lod_save "0" lod_tris "" lod_metric "0.0" lod_tikiname "" lod_meshname "" lod_mesh "0" lod_zee_val "0" lod_pitch_val "0" lod_curve_4_slider "0" lod_curve_3_slider "0" lod_curve_2_slider "0" lod_curve_1_slider "0" lod_curve_0_slider "0" lod_curve_4_val "0" lod_curve_3_val "0" lod_curve_2_val "0" lod_curve_1_val "0" lod_curve_0_val "0" lod_edit_4 "0" lod_edit_3 "0" lod_edit_2 "0" lod_edit_1 "0" lod_edit_0 "0" lod_LOD_slider "0.5" lod_maxLOD "0.3" lod_minLOD "1.0" lod_LOD "0" r_uselod "1" r_showstaticlod "0" r_showlod "0" r_showImages "0" C r_directedScale "1" C r_ambientScale "0.5" A r_primitives "0" A r_facePlaneCull "1" A r_gamma "1" A r_swapInterval "0" A r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" A r_finish "0" A r_dlightBacks "1" A r_drawSun "0" r_fastsky "0" A r_ignoreGLErrors "1" C r_znear "3" A r_flares "0" A C r_lodCurveError "225" r_lerpmodels "1" LC r_singleShader "0" L g_numdebuglines "4096" L r_intensity "1" L r_mapOverBrightBits "1" LC r_fullbright "0" L r_displayRefresh "0" AL r_ignoreFastPath "0" AL r_smp "0" AL r_vertexLight "0" AL r_customaspect "1" AL r_customheight "1024" AL r_customwidth "1600" AL r_ignorehwgamma "0" AL r_overBrightBits "0" AL r_depthbits "0" AL r_stencilbits "0" AL r_stereo "0" AL r_textureDetails "1" L r_colorMipLevels "0" AL r_roundImagesDown "1" A r_reset_tc_array "1" A r_geForce3WorkAround "1" AL r_ext_aniso_filter "0" AL r_ext_texture_env_combine "0" AL r_ext_texture_env_add "1" AL r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" R r_ext_multitexture "1" AL r_ext_gamma_control "1" AL r_allowExtensions "1" AL r_glDriver "opengl32" A s_speaker_type "0" AL s_reverb "0" U A dm_playergermanmodel "german_wehrmacht_soldier" U A dm_playermodel "american_army" U password "" U A snaps "20" m_invert_pitch "0" A cg_forceModel "0" A cl_maxPing "800" A cg_autoswitch "1" cg_gametype "0" cl_langamerefreshstatus "Ready" R cl_motdString "" A m_filter "0" A m_side "0.25" A m_up "0" A m_forward "0.25" A m_yaw "0.022" A m_pitch "0.022" A cl_allowDownload "1" cl_showmouserate "0" A cl_mouseAccel "0" A sensitivity "5" A freelook "1" A cl_run "1" A cl_packetdup "1" A cl_maxpackets "30" cl_anglespeedkey "1.5" A cl_pitchspeed "70" A cl_yawspeed "140" rconAddress "" cl_forceavidemo "0" cl_avidemo "0" activeAction "" cl_freezeDemo "0" cl_showTimeDelta "0" cl_showSend "0" cl_shownet "0" cl_timeNudge "0" cl_connect_timeout "15" cl_timeout "60" A cl_cdkey "123456789" cl_motd "0" cl_eventstats "0" cl_timeevents "0" cl_eventlimit "500" cl_showevents "0" cl_debugMove "0" cl_nodelta "0" sv_deeptracedebug "0" sv_drawentities "1" R sv_mapChecksum "" sv_killserver "0" sv_padPackets "0" sv_showloss "0" sv_reconnectlimit "3" A sv_master5 ":-)" A sv_master4 "duncan_paterson_weir@hotmail.com" A sv_master3 "www.the4thregiment.tk" A sv_master2 "(Duncan Weir)" sv_master1 "Scorpios Server" nextmap "" sv_zombietime "2" sv_timeout "120" S sv_fps "20" sv_privatePassword "4threserved" rconPassword "opmhp" R sv_paks "" sv_pure "0" R sv_serverid "0" S L g_gametype "0" S A sv_floodProtect "1" S A sv_minPing "0" S L sv_maxclients "1" S sv_privateClients "0" S R mapname "nomap" S R protocol "8" S sv_keywords "" S timelimit "0" S fraglimit "0" S dmflags "0" skill "1" g_maxplayerhealth "750" net_multiLANpackets "2" I net_qport "22491" showdrop "0" showpackets "0" A in_disablealttab "0" A joy_threshold "0.15" in_debugjoystick "0" A in_joyBallScale "0.02" A in_joystick "0" AL in_mouse "1" A in_mididevice "0" A in_midichannel "1" A in_midi "0" username "Duncan" sys_cpuid "35" sys_cpustring "Intel Pentium III" R win_wndproc "4754704" R win_hinstance "4194304" arch "win2000" arch_minor_version "1" arch_major_version "5" R shortversion "1.11" S R version "Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.11 win-x86 Mar 5 2002" com_buildScript "0" R cl_running "1" R sv_running "0" L dedicated "0" C timedemo "0" com_speeds "0" C viewlog "0" C com_dropsim "0" C com_showtrace "0" C fixedtime "0" C timescale "1" A fps "0" A autopaused "1" R paused "0" deathmatch "0" A com_maxfps "85" convertAnim "0" showLoad "0" low_anim_memory "0" dumploadedanims "0" pagememory "0" ui_legalscreen_stay "3" ui_legalscreen_fadeout ".5" ui_legalscreen_fadein ".5" ui_titlescreen_stay "3" ui_titlescreen_fadeout ".5" ui_titlescreen_fadein ".5" g_voiceChat "0" S A sv_maplist "obj\tank" A r_lastValidRenderer "Radeon VE DDR x86/SSE" AL r_fullscreen "0" AL r_forceClampToEdge "1" AL s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio" U A name "=4th= [1st] 2nd Lt. Scorpio" S A sv_allowDownload "0" S AL g_gametypestring "Objective-Match" S A sv_hostname "Scorpios ..." S A sv_maxPing "500" S A sv_maxRate "9000" U A rate "20000" A vid_xpos "40" A vid_ypos "44" config "unnamedsoldier.cfg" AL r_ext_compressed_textures "0" A r_drawstaticdecals "1" A g_ddayshingleguys "2" A g_ddayfog "0" A g_ddayfodderguys "2" AL r_texturebits "32" AL r_colorbits "32" AL r_picmip "1" AL r_mode "4" A cg_marks_add "1" AL s_khz "22" A cg_shadows "1" A cg_rain "1" A ter_maxtris "16384" A ter_maxlod "4" A ter_error "9" A vss_maxcount "20" A cg_effectdetail "0.7" A r_lodviewmodelcap "0.45" A r_lodcap "0.35" A r_lodscale "0.45" AL r_subdivisions "4" A r_fastentlight "1" AL r_fastdlights "1" A cg_drawviewmodel "2" A g_m6l3 "0" A g_m6l2 "0" A g_m6l1 "0" A g_m5l3 "0" A g_m5l2 "0" A g_m5l1 "0" A g_m4l3 "0" A g_m4l2 "0" A g_m4l1 "1" A g_m3l3 "0" A g_m3l2 "0" A g_m3l1 "0" A g_m2l3 "0" A g_m2l2 "0" A g_m2l1 "0" A g_m1l3 "0" A g_m1l2 "0" A g_m1l1 "1" A g_eogmedal2 "0" A g_eogmedal1 "0" A g_eogmedal0 "0" A g_medal5 "1" A g_medal4 "0" A g_medal3 "0" A g_medal2 "0" A g_medal1 "0" A g_medal0 "0" ui_medalsign "" ui_signshader "" A g_subtitle "0" A g_skill "1" A detail "1" A ui_hostname "Scorpio's Monastery Assault 3.3" A ui_maplist_obj "obj/obj_team1" A ui_maplist_round "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7" A ui_maplist_team "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7" A ui_maplist_ffa "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7" A ui_inactivekick "999" A ui_inactivespectate "999" A ui_connectip "" A ui_teamdamage "1" A ui_timelimit "0" A ui_fraglimit "0" A ui_gamespy "1" A ui_maxclients "10" ui_gametypestring "" ui_gametype "" ui_dmmap "" A ui_voodoo "0" A cl_ctrlbindings "0" A cl_altbindings "0" A ui_crosshair "1" A viewsize "100" I journal "0" fs_filedir "C:\games\mohaa\main\\maps\" mapdir "" logfile "2" I fs_restrict "" S I fs_game "" I fs_basepath "C:\games\mohaa" I fs_cdpath "" I fs_copyfiles "0" fs_debug "0" A ui_skip_legalscreen "1" A ui_skip_titlescreen "1" A ui_skip_eamovie "1" A cl_playintro "0" A ui_console "1" A developer "1" A thereisnomonkey "1" AL cheats "1" 607 total cvars 607 cvar indexes
  20. Menus: use pushmenu to display and pushmenu to hide beachobjmenu hud_fraglimit hud_score hud_timelimit project connecting DM_Round_Scoreboard DM_Scoreboard errormessage joininternetgame joinlangame joinnetgame Obj_Scoreboard serverdisconnected servertimeout wrongversion advancedoptions animate2 audio_options badserveraddy briefing1a briefing1b briefing1c briefing1c2 briefing1d briefing1e briefing1f briefing1f2 briefing1g briefing2a briefing2b briefing2b2 briefing2b3 briefing2b4 briefing2b5 briefing2b6 briefing2c briefing2d briefing2e briefing2f briefing3a briefing3b briefing3b2 briefing3c briefing3c2 briefing3c3 briefing3c4 briefing3d briefing3e briefing3f briefing3g briefing3h briefing3i briefing4a briefing4b briefing4b2 briefing4c briefing4d briefing4e briefing4f briefing5a briefing5a2 briefing5a3 briefing5b briefing5c briefing5d briefing5e briefing6a briefing6b briefing6b2 briefing6c briefing6c2 briefing6d briefing6d2 briefing6e briefingroom CinemaQuickmenu camera credits1 crosshair dday1 dday2 decals demohelp disconnected SelectFFAModel dm_main SelectPrimaryWeapon SelectTeam eascreen emitter greytest hud_ammo_BAR hud_ammo_Bazooka hud_ammo_ hud_ammo_M1 Garand hud_ammo_Mauser KAR 98K hud_ammo_KAR98 - Sniper hud_ammo_Frag Grenade hud_ammo_MP40 hud_ammo_StG 44 hud_ammo_Walther P38 hud_ammo_Panzerschreck hud_ammo_Shotgun hud_ammo_Hi-Standard Silenced hud_ammo_Springfield '03 Sniper hud_ammo_Stielhandgranate hud_ammo_Thompson hud_compass hud_health hud_items hud_stopwatch hud_weapons joingame LevelDesign loading_default m1l1 m1l2a m1l2b m1l3a m2l1 m2l2a m2l3 m3l1a m3l2 m3l3 m4l1 m4l2 m4l3 m5l1a m5l2a m5l3 m6l1a m6l1c m6l2a m6l2b m6l3a dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7 obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4 obj/obj_team5 loadsave loadsave_mp LODTool main medals mission1difficulty mission1_briefing mission2difficulty mission2_briefing mission3difficulty mission3_briefing mission4difficulty mission4_briefing mission5difficulty mission5_briefing mission6difficulty mission6_briefing multiplayer multiplayerstart multiplayerstart_ffa multiplayerstart_obj multiplayerstart_round multiplayerstart_team ObjSelectTeam options_main serverfull smoke StatsScreen_Failed StatsScreen_Success video_options war_records zound controls hud_ammo_Colt 45 mpoptions
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