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  1. 哈,你要加入是对S-22最大的支持!
  2. 谢谢,S-22提到过你,俺等你一起做版主呐!
  3. 这个好说,说个时间呀? 另: o.O :请你一起做版主吧!
  4. 俺自已这端连枪,手,什么也看不到,只能看见打出子弹的位置冒烟,
  5. 请把大人去掉 local.allied = spawn info_player_allied local.allied.angle = 45 local.allied.origin = ( 3456 640 -312 ) local.allied scale .5
  6. moh8888


  7. 不用客气,俺那个程序是比较麻烦的, 简单的说: 首先,指定一个地点,那光球的位置是变身的位置, 2.设定一个区域local.camotrig setsize ( -90 -90 -0 ) ( 90 90 110 ) 3.提示给你一个信息local.camotrig message "XXXXXXX" 4.加入一条指令thread XXX 5.搞一个变身的地方 6.搞一个随机的结果port1: level.telecounter = randomint(3)+1 7.3个不同的结局:大中小 8变身后出现的地点 其实有一个简单的方法就是重生的的变身,应是以下语句(OBJ__1) local.axis = spawn info_player_axis local.axis.angle = 45 local.axis.origin = ( -1000 4944 -144 ) local.allied = spawn info_player_allied local.allied.angle = 45 local.allied.origin = ( 3456 640 -312 ) 俺拿不准,你请S-22看看,是的话加进变身指令
  8. 其实S-22发表过制作地图的工具,只是俺对这方面不感兴趣,不灵呀 你可待网站完善后,请教S-22老师吧
  9. 图吗?俺试过一次是用一个专用的MOH工具,哈,搞了一个大平板.... 你感兴趣?
  10. 做图是很辛苦的,俺知道,慢慢来吧!
  11. ha 灌水呀! SUNSHINE:俺请你一起当版主呢!
  12. thread bomb1 bomb1: wait 5.0 local.bomb = spawn script_model local.bomb.origin = ( 16 -938 -50 ) local.bomb.angles = ( 0 0 0 ) local.bomb model "fx/fx_truck_explosion.tik" local.bomb.scale = 3 // local.bomb playsound arty_exp_sand3 wait 3 local.bomb hide wait 20.0 //20秒间隔 goto bomb1 end 见过OMAHA的弹坑的爆炸吧,这就是该程序, 将以上的程序复制到MOHDM2.SCR 中level waittill spawn下 再进入DM2会看到一个弹坑的爆炸效果!
  13. 假如在注1*的位置改了后用MOHAA.EXE(安装版)启动后,会看到尺寸变了, 但是用V0.9却不行的为什么? 而在注3*的位置改了可以看到大或小的子弹壳,这里是因为 要改的是服务器的设置尺寸这样才行, 也就是那注2*的位置: 为什么还要有这个? init { server { classname Weapon weapontype heavy name "Shotgun" rank 620 620 pickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup ammopickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup_ammo noammosound shotgun_snd_noammo ...... 明白了吗?
  14. 枪的大小改动: 打开SHOTGUN.TIK 会有如下程序: TIKI setup { scale 0.52 path models/weapons/shotgun skelmodel shotgun.skd surface shotgun shader shotgun } init { server { classname Weapon weapontype heavy name "Shotgun" rank 620 620 pickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup ammopickupsound shotgun_snd_pickup_ammo noammosound shotgun_snd_noammo // Holstering info // holstertag "Bip01 Spine2" // holsteroffset "8.0 -7.75 6.5" // holsterangles "0 185 -25" // holsterScale 1.0 // Primary fire type info firetype bullet ammotype "shotgun" meansofdeath shotgun semiauto clipsize 0 startammo 0 ammorequired 1 firedelay 0.75 //========================================// // WEAPON ACCURACY MODELLING // //========================================// // Winchester Shotgun: Max Eff. Range is 25 yds with a muzzle velocity of X ft/s. (Double Ought Buckshot) bulletrange 1000 //the range at which bulletspread is applied bulletspread 80 80 95 95 //minpitch minyaw maxpitch maxyaw movementspeed 0.99 // currently does a total 300 potential damage, but uses more pellets in SP bulletcount 30 bulletdamage 10 tracerfrequency 0 crosshair 1 // viewkick -3 -5 -3 3 // AI animation group info weapongroup rifle //TODO: If AI use this weapon, we need a shotgun group. // DM Attributes dmstartammo 0 dmammorequired 1 dmbulletcount 20 // dmbulletdamage 15 dmbulletdamage 17 dmfiredelay 0.75 dmbulletrange 1000 dmbulletspread 80 80 95 95 dmcrosshair 1 dmmovementspeed 0.99 } client { cache tracer.spr cache muzsprite.spr cache models/ammo/shotgunshell.tik cache model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik } } animations { idle shotgun.skc reload shotgun.skc // this is the start of the reloading sequence { client { entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_start } } reload_single shotgun.skc // this is the reload loop that loads in a single shell { client { entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_reload_single entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_single } } reload_end shotgun_fire.skc { server { last idle } client { entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_end } } fire shotgun_fire.skc { server { entry shoot } client { entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_fire entry sound shotgun_snd_fire // this is the sound for the rechambering pump entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_rechamber entry sound shotgun_snd_rechamber // By now, the server has already fired the weapon, so it's //www.mohchina.com // ok to apply the view kick apon entry to avoid problems // with multiple application on single frame animations. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // View Kicking // // View Kicking works based on the assumptions that every weapon has its own tendencies to kick in // a paticular fashion. In MOH we call then scatter patterns. Currently we have 2 scatter patterns which // will be explained. // Scatter Patterns: // "V" - the cone. The longer you shoot the more random your shots will be in the horizontal axis. // "T" - the T shape. The gun has a tendancy to push in a paticular direction. // // // +-------------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Min // | +--------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Max // | | +------------------------------- Scatter Yaw Min // | | | +--------------------------- Scatter Yaw Max // | | | | +--------------------- The Recentering speed in fraction per second // | | | | | +---------------- The Scatter Pattern // | | | | | | +---------- The absolute pitch min/max // | | | | | | | +------- The absolute yaw min/max // | | | | | | | | +----- This is the pitch at which you loose all // | | | | | | | | | control of the weapon and its behavior is // | | | | | | | | | purely random. // V V V V V V V V V entry viewkick -20.0 -20.0 0.05 0.05 15.2 "T" 12.0 5.0 10.0 // entry viewkick -1.2 -1.2 -0.2 0.2 1 "V" 3.0 1.0 1.6 (Colt .45 Pistol) // entry viewkick -3 -3.5 -0.75 -1.0 (old) // muzzle flash entry tagdlight tag_barrel 0.25 0.2 0.15 140 0.11 entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( scale 0.4 offsetalongaxis 1.5 0 0 count 1 model muzsprite.spr angles 0 0 crandom 25 life 0.06 ) entry tagspawn tag_barrel ( spawnrate 1.00 model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik count 2 color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.20 life 0.30 radius 3.00 velocity 100.00 randvel 100 0 0 accel 0.00 0.00 -120.00 offsetalongaxis 4 0 0 fade align ) entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( spawnrate 1.00 model muzsprite.spr color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.60 life 0.09 scalerate 12.00 velocity 33.00 offsetalongaxis 4 0 0 fade randomroll ) entry tagspawnlinked tag_barrel ( spawnrate 1.00 model muzsprite.spr color 1.00 1.00 1.00 scale 0.60 life 0.10 scalerate 3.00 velocity 40.00 offsetalongaxis 5 0 0 randomroll ) entry commanddelay 0.010 originspawn ( model vsssource.spr count 5 alpha 0.30 color 1.00 1.00 1.00 spritegridlighting scale 0.70 life 0.50 scalerate 6.00 cone 6.00 2.00 velocity 320.00 radialvelocity 11.00 60.00 120.00 accel 0.00 0.00 -30.00 friction 5.00 offset crandom -5 crandom -5 crandom -5 offsetalongaxis 30 0 0 fade randomroll ) // shell eject entry commanddelay 0.2 tagspawn tag_eject ( count 1 model models/ammo/shotgunshell.tik spawnrange 1024 scale 1.0 velocity 70 randvel crandom 10 crandom 10 random 20 emitterangles 0 0 0 avelocity crandom 90 crandom 90 0 accel 0 0 -800 physicsrate 20 life 2.0 fadedelay 1.7 collision bouncefactor 0.2 bouncesoundonce snd_shotgun_shell ) } } } /*QUAKED playerweapon_allied_shotgun (0.0 0.0 1.0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Weapon - Winchester Model 12 Shotgun
  15. 其实有好多的东东是可以改的,俺今把那手雷改了,扔出的也是大雷 身体包括头,腿,脚呀,子弹呀等....都可以改大或小的!
  16. ha 你想打炮呀?V2.15好象没人进呀?
  17. 请一起做版主吧!个人的?
  18. us:何时弄了个中士干了? 你那381贴在那呀?哈哈...
  19. level.rain_speed = "32" level.rain_speed_vary = "16" level.rain_length = "2" level.rain_width = "1" level.rain_density = ".2" level.rain_slant = "250" level.rain_min_dist = "1800" level.rain_numshaders = 12 level.rain_shader = "textures/snow7" 下雪的程序
  20. 打开MAP.SER level waitTill prespawn // //Add some daylight $world farplane 10000 //这一行的参数为可见度 $world farplane_color (.480 .480 .480) //改这一行参数 假若将以上插入到mohdm5.scr那雪公园会是白天的 $world farplane_color (0.00 0.00 0.00) 以上为黑天的效果 要是需要闪电和打雷加入以下语句: exec global/weather.scr
  21. 这里有一个网站有好多的武器皮肤,你可看看 http://www.alliedassault.com/pafiledb/pafi...=category&id=14
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