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博客条文 由 moh8888 发布的

  1. moh8888
    watchactor( Entity actor_to_watch )

    Makes the player's camera watch the specified actor.


    Drops the player's current weapon.


    Cycle to player's next weapon.


    Cycle to player's previous weapon.

    whatis( Integer entity_number )

    Prints info on the specified entity.


    Gives player all weapons.


    makes sure that zoom is off

    PlayerAlliedDeathmatchStart (info_player_allied) → PlayerDeathmatchStart → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    PlayerAxisDeathmatchStart (info_player_axis) → PlayerDeathmatchStart → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    PlayerDeathmatchStart (info_player_deathmatch) → PlayerStart → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    arena( Integer arena_number )

    set the arena number for this starting position

    PlayerIntermission (info_player_intermission) → Camera → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    PlayerStart (info_player_start) → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


    forbids spawning from this spawnpoint


    allows spawning from this spawnpoint

    PortableTurret → TurretGun → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )

    Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds


    Drops the item to the ground.

    PortalCamera (portal_camera) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    roll( Float roll )

    Sets the portal camera's roll.

    PortalSurface (portal_surface) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Locates the camera position.

    Projectile (projectile) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    addownervelocity( Boolean bool )

    Set whether or not the owner's velocity is added to the projectile's velocity

    addvelocity( Float velocity_x, Float velocity_y, Float velocity_z )

    Set a velocity to be added to the projectile when it is created


    Make the projectile follow a normal arc on its way to its target

    avelocity( [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float yaw ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float pitch ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float roll ] )

    set the angular velocity of the projectile

    beam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    send a command to the beam of this projectile


    Make the projectile into a bomb


    Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces


    Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off hard surfaces


    Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off metal


    Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces in water


    Make the projectile bounce when it hits a non-damageable solid


    Make the projectile be able to hit its owner


    set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


    set the projectile's speed to be determined by the charge time


    Make the projectile be able to hit its owner now

    dlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity )

    set the color and intensity of the dynamic light on the projectile

    dmlife( Float projectileLife )

    set the life of the projectile in DM

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    drunk( Float amount, Float rate )

    Make the projectile drunk


    Make the projectile explode


    Make the projectile explode when it touches something damagable

    explosionmodel( String modelname )

    Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned


    set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time


    Make the projectile heat seek

    hitdamage( Float projectileHitDamage )

    set the damage a projectile does when it hits something

    impactmarkorientation( Float degrees )

    Set the orientation of the impact mark

    impactmarkradius( Float radius )

    Set the radius of the impact mark

    impactmarkshader( String shader )

    Set the impact mark of the shader

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    knockback( Float projectileKnockback )

    set the knockback of the projectile when it hits something

    life( Float projectileLife )

    set the life of the projectile

    meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

    set the meansOfDeath of the projectile

    minlife( Float minProjectileLife )

    set the minimum life of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)

    minspeed( Float minspeed )

    set the minimum speed of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)


    Makes the projectile not blow up or deal damage when it touches a damagable object


    Make the projectile think to update it's velocity


    Make the projectile get removed when it stops

    smashthroughglass( Integer speed )

    Makes the projectile smash through windows & other damageble glass objects when going above a set speed

    speed( Float projectileSpeed )

    set the speed of the projectile


    sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


    Update the attached beam

    ProjectileGenerator (ProjectileGenerator) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    Accuracy( Float Accuracy )

    Accuracy 0-25 feet


    Startup the cycle..

    Cycles( Integer Cycles )

    Number of cycles. 0=infinte

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities


    End the cycle..


    Default=1; Set this to 0 if you don't want the PG to fire on startup.


    Returns entity being targeted by the projectile generator,

    ID( Integer ID )

    Sets the ID for this projectile generator


    Initialize object


    Returns whether the generator is on or off.

    launchsound( String Sound )

    Set a launch sound for the projectile.

    MaxDelay( Float MaxDelay )

    Maximum time between bursts

    MaxDuration( Float MaxDuration )

    Sets the maximum duration of bursts(in seconds)

    MaxNumShots( Integer MaxNumShots )

    Sets the maximum # of shots to fire in a cycle

    MinDelay( Float MinDelay )

    Minimum time between bursts.

    MinDuration( Float MinDuration )

    Sets the minimum duration of the bursts (in seconds)

    MinNumShots( Integer MinNumShots )

    Sets the minimum # of shots to fire in a cycle

    Model( String Model )

    Projectile model to use.

    target( String targetname_to_target )

    target another entity with targetname_to_target.


    Tick the cycle..


    Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)


    Turn On and begin the first cycle

    ProjectileGenerator_Gun (ProjectileGenerator_Gun) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

    Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

    bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

    Set the damage that the bullet causes

    bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

    Set the knockback that the bullet causes

    bulletlarge( Integer bulletType )

    Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)

    bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

    Set the range of the bullets

    bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

    Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis

    fakebullets( Boolean useFakeBullets )

    Whether or not the projectile generator should fire real bullets.

    firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

    Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon

    ID( Integer ID )

    Sets the ID for this projectile generator

    meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

    Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.

    throughmetal( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through metal

    throughwood( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through wood

    tracerfrequency( Integer frequenct )

    Set the frequency of making tracers

    tracerspeed( Float speed )

    Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)

    ProjectileGenerator_Heavy (ProjectileGenerator_Heavy) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    projectile( String projectileModel )

    Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

    ProjectileGenerator_Projectile (ProjectileGenerator_Projectile) → ProjectileGenerator → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    arc( Float arc )

    arc in front of the player

    isdonut( Integer isdonut )

    will target donut

    maxdonut( Float maxdonut )

    max extent of donut from player

    mindonut( Float mindonut )

    min extent of donut from player


    Play a pre-impact sound

    preimpactsound( String Sound )

    Set a pre-impact sound.

    preimpactsoundprob( Float probability )

    Set the chance for a pre-impact sound to occur.
    Range: ( 0.0, 1.0 ), with 0 having no chance, and 1 always occurring.

    preimpactsoundtime( Float delay )

    Set the time before impact to play the preimpact sound.

    projectile( String projectileModel )

    Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires

    ProjectileTarget (ProjectileGenerator_Target) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    ID( Integer ID )

    Sets the ID for this projectile generator

    PuffDaddy (plant_puffdaddy) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.


    Animates the puff daddy.

    PushObject (func_pushobject) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    dmg( Integer damage )

    Set the damage.

    doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

    sent to entity when blocked.

    pushsound( String sound )

    Set the pushing sound


    Sets up the pushobject.

    Rain (func_rain) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    RandomSpawn (func_randomspawn) → Spawn → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities

    max_time( Float maxTime )

    Maximum time between random spawns.

    min_time( Float minTime )

    Minimum time between random spawns.

    RandomSpeaker (sound_randomspeaker) → TriggerSpeaker → TriggerPlaySound → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    chance( Float newChance<0.00...1.00> )

    Sets the chance that the sound will play when triggered.

    maxdelay( Float max_delay )

    Sets the maximum time between playings.

    mindelay( Float min_delay )

    Sets the minimum time between playings.

    triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

    Send event to owner of trigger.

    ReSpawn (func_respawn) → Spawn → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    RotatingDoor (func_rotatingdoor) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Closes the door (special doors).

    doopen( Entity other )

    Opens the door (special doors).

    openangle( Float open_angle )

    Sets the open angle of the door.

    RunThrough (func_runthrough) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    chance( Float chance )

    chance that trigger will spawn something.

    delay( Float delay )

    time between RunThrough being activated.

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    lip( Float lip )

    distance below trigger we should spawn things.

    offset( Vector spawn_offset )

    When triggered, what to offset the spawned object by.

    spawnmodel( String model_to_spawn )

    When triggered, what to spawn.

    speed( Float speed )

    threshold speed at which RunThrough is activated.

    Script → Class

    ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire (script_aimedstrafinggunfire) → ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Set the aim target.



    ScriptClass → Listener → Class

    ScriptDoor (script_door) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


    Closes the door (special doors).


    Sets up the script door.

    doopen( Entity other )

    Opens the door (special doors).


    door's movedir


    door's open dot product


    door's size


    door's startorigin

    ScriptMaster → Listener → Class

    alias( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path

    aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource

    cache( String resourceName )

    pre-cache the given resource.

    ScriptModel (script_model) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

    anim( String anim_name )

    Sets the script model's animation


    Script model animation has finished.

    model( String modelName )

    set the model to modelName.

    moveanim( String animName )

    Makes the script model play an animation and move with the deltas contained in the animation


    The script model is moving based on an animation

    ScriptModelRealDamage (script_model_realdamage) → ScriptModel → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    ScriptOrigin (script_origin) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    model( String modelName )

    set the model to modelName.

    ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire (script_simplestrafinggunfire) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

    Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

    bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

    Set the damage that the bullet causes

    bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

    Set the knockback that the bullet causes

    bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

    Set the range of the bullets

    bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

    Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis



    firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

    Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon


    Turn the gunfire off.


    Turn the gunfire on.


    Set the projectile model

    throughmetal( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through metal

    throughwood( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through wood


    Set the frequency of the tracers

    ScriptSkyOrigin (script_skyorigin) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    ScriptSlave (script_object) → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

    angles( Vector angles )

    Sets the angles.

    bind( Entity parent )

    bind this entity to the specified entity.


    Close the area portal enclosed in this object

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    dmg( Integer damage )

    Set the damage.

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities

    doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

    sent to entity when blocked.

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

    sent to entity when it is used by another entity


    Stop following the path

    explode( Float damage )

    Creates an explosion at the script slave's position

    flypath( Entity array, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

    Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

    followpath( Entity path, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments are ignoreangles,
    ignorevelocity, normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time.

    jumpto( String vector_or_entity )

    Jump to specified vector or entity.

    model( String modelName )

    set the model to modelName.

    modifyflypath( Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

    Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position


    Move the script slave.

    moveBackward( Float dist )

    Move the position backward.

    moveDown( Float dist )

    Move the position down.

    moveEast( Float dist )

    Move the position east.

    moveForward( Float dist )

    Move the position forward.

    moveLeft( Float dist )

    Move the position left.

    moveNorth( Float dist )

    Move the position north.

    moveOffset( Vector dist )

    Move the position by the offset vector.

    moveRight( Float dist )

    Move the position right.

    moveSouth( Float dist )

    Move the position south.

    moveto( String vector_or_entity )

    Move to the specified vector or entity.

    moveUp( Float dist )

    Move the position up.

    moveWest( Float dist )

    Move the position west.


    Goto the next waypoint.

    normalangles( Boolean bUseNormalAngles )

    Sets the object to use normal angles when travelling on a spline path


    Makes the script slave not shootable


    Open the area portal enclosed in this object

    path_relativeyaw( Float relativeYaw )

    Makes the script slave follow the specified path with a yaw offset,


    Turn physics off this script object on

    physics_on( [ Integer no_collide_entity ] )

    Turn physics on this script object on
    If no_collide_entity is set to 1 then the script slave will not collide with other entities

    physics_velocity( Vector impulseVector )

    Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated

    rotateaxis( Integer axis, Float avelocity )

    Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity.

    rotateaxisdown( Integer axis, Float angle )

    Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount.

    rotateaxisdownto( Integer axis, Float angle )

    Rotate the specified axis down to angle.

    rotateaxisup( Integer axis, Float angle )

    Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount.

    rotateaxisupto( Integer axis, Float angle )

    Rotate the specified axis up to angle.

    rotatedownto( Vector direction )

    Rotate down to the specified direction.

    rotateto( Vector direction )

    Rotate to the specified direction.

    rotateupto( Vector direction )

    Rotate up to the specified direction.

    rotateX( Float avelocity )

    Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity.

    rotateXdown( Float angle )

    Rotate the x down by the specified amount.

    rotateXdownto( Float angle )

    Rotate the x down to angle.

    rotateXup( Float angle )

    Rotate the x up by the specified amount.

    rotateXupto( Float angle )

    Rotate the x up to angle.

    rotateY( Float avelocity )

    Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity.

    rotateYdown( Float angle )

    Rotate the y down by the specified amount.

    rotateYdownto( Float angle )

    Rotate the y down to angle.

    rotateYup( Float angle )

    Rotate the y up by the specified amount.

    rotateYupto( Float angle )

    Rotate the y up to angle.

    rotateZ( Float avelocity )

    Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity.

    rotateZdown( Float angle )

    Rotate the z down by the specified amount.

    rotateZdownto( Float angle )

    Rotate the z down to angle.

    rotateZup( Float angle )

    Rotate the z up by the specified amount.

    rotateZupto( Float angle )

    Rotate the z up to angle.


    Called every frame to actually follow the path


    Called when the script slave is done moving

    setdamage( Integer damage )

    Set the damage.

    setmeansofdeath( String means_of_death )

    Set the damage means of death.

    speed( Float speed )

    Sets the speed.


    Stop the script slave.

    threadmove( String label )

    Move the script slave and create thread which waits until finished.

    time( Float travel_time )

    Sets the travel time.

    trigger( Entity ent )

    Trigger entities target.


    unbind this entity.


    Move the script slave and wait until finished.

    ScriptThread → Listener → Class

    abs( Float arg )

    Absolute value of int or float

    addobjective( Integer objective_number, Integer status, [ String text ], [ Vector location ] )

    Adds/Changes an Objective

    aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource


    Turns all AI off.


    Turns all AI back on.

    angles_pointat( Entity parent_entity, Entity entity, Entity target_entity )

    Returns the angles that points at the target_entity given the base orientation of the parent_entity and the position of the entity.

    angles_toforward( Vector angles )

    Returns the forward vector of the specified angles

    angles_toleft( Vector angles )

    Returns the left vector of the specified angles

    angles_toup( Vector angles )

    Returns the up vector of the specified angles

    assert( Float value )

    Assert if value is 0.

    bool( Integer value )

    Casts value to a bool.

    bsptransition( String next_map )

    Transitions to the next BSP. Keeps player data, and game data.

    cache( String resource_name )

    Cache the specified resource.

    cam( String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Processes a camera command.

    centerprint( String stuffToPrint )

    prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens


    Turns on cinematic.


    Clears the position of the current objective, for when you don't have one


    Clear the fade from the screen

    clearletterbox( Float time )

    Clears letterbox mode.


    Creates a Listener instance.

    cuecamera( Entity entity, [ Float switchTime ] )

    Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera
    will switch over that length of time.

    cueplayer( [ Float switchTime ] )

    Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,
    then the camera will switch over that length of time.


    Generate an asm int 3

    debugline( Vector start, Vector end, [ Float red ], [ Float green ], [ Float blue ], [ Float alpha ] )

    Draws a debug line from start to end using the given color and alpha for g_numdebuglinedelays server frames

    delaythrow( String label )

    Internal usage.

    dprintln( String string )

    Prints a debug string.followed by a newline.

    drawhud( Integer value )

    Specfiy if hud is to be drawn: 0 draws nothing, 1 draws all and 2 draws all minus the weapons bar.

    earthquake( Float duration, Float magnitude, Float no_rampup, Float no_rampdown )

    Create an earthquake


    End the thread.

    entity( Integer value )

    Casts value to an entity.

    error( String message, Integer level )

    Generate a script error with specified message and stack level

    exec( String script )

    Executes the specified script.

    exec( String script )

    Executes the specified script.

    fadein( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

    Sets up fadein in values.

    fadeout( Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] )

    Sets up fadeout values.

    fadesound( Float time )

    fades the sound out over the given time.

    float( Integer value )

    Casts value to a float.

    forcemusic( String current, [ String fallback ] )

    Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods.


    Freeze the player.

    getboundkey1( String keyname )

    return a string describing the key

    getboundkey2( String keyname )

    return a string describing the key

    getcvar( String name )


    goto( String label )

    Goes to the specified label.

    hidemenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

    hide menu, with option to force it off


    hide mouse cursor

    huddraw_align( Integer index, String h_align, String v_align )

    Sets the alignment of a huddraw element. Specified with 'left', 'center', or 'right'

    huddraw_alpha( Integer index, Float alpha )

    Sets the alpha of a huddraw element.

    huddraw_color( Integer index, Float red, Float green, Float blue )

    Sets the color for a huddraw element

    huddraw_font( Integer index, String fontname )

    Sets the font to use.

    huddraw_rect( Integer index, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height )

    Specifies the position of the upper left corner and size of a huddraw element

    huddraw_shader( Integer index, String shader )

    Sets the shader to use for a particular huddraw element

    huddraw_string( Integer index, String string )

    Sets a string to be displayed. Clears the shader value.

    huddraw_virtualsize( Integer index, Integer virtual )

    Sets if the huddraw element should use virutal screen resolution for positioning and size

    int( Integer value )

    Casts value to an int.

    iprintln( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline.

    iprintln_noloc( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline with no localization conversion.

    iprintlnbold( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way.

    iprintlnbold_noloc( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way with no localization conversion.

    IsAlive( Entity ent )

    Returns true if the specified entity exists and has health > 0.

    killclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

    Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

    killent( Integer ent_num )

    Kill the specified entity.

    letterbox( Float time )

    Puts the game in letterbox mode.

    leveltransition( String next_map )

    Transitions to the next Level. Statistics to Map Loading, does not keep player data or game data.

    loc_convert_string( String in )

    returns a localized version of the string.

    locprint( Integer xoffset, Integer yoffset, String stuffToPrint )

    prints the included message in the specified location of all player's screens

    map( String map_name )

    Starts the specified map.

    missionfailed( Integer novideofade )

    Makes the player fail their mission, level restarts.

    missiontransition( String next_map )

    Transitions to the next Mission. Statistics to Main Menu, Next Level should be unlocked.

    mprint( String string )

    Prints a string.

    mprintln( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline.

    music( String current, [ String fallback ] )

    Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods.

    musicvolume( Float volume, Float fade_time )

    Sets the volume and fade time of the music.


    Turns off cinematic.


    Pauses the thread.

    PlayMovie( String name )

    Play a Movie...

    popmenu( Integer index )

    pop menu

    print( String string )

    Prints a string.

    print3d( Vector origin, String string, [ String [strings] ] )

    prints a string in 3D space

    println( String string )

    Prints a string.followed by a newline.

    pushmenu( String name )

    push menu

    radiusdamage( Vector origin, Float damage, Float radius, Integer constant_damage )

    radius damage at origin

    randomfloat( Float max )


    randomint( Integer max )



    Release the player.

    removeclass( String class_name, [ Integer except ] )

    Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).

    removeent( Integer ent_num )

    Removes the specified entity.

    restoremusicvolume( Float fade_time )

    Restores the music volume to its previous value.


    Restores the soundtrack to the previous one.



    server( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Server only command.

    set_objective_pos( Vector pos )

    Sets the position in the world of the current objective

    setcurrentobjective( Integer objective_number )

    Sets the specified objective as the current objective

    setcvar( String cvar_name, String value )

    Sets the value of the specified cvar.

    setlightstyle( Integer lightstyleindex, String lightstyledata )

    Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data

    showmenu( String name, [ Integer bForce ] )

    show menu, with option to force it on

    sighttrace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

    Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise

    soundtrack( String soundtrack_name )

    Changes the soundtrack.

    spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

    Spawn the specified entity.

    spawn( String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] )

    Spawn the specified entity.

    string( Integer value )

    Casts value to a string.

    stuffcmd( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )

    Server only command.

    teamwin( String axis_or_allies )

    Sets that the 'axis' or the 'allies' have won the map.

    thread( String label )

    Creates a thread starting at label.

    thread( String label )

    Creates a thread starting at label.

    throw( String label )

    Throws to the specified label.

    timeout( Float time )

    specifies script timeout time

    trace( Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] )

    Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at

    trigger( String name )

    Trigger the specified target or entity.

    vector_add( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

    Returns vector1 + vector2

    vector_closer( Vector vec_a, Vector vec_b, Vector vec_c )

    returns 1 if the first vector is closer than the second vector to the third vector

    vector_cross( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

    Returns vector1 x vector2

    vector_dot( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

    Returns vector1 * vector2

    vector_length( Vector vector )

    Returns the length of the specified vector.

    vector_normalize( Vector vector )

    Returns the normalized vector of the specified vector.

    vector_scale( Vector vector1, Float scale_factor )

    Returns vector1 * scale_factor

    vector_subtract( Vector vector1, Vector vector2 )

    Returns vector1 - vector2

    vector_toangles( Vector vector1 )

    Returns vector1 converted to angles.

    vector_within( Vector position1, Vector position2, Float distance )

    returns 1 if the two points are <= distance apart, or 0 if they are greater than distance apart

    wait( Float wait_time )

    Wait for the specified amount of time.


    Wait for one server frame.

    ScriptVariableList → Class

    Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    activatenewweapon( [ String handsurf ] )

    Activate the new weapon specified by useWeapon. handsurf allows specifying which hand to use for the player


    Makes the sentient an American.

    ammo( String type, Integer amount )

    Gives the sentient some ammo.

    armor( String type, Integer amount )

    Gives the sentient some armor.


    Is the end of the sentient's block.


    Is the start of the sentient's block.

    bloodmodel( String bloodModel )

    set the model to be used when showing blood

    charge( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

    Starts the charging of the weapon in the specified hand


    Check the animations in the .tik file versus the statefile

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    damagemult( Integer location, Float multiplier )

    Sets the damage multiplier for a particular body location

    deactivateweapon( String side )

    Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.


    Make the sentient not drop weapons


    drops inventory items

    fire( [ String hand ], [ String mode ] )

    Fires the weapon in the specified hand.


    Makes the sentient a German.

    give( String name )

    Gives the sentient the targeted item.

    givedynitem( String model, String bonename )

    Pass the args to the item

    item( String type, Integer amount )

    Gives the sentient the specified amount of the specified item.

    jumpxy( Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed )

    Makes the sentient jump.

    maxgibs( Integer max_number_of_gibs )

    Sets the maximum amount of generic gibs this sentient will spawn when hit.

    maxmouthangle( Float max_mouth_angle )

    Sets the max mouth angle.


    Is the end of the sentient's melee attack.


    Is the start of the sentient's melee attack.


    Turns off the shadow for this sentient.


    Called every frame when the sentient is on fire.


    Pops a sentient's helmet off if he's got one

    putawayweapon( String whichHand )

    Put away or deactivate the current weapon, whichHand can be left, right or dual.

    releasefire( Float fireholdtime )

    Releases the attack in the time specified.

    reloadweapon( [ String hand ] )

    Reloads the weapon in the specified hand

    sethelmet( String tikifile, Float popspeed, Float dmgmult, String surfacename, String [optional )

    Gives the sentient a helmet and sets the needed info for it


    Turns on the shadow for this sentient.

    spawnbloodygibs( [ Integer number_of_gibs ], [ Float scale ] )

    Spawns some bloody generic gibs.

    stopfire( [ String hand ] )

    Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.


    Stops the sentient from being on fire.


    Is the end of the sentient's stun.


    Is the start of the sentient's stun.

    take( String item_name )

    Takes away the specified item from the sentient.


    Clears out the sentient's entire inventory.


    returns 'german' or 'american'

    threatbias( Integer bias )

    Sets the threat bias for this player / AI


    Gets the threat bias for this player / AI

    threatbias( Integer bias )

    Sets the threat bias for this player / AI


    Toggles the use of the player's item (first item if he has multiple)

    use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

    Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


    Activates the last active weapon

    useweaponclass( String weaponclass, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

    Use the weapon of the specified class in the hand choosen (optional).

    weapon( String weapon_modelname )

    Gives the sentient the weapon specified.

    weaponcommand( String hand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ] )

    Pass the args to the active weapon in the specified hand

    SimpleActor → Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Do not LERP to the next animation

    SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


    get the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Gets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2

    angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

    set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

    angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

    set the angles of the entity to newAngles.

    angles( Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> )

    get the angles of the entity.


    entity's centroid


    get the forward vector of angles


    get the left vector of angles

    origin( Vector newOrigin )

    Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.

    origin( Vector newOrigin )

    Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.


    entity's origin


    get the right vector of angles


    entity's target

    target( String targetname_to_target )

    entity's target

    target( String targetname_to_target )

    target another entity with targetname_to_target.


    entity's targetname

    targetname( String targetName )

    set the targetname of the entity to targetName.

    targetname( String targetName )

    set the targetname of the entity to targetName.


    get the up vector of angles

    SinkObject (func_sinkobject) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    make the SinkObject active, so that it will respond to players touching it.

    dampening( Float newDampening )

    dampening of SinkObject.

    delay( Float delay )

    Delay until SinkObject starts falling.

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    limit( Float newLimit )

    maximum displacement of the SinkObject.


    make the SinkObject not active, so that it won't respond to players touching it.


    Reset the SinkObject right now.

    resetdelay( Float newResetDelay )

    Delay between when sinkobject starts resetting.

    resetsound( String newResetSound )

    Sound played when sinkobject is resetting.

    resetspeed( Float newResetspeed )

    Speed at which SinkObject resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.

    sinksound( String newSinkSound )

    Sound played when sinkobject is sinking.

    speed( Float speed )

    Speed at which SinkObject starts falling.

    SlidingDoor (func_door) → Door → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


    Closes the door (special doors).

    doopen( Entity other )

    Opens the door (special doors).

    lip( Float lip )

    Sets the lip of the sliding door.

    speed( Float speed )

    Sets the speed of the sliding door.

    SmokeGrenade (smokegrenade) → EffectEntity → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    bouncefactor( Float factor )

    sets how far smoke volumes bounce when they collide with something

    fadedelay( Float time )

    sets how long the entity waits until fading out from 1 alpha to 0 alpha, in seconds

    fadein( Float time )

    sets fadein time from 0 alpha to 1 alpha, in seconds

    life( Float life )

    sets how long the smoke emitter lives

    maxalpha( Float alpha )

    sets maximum opacity of an individual smoke particle, in 0-1 range

    offset( Float offset_x, Float offset_y, Float offset_z )

    sets offset of the smoke volume from the entity

    scale( Float scale )

    sets initial scale of each smoke volume

    scalerate( Float rate )

    sets how fast the smoke volume grows

    spawnlife( Float life )

    sets how long each smoke volume lives

    spawnrate( Float rate )

    sets how many smoke volumes are spawned per second

    spin( Float avel )

    sets the number of rotations per second for this entity around its z axis

    velocity( Float vel_x, Float vel_y, Float vel_z )

    sets how fast the smoke volume moves away, with x forward and z up

    SoundManager → Listener → Class


    Add a new music trigger where the player is standing.


    Add a new sound where the player is standing.


    Add a new reverb trigger where the player is standing.


    Add a new sound where the player is standing.


    Delete the current sound.

    globaltranslate( Vector translate_amount )

    Translates all sounds and triggers by specified amount.


    Hides the sounds.


    Move the player to the current sound position.


    Go to the next sound.


    Go to the previous sound.


    Test out the current reverb settings.


    Replace the current sound position with the player's.


    Resets the state of all sounds and triggers.


    reset the reverb settings to a normal.


    Saves the sounds.

    show( [ Entity path ] )

    Show all the sounds.


    Switch the current facet that we are editing.


    Updates the current sound with user interface values.

    Spawn (func_spawn) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEn
  2. moh8888
    MOHAA GAME Module Classes(程序代码注释)
    Game Module Classes
    Actor, Animate, Entity, ScriptSlave, ScriptThread, Sentient, Trigger, World
    Actor (Actor) → SimpleActor → Sentient → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    accuracy( Float value )

    Set percent to hit

    accuracy( Float value )

    Set percent to hit


    Set percent to hit


    Turns the AI off for this actor.


    Turns the AI on for this actor.

    aimat( String target )

    Specify the target to aim at.

    alarmnode( String value )

    Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

    alarmnode( String value )

    Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


    Gets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


    Gets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

    alarmthread( String value )

    Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)

    alarmthread( String value )

    Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)


    Returns how many grenades an AI has

    ammo_grenade( Integer grenade_count )

    Gives the AI some grenades

    ammo_grenade( Integer grenade_count )

    Gives the AI some grenades

    anim( String name )

    Play animation.

    anim_attached( String name )

    Play attached animation.

    anim_noclip( String name )

    Play noclip animation.

    anim_scripted( String name )

    Play scripted animation.


    Whether the animation was succesfully finished

    animloop( String name )

    Loop animation.


    Gets the animname.


    Sets the animname.

    animscript( String name )

    Play the animation script

    animscript_attached( String name )

    Play a noclip animation even when attached

    animscript_noclip( String name )

    Play the noclip animation script

    animscript_scripted( String name )

    Play the scripted animation script


    Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to attach the grenade to the actor


    Gets the current script that will handle attack events


    Sets the current script that will handle attack events


    Force Actor to attack the player

    avoidplayer( Integer allowavoid )

    set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.

    avoidplayer( Integer allowavoid )

    set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.


    is 0 if this AI won't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he will

    balconyheight( Float height )

    minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death

    balconyheight( Float height )

    minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death


    minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death


    Forces the actor to be instantly and totally dead; no death animation is played


    Set the crossblend time to something other than the default, in seconds


    Get the crossblend time


    tell ai to break special attack

    calcgrenadetoss( Vector target_position )

    Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.
    Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.
    Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.

    calcgrenadetoss2( Vector target_position, Float speed )

    Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.
    Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.
    Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.
    The speed parameter is optional. Pass a speed if you just want to override and throw no matter what...

    canmoveto( Vector position )

    returns a boolean if the AI can move to a point; for use in anim scripts

    canshoot( Vector shootOrigin )

    Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.

    canshootenemyfrom( Vector shootOrigin )

    Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.

    crawlto( String dest )

    Specify the location to crawl to.

    crouchto( String dest )

    Specify the location to crouch to.

    damagepuff( Vector position, Vector direction )

    Spawns a puff of 'blood' smoke at the speficied location in the specified direction.


    preps the dead actor for turning nonsolid gradually over time


    Sets the current script that will handle death events


    Gets the current script that will handle death events


    Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).


    updates the default value for 'nonvislevel'


    Removes this listener immediately.


    Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to throw the grenade

    disguise_accept_thread( String value )

    Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers

    disguise_accept_thread( String value )

    Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers


    Gets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers


    Gets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

    disguise_level( Integer value )

    Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

    disguise_level( Integer value )

    Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2

    disguise_period( Float period_in_seconds )

    Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next


    Gets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next

    disguise_period( Float period_in_seconds )

    Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next

    disguise_range( Float range_in_units )

    Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered

    disguise_range( Float range_in_units )

    Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered


    Gets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered


    Get the distance from the Actor to its enemy

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities


    Make Actor dumb.


    The method of setting the facial expression of the Actor


    sets enableEnemy variable


    sets enablePain variable

    endactionanim( )

    End any aiming/action animation which is currently playing


    Get the actor's current enemy


    Get the last time whether or not the enemy is visible changed, in seconds

    enemysharerange( Float range )

    sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy


    gets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy

    enemysharerange( Float range )

    sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy


    Disable enemy switching...


    Enable enemy switching...


    Initialize a Actor.

    eyeslookat( Entity entity )

    The actor will look at this entity.

    fallheight( Float height )

    Set the fallheight


    Set the fallheight

    favoriteenemy( Entity ai_or_player )

    Gets this AI's favorite enemy

    favoriteenemy( Entity ai_or_player )

    Gets this AI's favorite enemy


    Gets this AI's favorite enemy


    Finds the best enemy to target


    Used only by grenade throw animations to tell the code when to throw a grenade

    fixedleash( Float multiplier )

    if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset


    if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset

    fixedleash( Float multiplier )

    if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset

    fov( Float angle )

    The fov angle of the actor


    The fov angle of the actor

    fov( Float angle )

    The fov angle of the actor


    Internal usage


    Internal usage

    gren_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

    sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)


    gets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)

    gren_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

    sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)


    gets the gun to being used

    gun( String s )

    specifies the gun to use

    gun( String s )

    specifies the gun to use


    returns true if there are no corners to turn on the rest of the AI's current path


    gets the head model

    headmodel( String headmodel )

    sets the head model


    gets the head skin

    headskin( String headskin )

    sets the head skin

    hearing( Float radius )

    The hearing radius of the actor

    hearing( Float radius )

    The hearing radius of the actor

    hearing( Float radius )

    The hearing radius of the actor

    holster( Integer if )

    Holster weapon

    idlesay( String animation )

    The name of an idle dialog animation to play

    ignorebadplaces( Integer ignore )

    sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)


    gets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)

    ignorebadplaces( Integer ignore )

    sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)


    Removes this listener immediately.


    returns non-zero if the AI is in a reload

    inreload( Integer reloading )

    set to non-zero to indicate the AI is in a reload


    hint from animation scripts to AI code that now is a good time to switch animations


    Gets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.

    interval( Float distance )

    Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.

    interval( Float distance )

    Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.


    the direction the AI would like to move to maintain its interval


    0 if the enemy is not currently visible, 1 if he is


    Gets the direction the AI wants to kick

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot


    Get the last time the enemy was visible, in seconds

    leash( Float distance )

    Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home

    leash( Float distance )

    Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home


    Gets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home


    gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

    lookaroundangle( Float angle )

    gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

    lookaroundangle( Float angle )

    gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling

    lookat( Entity entity )

    The actor will look at this entity.

    maxdist( Float distance )

    Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player

    maxdist( Float distance )

    Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player


    Gets the maximum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player


    Gets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

    mindist( Float distance )

    Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player

    mindist( Float distance )

    Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player


    gets the AI mood: 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.

    mood( String new_mood )

    sets the AI mood... must be 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.


    Returns a unit vector pointing in the current direction of motion, or zero if not moving.This still has meaning if velocity is zero but the AI is starting to move on a path.

    movedoneradius( Float radius )

    Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius

    movedoneradius( Float radius )

    Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius

    moveto( String anim, String dest )

    Specify the location to move to, with animation anim.

    mumble( Integer can_mumble )

    Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not

    mumble( Integer can_mumble )

    Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not


    Returns 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not


    Specifies if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation


    Gets if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation

    nolongpain( Integer allow )

    Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.

    nolongpain( Integer allow )

    Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.


    Returns 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.


    visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible


    visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible


    visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible

    nosurprise( Integer nosurprise )

    set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.


    gets whether or not this guy is allowed to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.

    nosurprise( Integer nosurprise )

    set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.

    noticescale( Float multiplier )

    Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)


    Get the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)

    noticescale( Float multiplier )

    Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)

    pain( Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    used to inflict pain to an entity


    Sets the current script that will handle pain events


    Gets the current script that will handle pain events


    returns total distance along current path to the path goal

    patrolpath( String value )

    Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)

    patrolpath( String value )

    Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)


    Gets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)


    turn physics off.


    turn physics on.

    playsound( String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] )

    play a sound coming from this entity.
    default channel, CHAN_BODY.

    pointat( Entity entity )

    The actor will point at this entity.


    The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards


    The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards


    Returns if ready to fire


    Reload the mg42 - only used by machinegunner


    Removes this listener the next time events are processed.


    resets the AI's leash to their current position


    Get the rate at which the run animation plays back

    runanimrate( Float multiplier )

    Set the rate at which the run animation plays back

    runanimrate( Float multiplier )

    Set the rate at which the run animation plays back

    runto( String dest )

    Specify the location to run to.

    say( String animation )

    The name of a dialog animation to play


    Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone

    setactionanim( String base_anim, Float lower_limit, Float upper_limit )

    Set the base action animation and range that they cover

    setaimmotionanim( String anim_crouch, String anim_stand )

    Set aim motion animation (handler scripts only)

    setaimtarget( Entity entity, Integer bMakeEnemy )

    Sets the primary weapon's aim target. if you pass a 1 for p2, the target will become the current enemy...

    setanim( String anim, Integer slot, Float weight, String flagged )

    Set animation slot

    setanimlength( Float time )

    Set the maximum time an animation will play

    setmotionanim( String anim )

    Set motion animation (handler scripts only)


    do this command to let the ai know it needs to reload; used to reload while going to cover

    setsay( String animation )

    The name of a dialog animation to play - used by animation script only

    setupperanim( String anim )

    Set the upper body animation - used by animation script only


    internal code use only - shares an AI's enemy with his squad mates.


    internal code use only - shares an AI's grenade with his squad mates.

    sight( Float max_sight_range )

    Sets the vision distance of the actor.


    Gets the vision distance of the actor.

    sight( Float max_sight_range )

    Sets the vision distance of the actor.

    silent( Integer silent )

    set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.


    gets whether or not this guy is allowed to say stuff besides pain and death sounds

    silent( Integer silent )

    set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.


    gets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius

    sound_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

    sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius

    sound_awareness( Float awareness_percent )

    sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius


    sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.


    sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)


    sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)


    sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)

    tether( Entity entity )

    the entity to which the AI's leash should be tethered


    current ai think state; can be void, idle, pain, killed, attack, curious, disguise, or grenade.


    The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

    turndoneerror( Float error )

    The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

    turndoneerror( Float error )

    The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.

    turnspeed( Float speed )

    The turn speed of the actor.


    The turn speed of the actor.

    turnspeed( Float speed )

    The turn speed of the actor.

    turnto( Entity entity )

    The actor will turn to this entity.


    Gets the turret of the actor.

    turret( String turret )

    Sets the turret of the actor.

    turret( String turret )

    Sets the turret of the actor.


    Gets the attack type of the actor.

    type_attack( String value )

    Sets the attack type of the actor.

    type_attack( String value )

    Sets the attack type of the actor.

    type_disguise( String value )

    Sets the disguise type of the actor.


    Gets the disguise type of the actor.

    type_disguise( String value )

    Sets the disguise type of the actor.

    type_grenade( String value )

    Sets the grenade type of the actor.


    Gets the grenade type of the actor.

    type_grenade( String value )

    Sets the grenade type of the actor.

    type_idle( String value )

    Sets the idle type of the actor.


    Gets the idle type of the actor.

    type_idle( String value )

    Sets the idle type of the actor.

    unholster( Integer if )

    Unholster weapon

    upperanim( String anim )

    Set the upper body animation

    use( String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] )

    Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).


    Gets the voice type


    Set voicetype to magic letter postfix


    Set voicetype to magic letter postfix

    waittrigger( Boolean bool )

    If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move

    waittrigger( Boolean bool )

    If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move


    If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move

    walkto( String dest )

    Specify the location to walk to.

    weapon( String weapon_modelname )

    Sets the weapon.

    weapon( String weapon_modelname )

    Gives the sentient the weapon specified.


    Gets the weapon.

    weapon_internal( String s )

    internal use


    Specifies weapon animation set to use in anim scripts


    The Weapon Type of the Actor

    Ammo → Class

    AmmoEntity → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Ammo Entity Post Spawn

    Animate (animate) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    anim( String animName )

    Exec anim commands on server or client.

    isloopinganim( String anim_name )

    returns 1 if the anim is a looping anim, or 0 otherwise

    pauseanims( Integer pause )

    Pause (or unpause) animations

    playerspawn( String model_name, [ Float range ], [ Vector vector_offset ], [ Float inFOV ], [ Float speed ] )

    spawn something near the player, either within the player's view or behind him
    model - name of model to spawn
    range - how close does this need to be to the player to actually get spawned, default 480 (30 foot radius).
    vector_offset - oriented vector offset of where to spawn the item, default (0 0 0)
    inFOV -
    1 - Only spawn when this position is within the FOV of the player
    -1 - Only spawn when this position is outside the FOV of the player
    0 - (default) don't care, always spawn
    speed - how fast the effect should travel, in other words, how long before the effect gets spawned.
    delay is calculated based on the distance between object and player divided by the speed
    0 - no delay
    960 - (default) 60 feet per second. If the object is 60 feet from the player, the player effect will spawn one second later.

    setcontrollerangles( Integer num, Vector angles )

    Sets the control angles for the specified bone.

    setsynctime( Float synctime )

    Set sync time for entity.

    setyawfrombone( String bone_name )

    Set the yaw of the model based on the current animation time

    testmojo( String model_name, Vector vector_offset )


    AnimationEvent → Event → Class

    Armor → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    BarrelObject (func_barrel) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    barreltype( String type )

    Sets the barrel's type

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    Body → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    Camera (func_camera) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    auto_active( Boolean newActiveState )

    Whether or not the auto camera is active.

    auto_maxfov( Float maxFOV )

    Sets the maximum FOV that should be used when automatically calculating FOV.

    auto_radius( Float newRadius )

    Sets the radius of the automatic camera.

    auto_starttime( Float newTime )

    Sets how long it takes for the camera to be switched to.

    auto_state( String state1, [ String state2 ], [ String state3 ], [ String state4 ], [ String state5 ], [ String state6 ] )

    Sets the states the player needs to be in for this camera to activate.

    auto_stoptime( Float newTime )

    Sets how long it takes for the camera switch back to the player.


    Called each frame to allow the camera to adjust its position.


    Continue the camera movement.


    switch camera states immediately, do not transition

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities

    fadetime( Float fadetime )

    Sets the fade time for camera transitioning.

    follow( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

    Makes the camera follow an entity and optionally watch an entity.

    follow_distance( Float distance )

    Sets the camera follow distance.

    follow_yaw( Float yaw )

    Sets the yaw offset of the camera following an entity.


    Makes the follow camera yaw absolute.


    Makes the follow camera yaw relative (not absolute).

    fov( Float fov, [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Sets the camera's field of view (fov).
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time
    if fov is less than 3, than an auto_fov will be assumed
    the value of fov will be the ratio used for keeping a watch
    entity in the view at the right scale

    lookat( Entity ent )

    Makes the camera look at an entity.

    moveto( Entity ent )

    Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.

    movetopos( Vector position )

    Move the camera's position to the specified position.

    nextcamera( String nextCamera )

    Sets the next camera to use.

    nowatch( [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Stop watching an entity or looking along a path.
    Camera is now static as far as orientation.
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

    orbit( Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] )

    Makes the camera orbit around an entity and optionally watch an entity.

    orbit_height( Float height )

    Sets the orbit camera's height.


    Pause the camera.

    showquakes( Integer 0 )

    Sets the camera to show or not show earthquake effects.

    speed( Float speed )

    Sets the camera speed.


    Start camera moving.


    Stop the camera movement.

    turnto( Vector angle )

    Makes the camera look in the specified direction.

    watch( Entity watchEnt, [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Makes the camera watch an entity.
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

    watchnode( [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Makes the camera watch based on what is stored
    in the camera nodes.
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

    watchpath( [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Makes the camera look along the path of travel.
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

    watchstring( String string, [ Float fadeTime ] )

    Makes the camera watch based on a string.
    if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time

    CameraManager → Listener → Class


    Add a new point to the camera path where the player is standing.

    cancelFor( String name )

    Cancel for current path node event of type name


    Delete the current path node.


    Hides the paths.

    load( String filename )

    Loads a camera path.

    loop( [ Entity path ] )

    Loop the current path or the specified one.


    Move the player to the current path node position.


    Starts a new path.


    Go to the next path node.


    Go to the next path.


    Set the current path node to watch nothing.

    play( [ Entity path ] )

    Play the current path or the specified one once.


    Go to the previous path node.


    Go to the previous path.

    renamepath( String newName )

    Rename the path to the new name.


    Replace the current path node position/angle with the player's.

    save( String filename )

    Saves the camera path.

    savemap( String filename )

    Saves the camera path to a map file.

    setfadetime( Float newFadeTime )

    Set the fadetime of the current path node.

    setfov( String newFOV )

    Set the fov at the current path node.

    setpath( Entity path )

    Sets the new path.

    setspeed( Float speed )

    Set the speed of the camera at the current path node.

    settarget( String target )

    Set the trigger target.

    settargetname( String targetname )

    Set the targetname.

    show( [ Entity path ] )

    Shows the specified path.


    Stop the camera playing path.


    Updates the current node with user interface values.

    waitTill( String name )

    Wait until current path node event of type name

    watch( String watch )

    Set the current path node to watch something.

    CarryableTurret → InventoryItem → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Makes the carryable turret have itself dropped

    item_pickup( Entity item )

    Pickup the specified item.


    Try to place the carryable turret


    Tiki of the turret to place


    ConsoleEvent → Event → Class

    CrateObject (func_crate) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    debristype( Integer type )

    Sets the debris type of the crate

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    DamageModel (DamageModel) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killthread( String thread )

    Set the thread to execute when this model is killed

    killtrace( Vector offset, Vector direction, Float radius, Float distance )

    kills all objects along the trace
    offset - initial offset from origin
    direction - angular offset orientation for trace
    radius - thickness of trace
    distance - how far to trace

    orientedbbox( Vector mins, Vector maxs, Float yawoffset )

    spawn an oriented bounding box with the given dimensions and an angular offset
    mins - min dimensions of box
    maxs - max dimensions of box
    yawoffset - angular offset orientation of box

    Decal → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    DM_Manager → Listener → Class


    delayed function call to (possibly) determine round winner and restart next round


    delayed function call to do the actual restart for the next round

    DM_Team → Listener → Class

    Door (NormalDoor) → ScriptSlave → Mover → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Makes the door always open away from the person opening it.

    angle( Float newAngle )

    set the angles of the entity using just one value.
    Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down
    direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2


    Closes the door.

    dmg( Integer damage )

    Sets the amount of damage the door will do to entities that get stuck in it.

    doActivate( Entity activatingEntity )

    General trigger event for all entities

    doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

    sent to entity when blocked.

    door_triggerfield( Entity other )

    Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.


    Called when the door finishes closing.


    Called when the door finishes opening.

    doortype( String door_type )

    Sets the defaults for this door
    Door Defaults: wood(default)

    doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

    sent to entity when it is used by another entity

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot


    Link doors together.


    Lock the door.

    open( Entity other )

    Opens the door.

    sound_close_end( String sound_close )

    Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

    sound_close_start( String sound_close )

    Sets the sound to use when the door closes.

    sound_locked( String sound_locked )

    Sets the sound to use when the door is locked.

    sound_message( String sound_message )

    Sets the sound to use when the door displays a message.

    sound_open_end( String sound_open_end )

    Sets the sound to use when the door stops to opens.

    sound_open_start( String sound_open_start )

    Sets the sound to use when the door starts to opens.

    time( Float traveltime )

    Sets the time it takes for the door to open an close.

    toggledoor( Entity other )

    Toggles the state of the door (open/close).

    triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

    Send event to owner of trigger.


    Trys to make the door solid.

    tryToOpen( Entity other )

    Tries to open the door.


    Unlock the door.

    wait( Float wait )

    Sets the amount of time to wait before automatically shutting.

    DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

    sent to entity when blocked.

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    DynItem → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot


    console based command to kill yourself if stuck.

    EffectEntity (effectentity) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    Emitter (func_emitter) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    emitter( String name )

    Emitter to use


    Animates the puff daddy.

    Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    ai_event( [ String type ], [ Float radius ] )

    Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
    type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.
    radius determines how far the sound reaches.

    alpha( Float newAlpha )

    Set the alpha of the entity to alpha.


    Sets this entity to always draw

    attach( Entity parent, String tagname, [ Integer use_angles ] )

    attach this entity to the parent's legs tag called tagname

    attachedmodelanim( String tagname, String anim_name, Float crossblend_time, String model_name )

    Tells models (or specified model) attached to specified tag to play
    specified animation. Crossbkend time doesn't work yet.

    attachmodel( String modelname, String tagname, [ Float scale ], [ String targetname ], [ Boolean detach_at_death ], [ Float removetime ], [ Float fadeintime ], [ Float fadeoutdelay ], [ Float fadetime ], [ Vector offset ] )

    attach a entity with modelname to this entity to tag called tagname.
    scale - scale of attached entities
    targetname - targetname for attached entities
    detach_at_death - when entity dies, should this model be detached.
    removetime - when the entity should be removed, if not specified, never.
    fadeintime - time to fade the model in over.
    fadeoutdelay - time to wait until we fade the attached model out
    fadeoutspeed - time the model fades out over
    offset - vector offset for the model from the specified tag


    gets the angular velocity for this entity.

    bind( Entity parent )

    bind this entity to the specified entity.


    get the brush modelName.

    cansee( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

    returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; blocked by any entities between them

    canseenoents( Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] )

    returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; ignores any entities between them


    used to ban certain contact when in parentmode


    The entity's classname

    classname( String nameOfClass )

    Determines what class to use for this entity,
    this is pre-processed from the BSP at the start
    of the level.


    Connects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    damage_type( String meansofdeathstring )

    Set the type of damage that this entity can take


    Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this gets called each frame).


    Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).


    Removes this listener immediately.


    detach this entity from its parent.


    Detach all the children from the entity.


    Disconnects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume

    dm( String command, [ String parms ] )

    Makes a command be executed only in multiplayer

    dmrealism( String command, [ String parms ] )

    Makes a command be executed only in miltiplayer realism mode

    droptofloor( [ Float maxRange ] )

    drops the entity to the ground, if maxRange is not specified 8192 is used.

    effects( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

    Change the current entity effects flags.
    Valid flags are as follows:
    + sets a flag, - clears a flag
    antisbjuice - anti sucknblow juiceeveryframe - process commands every time entity is rendered


    The entity's entity number

    explosionattack( String explosionModel, [ String tagName ] )

    Spawn an explosion optionally from a specific tag

    fade( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

    Fade the entity's alpha, reducing it by 0.03
    every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out, does not remove the entity

    fadein( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

    Fade the entity's alpha and scale in, increasing it by 0.03
    every FRAMETIME, until it has faded completely in to 1.0.
    If fadetime or target_alpha are defined, they will override
    the default values.

    fadeout( [ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float alpha<0.00...1.00> ] )

    Fade the entity's alpha and scale out, reducing it by 0.03
    every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out. If fadetime or
    target_alpha are defined, they will override the defaults.
    Once the entity has been completely faded, the entity is removed.

    flags( [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] )

    Change the current entity flags.
    Valid flags are as follows:
    + sets a flag, - clears a flag
    blood - should it bleed
    explode - should it explode when dead
    die_gibs - should it spawn gibs when dead
    god - makes the entity invincible


    Forces an entity to activate outside of the player's PVS

    getcontrollerangles( Integer num )

    Gets the control angles for the specified bone.


    Turn a worldspace vector into a local space yaw


    Get the maxs of the bounding box of the entity to maxs.

  3. moh8888
    AttachPassengerSlot( Integer slot, Entity entity )

    Attaches an entity to the specified slot.

    AttachTurretSlot( Integer slot, Entity entity )

    Attaches an entity to the specified slot.

    back_mass( Float weight )

    Sets the mass of the back of the vehicle

    canjump( Boolean jumpable )

    Sets whether or not the vehicle can jump


    Gets the Collision Entity

    collisionent( Entity entity )

    Gets the Collision Entity

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    damagesounds( Integer on_off )

    Makes the vehicle play damaged sounds.

    DetachDriverSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

    Detaches an entity to the specified slot.

    DetachPassengerSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

    Detaches an entity to the specified slot.

    DetachTurretSlot( Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] )

    Detaches an entity to the specified slot.

    doBlocked( Entity obstacle )

    sent to entity when blocked.

    doTouch( Entity touchingEntity )

    sent to entity when touched.

    doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

    sent to entity when it is used by another entity


    Make the vehicle drivable

    drive( Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance, Float look_ahead, [ Vector alternate_position ] )

    Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position

    driveNoWait( Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance )

    Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position, thread doesn't wait

    explosionmodel( String model )

    Sets the TIKI to call when the vehicle dies.

    front_mass( Float weight )

    Sets the mass of the front of the vehicle


    Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... Completely!


    Removes this listener immediately.


    Sets the vehicle to be locked


    The Vehicle cannot move.

    model( String modelName )

    set the model to modelName.

    modifydrive( Float desired_speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead )

    Modifys the parameters of the current drive.

    moveanim( String anim_name )

    move the vehicle with an animation

    name( String vehicleName )

    Set the name for the vehicle

    nextdrive( Entity next_path )

    appends the specified path to the current path

    QueryDriverSlotAngles( Integer slot )

    Returns the angles of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    QueryDriverSlotEntity( Integer slot )

    Returns an entity at the specified slot.

    QueryDriverSlotPosition( Integer slot )

    Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    QueryDriverSlotStatus( Integer slot )

    Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.


    Returns a number that represents the first free driver slot on the vehicle.


    Returns a number that represents the first free passenger slot on the vehicle.


    Returns a number that represents the first free turret slot on the vehicle.

    QueryPassengerSlotEntity( Integer slot )

    Returns an entity at the specified slot.

    QueryPassengerSlotPosition( Integer slot )

    Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    QueryPassengerSlotStatus( Integer slot )

    Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    QueryTurretSlotEntity( Integer slot )

    Returns an entity at the specified slot.

    QueryTurretSlotPosition( Integer slot )

    Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    QueryTurretSlotStatus( Integer slot )

    Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.

    removeondeath( Integer removeondeath )

    If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die

    runsounds( Integer on_off )

    Makes the vehicle play running sounds.

    seatanglesoffset( Vector angles )

    Set the angles offset of the seat

    seatoffset( Vector offset )

    Set the offset of the seat

    setcollisionentity( Entity entity )

    Sets the Collision Entity.

    setsoundparameters( Float min_speed, Float min_pitch, Float max_speed, Float max_pitch )

    Sets the Sound parameters for this vehicle

    setvolumeparameters( Float min_speed, Float min_volume, Float max_speed, Float max_volume )

    Sets the Volume parameters for this vehicle

    setweapon( String weaponname )

    Set the weapon for the vehicle


    Set the weapon to be show in the view

    skidding( Integer on_off )

    Makes the vehicle skid around corners.

    SoundSet( String soundset )

    Sets the Sound Set to use.

    spawnturret( Integer slot, String tikifile )

    Spawns a turret with the specified model and connects it to the specified slot


    Initialize the vehicle.


    Set the vehicle to turn in place


    Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... FULL BREAKS!


    Makes the vehicle slow down to a complete stop at the end of the path.

    turnrate( Float rate )

    Set the turning rate of the vehicle


    Make the vehicle undrivable


    Sets the vehicle to be unlocked


    The Vehicle can move again.

    vehicleanim( String anim_name, [ Float weight ] )

    Sets an animation to use in the LD Animation slot.
    Weight defaults to 1.0

    vehiclebouncy( Float bouncycoef )

    Sets the Bouncy Coefficient for the shocks.


    Driver is dead

    vehicledrag( Float size )

    Sets the Drag Factor


    Initialized the Vehicle as the specified file

    vehiclemass( Float weight )

    Sets the mass of the vehicle (backmass = frontmass = mass/2)

    vehicleradius( Float size )

    Sets the radius of the wheels

    vehicleRoll( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

    Sets the Roll min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

    vehiclerollingresistance( Float size )

    Sets the radius of the wheels

    vehiclespeed( Float speed )

    Set the speed of the vehicle

    vehiclespringy( Float springycoef )

    Sets the Springy Coefficient for the shocks.

    vehicletread( Float size )

    Sets the size of the wheels

    VehicleWheelCorners( Vector size, Vector offset )

    Sets the wheel trace corners.

    vehicleYaw( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

    Sets the Yaw min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

    vehicleZ( Float min, Float max, Float coef )

    Sets the Z min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.

    VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    VehicleCollisionEntity → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot



    VehicleHalfTrack (VehicleHalfTrack) → DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    VehiclePoint (info_vehiclepoint) → Waypoint → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    spawnflags( Integer spawn_flags )

    Sets the spawn flags.

    VehicleSoundEntity → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Updates the traces of a Vehicle Sound Entity


    PostSpawn of a Vehicle Sound Entity

    VehicleTank (VehicleTank) → DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    VehicleTankTandem (VehicleTankTandem) → VehicleTank → DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    VehicleTurretGun → TurretGun → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    aimoffset( Vector value )

    Adjust aiming angles by offset.

    aimtolerance( Vector caps )

    Sets a tolerance for the angles.


    Gets the Collision Entity

    collisionent( Entity entity )

    Sets the Collision Entity

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    doUse( Entity activatingEntity )

    sent to entity when it is used by another entity

    firewarmupdelay( Float value )

    Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.


    Drops the item to the ground.

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot


    The turret cannot be used.

    reloaddelay( Float value )

    Set a delay that implies a reload. Will also play a sound

    reloadshots( Integer value )

    Set the number of shots fired before forcing a reload

    removeondeath( Integer removeondeath )

    If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die

    setbaseentity( Entity base_entity )

    Sets the base entity to take its orientation from.

    setcollisionentity( Entity entity )

    Sets the Collision Entity.

    settargetentity( Entity ent )

    Set the entity to point the turret at visually.

    SoundSet( String soundset )

    Sets the Sound Set to use.


    The turret can be used.

    warmupdelay( Float value )

    Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.

    VehicleTurretGunTandem (VehicleTurretGunTandem) → VehicleTurretGun → TurretGun → Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    linkturret( String name )

    Sets the next turret in the link.

    VehicleWheelsX2 (VehicleWheelsX2) → DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    VehicleWheelsX4 (VehicleWheelsX4) → DrivableVehicle → Vehicle → VehicleBase → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    ViewJitter (func_viewjitter) → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class


    Makes the view jitter only happen once

    duration( Float time )

    Sets the length of time it should last. 0 will be instantanious

    edgeeffect( Float fraction )

    Sets the fraction of the jitter to apply at the max radius

    jitteramount( Vector jitterangles )

    Sets the jitter angles to apply to the player

    radius( Float radius )

    Sets the max radius of the view jitter. 0 affects all

    timedecay( Vector decayrate )

    Sets jitter decay per second

    triggereffect( Entity triggering_entity )

    Send event to owner of trigger.

    ViewMaster → Listener → Class

    viewangles( Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>, Float roll<0.00...360.00> )

    Set the angles of the current viewthing


    Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
    No Animation
    Animation with no motion
    Animation with looping motion
    Animation with motion

    viewattach( String tagname, String model )

    Attach a model the the specified tagname


    Delete the current viewthing


    Delete all viewthings


    Detach the current viewthing from its parent


    Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing

    viewmodel( String viewthingModel )

    Set the model of the current viewthing


    Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing


    Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing

    vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

    Set the origin of the current viewthing

    viewpitch( Float pitch )

    Set the pitch of the current viewthing


    Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing


    Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing

    viewroll( Float roll )

    Set the roll of the current viewthing

    viewscale( Float scale )

    Set the scale of the current viewthing


    Decrease the scale of the current viewthing


    Increase the scale of the current viewthing

    viewscrub( Float animScrub )

    Set the animation time based off a floating point value

    viewsetanim( Float animNum )

    Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

    viewsetanim2( Float animNum2 )

    Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

    viewsetanimslot( Integer animSlot )

    Set current animation slot that sliders apply to

    viewspawn( String model )

    Create a viewthing with the specified model


    Change the active viewthing to the next viewthing


    Change the active viewthing to the previous viewthing

    viewyaw( Float yaw )

    Set the yaw of the current viewthing

    Viewthing (viewthing) → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    exec( String script )

    Don't execute the specified script for ViewThing.

    viewangles( Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>, Float roll<0.00...360.00> )

    Set the angles of the current viewthing


    Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing
    No Animation
    Animation with no motion
    Animation with looping motion
    Animation with motion

    viewattach( String tagname, String model )

    Attach a model the the specified tagname


    Delete the current viewthing


    Detach the current viewthing from its parent


    Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing


    Called when the view things last animation frame is displayed.

    viewmodel( String viewthingModel )

    Set the model of the current viewthing


    Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing


    Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing

    vieworigin( Float x, Float y, Float z )

    Set the origin of the current viewthing

    viewpitch( Float pitch )

    Set the pitch of the current viewthing


    Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing


    Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing

    viewroll( Float roll )

    Set the roll of the current viewthing


    Called after the model is spawned to save off the models original surfaces.

    viewscale( Float scale )

    Set the scale of the current viewthing


    Decrease the scale of the current viewthing


    Increase the scale of the current viewthing

    viewscrub( Float animScrub )

    Set the animation time based off a floating point value

    viewsetanim( Float animNum )

    Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

    viewsetanim2( Float animNum2 )

    Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value

    viewsetanimslot( Integer animSlot )

    Set current animation slot that sliders apply to


    Called every frame to process the view thing.

    viewyaw( Float yaw )

    Set the yaw of the current viewthing

    VoteOptions → Class

    Waypoint (info_waypoint) → SimpleArchivedEntity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    Weapon → Item → Trigger → Animate → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    additionalstartammo( String ammotype, Integer amount )

    Gives some additional start ammo of the specified type

    ai_event( [ String type ], [ Float radius ] )

    Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,
    type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.
    radius determines how far the sound reaches.

    airange( String airange )

    Set the range of this gun for the ai: short, medium, long, sniper

    ammo_in_clip( Integer ammoInClip )

    Set the amount of ammo in the clip

    ammopickupsound( String name )

    sets the weapon's ammo pickup sound alias

    ammorequired( Integer amount )

    Set the amount of ammo this weapon requires to fire

    ammotype( String name )

    Set the type of ammo this weapon uses

    anim( String animName )

    Exec anim commands on server or client.

    attachtohand( String hand )

    Attaches an active weapon to the specified hand


    Turn on auto aiming for the weapon

    autoputaway( Boolean bool )

    Set the weapon to be automatically put away when out of ammo

    bulletcount( Float bulletCount )

    Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired

    bulletdamage( Float bulletDamage )

    Set the damage that the bullet causes

    bulletknockback( Float bulletKnockback )

    Set the knockback that the bullet causes

    bulletlarge( Integer bulletType )

    Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)

    bulletrange( Float bulletRange )

    Set the range of the bullets

    bulletspread( Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] )

    Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis


    Prevents the weapon from being reloaded part way through a clip

    clip_add( Integer ammoAmount )

    Add to the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner


    Empties the weapon's clip of ammo, returning it to the owner


    Fills the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner

    clipsize( Integer ammoClipSize )

    Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds

    cooktime( Float cooktime )

    sets weapons cook time.

    crosshair( Boolean bool )

    Turn on/off the crosshair for this weapon


    Signals the end of the fire animation


    Signals the end of the reload animation


    Adjusts the weapons angles as it falls to the ground

    firedelay( Float fFireDelay )

    Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon

    firespreadmult( Float scaleadd, Float falloff, Float cap, Float maxtime )

    Sets a time decayed multiplyer to spread when the weapon is fired

    firetype( String firingType )

    Set the firing type of the weapon (projectile or bullet)

    holsterangles( Vector angles )

    Set the angles of this weapon when it is holstered

    holsteroffset( Vector offset )

    Set the positional offset when it is holstered

    holsterscale( Float scale )

    Set the scale of the weapon when it's attached to the holster

    holstertag( String tagname )

    Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is holstered.


    Puts the weapon into an idle state


    Puts the weapon into an idle state and clears all the anim slots

    item_pickup( Entity item )

    Pickup the specified item.


    Makes the weapon fire by looping the fire animation.

    mainattachtotag( String tagname )

    Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when being used.

    makenoise( [ Float noise_radius ], [ Boolean force ] )

    Makes the weapon make noise that actors can hear.

    maxchargetime( Integer time )

    Set the maximum time the weapon may be charged up

    maxfiremovement( Float speedmult )

    Sets the max speed the player can be moving to fire the weapon (fraction of weapon's running speed)

    maxmovementsound( String name )

    sets the weapon's movement fire prevention sound alias

    maxrange( Float maxRange )

    Set the maximum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it

    meansofdeath( String meansOfDeath )

    Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.

    minchargetime( Integer time )

    Set the minimum time the weapon must be charged up

    minrange( Float minRange )

    Set the minimum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it

    movementspeed( Float speedmult )

    Alters the movement speed of the player when he has the weapon out

    noammosound( String name )

    sets the weapon's dry fire sound alias


    Makes a weapon not droppable

    numfireanims( Integer value )

    Sets the number of fire animations this weapon uses.

    offhandattachtotag( String tagname )

    Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner's off hand.


    used when the cookable weapon has been over cooked.


    causes a warning sound to play that the grenade is about to be overcooked.

    projectile( String projectileModel )

    Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires


    Makes the weapon make no noise.

    range( Float range )

    Set the range of the weapon

    rank( Integer iOrder,, Integer iRank )

    Set the order value and power ranking for the weapon


    Signals the end of the ready animation so the weapon can be used

    secondary( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )

    Set the secondary mode of the weapon, by passing commands through


    Makes the weapon show its secondary ammo to the hud.


    Sets the weapon to fire semi-auto

    setaimanim( String aimAnimation, Integer aimFrame )

    Set the aim animation and frame for when a weapon fires

    setcurrentfireanim( Integer value )

    Sets the current firing animation.

    shareclip( Integer shareClip )

    Sets the weapon to share the same clip between all fire modes

    shoot( [ String mode ] )

    Shoot the weapon

    startammo( Integer amount )

    Set the starting ammo of this weapon


    Internal event used to give ammo to the owner of the weapon

    startitem( String itemname )

    Adds an item to the starting loadout of the weapon

    throughmetal( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through metal

    throughwood( Float dist )

    Sets how far the bullets can go through wood

    tracerfrequency( Integer frequenct )

    Set the frequency of making tracers

    tracerspeed( Float speed )

    Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)

    usenoammo( Boolean bool )

    Set the weapon to be able to be used when it's out of ammo

    viewkick( Float pitchmin, Float pitchmax, [ Float yawmin ], [ Float yawmax ] )

    Adds kick to the view of the owner when fired.

    weapongroup( String weapon_group )

    Sets the weapon group, a set of animations for actor animations scripts to use

    weaponsubtype( Integer subtype )

    sets the weapon's sub-type. Used by smoke grenades.

    weapontype( String weapon_type )

    Sets the weapon type

    worldhitspawn( String modelname )

    Set a model to be spawned when the weapon strikes the world.

    zoom( Integer zoomfov, [ Integer autozoom ] )

    Sets fov to zoom to on a secondary fire

    zoommovement( Float speedmult )

    Sets the max speed the player can move while zoomed (fraction of weapon's running speed)

    zoomspreadmult( Float scale )

    Sets the spread multiplyer for when using the zoom on a zooming weapon

    WindowObject (func_window) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    damage( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    general damage event used by all entities

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    debristype( Integer type )

    Sets the debris type of the Window

    killed( Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location )

    event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed

    Location values:
    -1 General
    0 Pelvis
    1 Lower Torso
    2 Mid Torso
    3 Upper Torso
    4 Neck
    5 Head
    6 RUpperArm
    7 RForearm
    8 RHand
    9 LUpperArm
    10 LForearm
    11 LHand
    12 RThigh
    13 RCalf
    14 RFoot
    15 LThigh
    16 LCalf
    17 LFoot

    World (worldspawn) → Entity → SimpleEntity → Listener → Class

    ai_visiondistance( Float vision_distance )

    Sets the default AI Vision Distance

    animated_farplane( Float farplaneStart, Float farplaneEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd )

    Set the distance of the far clipping plane based on a farplane range and a Z range

    animated_farplane_bias( Float biasStart, Float biasEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd )

    Set the bias of the far clipping plane based on a bias range and a Z range

    animated_farplane_color( Vector colorStart, Vector colorEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd )

    Set the color of the far clipping plane based on a color range and a Z range

    farclipoverride( Float farclipOverride )

    Override the min config default for the far clip distance


    Get the distance of the far clipping plane

    farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

    Set the distance of the far clipping plane

    farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

    Set the distance of the far clipping plane

    farplane_bias( Float farplaneDistanceBias )

    Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane


    Get the distance bias of the far clipping plane

    farplane_bias( Float farplaneDistanceBias )

    Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane

    farplane_color( Vector farplaneColor )

    Set the color of the far clipping plane fog


    Get the color of the far clipping plane fog

    farplane_color( Vector farplaneColor )

    Set the color of the far clipping plane fog

    farplane_cull( Integer farplaneCull )

    Whether or not the far clipping plane should cull things out of the world
    0 - no cull
    1 - normal cull
    2 - cull but no bsp culling

    farplaneclipcolor( Vector farplaneClipColor )

    Override the fog color for the min config


    Get the render terrain switch

    gravity( Float worldGravity )

    Set the gravity for the whole world.

    lavaalpha( Float lavaAlpha )

    Set the alpha of lava screen blend

    lavacolor( Vector lavaColor )

    Set the color of lava screen blend

    message( String worldMessage )

    Set a message for the world

    nextmap( String nextMap )

    Set the next map to change to

    northyaw( Float yaw )

    Sets the yaw direction that is considered to be north

    numarenas( Integer numarenas )

    Set the number of arenas in the world

    render_terrain( Boolean render_terrain )

    Set to draw or not draw terrain

    skyalpha( Float newAlphaForPortalSky )

    Set the alpha on the sky

    skybox_farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

    Set the distance of the skybox far clipping plane

    skybox_farplane( Float farplaneDistance )

    Set the distance of the skybox far clipping plane


    Get the distance of the skybox far clipping plane

    skybox_speed( Float speed )

    Set the speed of the skybox

    skybox_speed( Float speed )

    Set the speed of the skybox


    Get the speed of the skybox

    skyportal( Boolean newSkyPortalState )

    Whether or not to use the sky portal at all

    soundtrack( String MusicFile )

    Set music soundtrack for this level.

    wateralpha( Float waterAlpha )

    Set the alpha of the water screen blend

    watercolor( Vector waterColor )

    Set the watercolor screen blend

    178 Game Module Classes.
    1827 Game Module Events.

  4. moh8888

  5. moh8888

  6. moh8888

    beam1: spawn func_beam "origin" "-150 4650 -510" "endpoint" "1320 3905 -510" "targetname" "beam1"//起始点和终点 $beam1 maxoffset 0 $beam1 scale .5 $beam1 doactivate $beam1 notsolid $beam1 color ( 1 0 0 ) //激光颜色 thread beam spawn trigger_multiple "targetname" "beam1trig" $beam1trig.origin = $beam1.origin $beam1trig setsize ( -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 ) ( 1470 0.1 0.1 ) // 区域范围 $beam1trig glue $beam1 //区域范围帮定激光 $beam1trig setthread killem $beam1trig message "triggered" $beam1trig waittill trigger end beam: $beam1 speed 50 //速度50 while (1) { $beam1 movesouth 1550 //激光向南 $beam1 waitmove $beam1 moveup 57 // 向上 $beam1 waitmove $beam1 movenorth 1550 // 向北 $beam1 waitmove $beam1 movedown 57 // 向下 $beam1 waitmove } end killem:// 区域范围碰到人后内容 local.player=parm.other local.player stufftext "say o - Lazer!!" local.player loopsound welding_torch wait 0 local.player volumedamage 15 //危害性15 wait 0.5 local.player stoploopsound end
  7. moh8888

  8. moh8888
    起点local.start位置是local.player的Bip01 Head--(俺叫骨格图上传过)




    local.THING moveto local.groundtarget.origin

    local.groundtarget = spawn script_origin local.groundspot_target = spawn script_origin local.fwd_vec = angles_toforward local.player.viewangles local.start = local.player gettagposition "Bip01 Head" local.range = 10240 local.groundtarget.origin = trace (local.start + local.fwd_vec * 64) (local.start + local.fwd_vec * local.range ) 0
  9. moh8888

  10. moh8888
    MOD——游戏增强程序 [摘于网上]






  11. moh8888


    level waittill spawn //代码放在这以后 level.n = 0 thread addthing local.origin end addthing local.origin: local.ax = randomint 2000 //X轴在2000内随机取数 local.ay = randomint 2000 //Y轴在2000内随机取数 local.az = randomint 1000 //Z轴在1000内随机取数 local.static = spawn script_model local.static model "static/corona_orange.tik" local.static.origin = ((1200 -4300 5) + (local.ax local.ay local.az)) local.static.angles = (0 -180 0) local.static notsolid //不固化 level.n ++ if ( level.n < 10000 ) //记数10000 { wait 1 //等待1秒,再进行下一次循环,是不是太慢...呵呵 thread addthing local.origin end }
    (1200 -4300 5)的坐标是地图的中点,这里是dm3,每个图的中点要自己设置,不然的话有

  12. moh8888

    exec global/v2shoot.scr ( 3347 -653 195 ) //坐标是OBJ3中的,你可加在别的图中,,坐标要相应改动啊

    main local.origin: local.master = spawn ScriptMaster local.master aliascache fire_v2 sound/amb/Amb_FireLoop_03.wav soundparms 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 400 6000 auto loaded maps "m dm moh obj" local.v2 = spawn script_model local.v2 model static/v2.tik local.v2.origin = local.origin local.v2.scale = .3 local.v2 light 1 1 0 100 local.v2 notsolid local.v2 rotatey 100 local.trig14 = spawn trigger_multiple local.trig14.origin = local.origin local.trig14 setsize ( -50 -50 -5 ) ( 50 50 50 ) local.trig14 waittill trigger local.trig14 setthread launchv2 end launchv2: local.player14 = parm.other local.v2 = spawn script_model local.v2 model static/v2.tik local.v2.origin = self.origin + ( 0 0 500 ) local.v2.scale = .3 local.v2 speed 10000 local.v2 physics_on local.v2 setsize ( -20 -20 0 ) ( 20 20 200 ) local.v2.fire = spawn script_model local.v2.fire model emitters/firescreen.tik local.v2.fire.origin = local.v2.origin local.v2.fire glue local.v2 local.v2.fire notsolid local.player14 forcelegsstate STAND local.player14 hide local.player14 stufftext "say look! my V2 bomb !!!" local.player14 takedamage //local.player14 notsolid local.player14 physics_off local.player14.usingv2 = 1 local.v2 thread crashv2 local.player14 local.player14 playsound bazooka_snd_fire local.player14 loopsound fire_v2 while(local.player14.usingv2) { if(local.player14.jumpedout != 1) { local.v2.angles = local.player14.viewangles + ( 90 0 0 ) local.player14.origin = local.v2.origin + ( 0 0 -65 ) + local.v2.upvector * -50 //-85 } if(local.player14.fireheld) local.player14.jumpedout = 1 local.player14 notsolid local.v2.velocity = local.v2.upvector * 500 waitframe } end crashv2 local.player14: self waittill touch local.player14 stoploopsound local.player14 takedamage local.player14.usingv2 = 0 self.fire unglue self.fire remove local.boom = spawn script_model local.boom model emitters/explosion_mine.tik local.boom.origin = self.origin local.boom anim start radiusdamage local.boom.origin 600 300 waitframe local.boom remove self remove if(local.player14.jumpedout != 1) { local.player14 physics_on local.player14 volumedamage 1000 } else { wait 1 local.player14 respawn local.player14 physics_on local.player14.jumpedout = 0 } end
  13. moh8888

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