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由 Su-33 发布的全部内容

  1. choicemail有这个功能,但总出错
  2. 3.有Challenge功能(如果不在Junk Mail类别又不在白名单的要发送人回答一些简单问题回复过来保证邮箱是真实的(比如:图片里面有几只猫 ));
  3. 我现在一天收到10多封垃圾邮件。现在我要一个反垃圾软件。要求如下:(征婚启事?) 1.免费或有破解(不难破解的也可以) 2.稳定 3.有Challenge功能(如果不在Junk Mail类别又不在白名单的要发送人回答一些简单问题回复过来保证邮箱是真实的(比如:图片里面有几只猫 )); 4.能定时检查的; 5.与中文系统兼容的; 我试了好多都不行,谁能推荐一个啊?
  4. 复制文件,估计在弄新Server 支持一下
  5. 别忘了,所有TS2服务器都在服务器列表里面 Connection-->Connect-->Web List 所有服务器都在列表,想查想ban应该随时可以
  6. 把单位的电脑整个转到自家中
  7. Teamspeak Anti-Piracy Initiative - (HIGH Priority) Posted By:florence on Wed May 4, 2005 @ 21:01 CEST The Teamspeak Team has begun a new anti-piracy initiative to warn, try to work with, and in the worst case scenario BAN ILLEGAL hosters and Teamspeak servers. If you are hosting Teamspeak illegally, and you do not try to make contact with our Sales department via sales@goteamspeak.com, we will eventually track you and ban your servers. Unfortunately this issue has existed for a long time and we promise to all paying and licensed customers that we will continue to work hard and eventually track and STOP all illegal hosters. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any specific questions please address them to piracy@goteamspeak.com. Got questions about licensing in general? Are you part of a clan or guild and not sure if you need to pay? Please be sure to read through our FAQ BEFORE you send us your inquiry via email. If you still have questions we will be more than happy to assist you.
  8. 不用$的,只要是以CLAN的名义注册就可以了,不要以公司名义,不然要你买的,hoho 现在所有非法server都要被ban了
  9. err... 晕倒,第七。不过列表第一 Good work!!!
  10. hoho 211的不爽,我自己建立了一个,不过带宽太低,只能支持12人CEPT 5.1 :|
  11. 搞个白宫的,一队解放军,一队美国佬
  12. 再弄几个学生的skin呵呵 学校中群殴,哈哈~~~爽~~!
  13. 你的版主绝对不能去掉,hoho~~
  14. 你和jimson我看没有断线 lagmeter呈正常颜色,不过差一点全黄,hoho
  15. my school: http://sof2fs.3322.org:81 进去后选norm-->顶点工作室-->On Your Mark.wmv
  16. 靠。。。你要ping好我就打不死人了~~
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