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  1. 通过114查询得知:北京市神经病医院电话:010--94741741,有事者可拨打。
  2. 跟贴发一个欧洲职业战队TEK9的步枪DEMO,步枪爱好者请下: http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?automodu...mp;showfile=503
  3. 文件名称: tek9 步枪DEMO 上传会员: shrek 上传时间: 2007年05月30日 16:13 存放位置: 游戏录像 Game Videos tek9 步枪DEMO 点击这里下载文件
  4. 病人请自重! 病人确实不少,网上尤其多。 这个贴子至少就有俩病人。 一个说“637作弊垃圾战队“。 拜托您和637,还和UN好象挺熟的,好像还认识AYA。不过您好象低估了637,UN以及其他战队的智商,天天和637打比赛的全国其他战队的兄弟难道都是傻的?就您马爷爷一人聪明?可能病人都这样! 您要觉得您是UN的,去UN论坛发个贴子报名吧!看看CQ收不收您? 您要本来就是UN的,去换个UN队标ID进来骂吧!别用马甲跟我骂,我怕怕! 如果您什么都不是,要做广告就大大方方地,何必用这样的招数呢?国内有三个战队四个服务器开着PB呢!PB也是傻的吧,马爷爷? 另一个说“637martix我R你先人“。 最近此人好像逮谁R谁,拜托您换了不少ID RI人,论坛也RI,服务器里也RI,RI多了要得病的,知道不,兄弟! 不过此人比前面那位病得轻点儿,还肯说:“竟然逼我用作弊器”,还算个爷们儿,前面那位不知道是什么爷? 向我和CHINA.V学习一下好吗,在任何情况下我们骂人从来不匿名,都是署名在骂。 病人之所以是病人,是因为他们有病。
  5. 请7楼上传 637martix 的 DEMO,也请你继续。。。 麻烦7楼要骂人也来点技术含量。。。
  6. 我的ID :637.sorock.72 ,请继续。。。
  7. 说话请说清楚!发言请别挂马甲!
  8. 请问JIA77,服务器主机在拿个城市?
  9. 俺只知道:“aya&k.o” 系637既兄弟整蛊,唔知"aya"系边個。。。。线人钱拿来!
  10. LZ 试试先别用ASE OR XFILE等联网工具,用游戏菜单的 JION GAME 手动添加服务器IP: 1 在 FILTER SERVERS 中设置,如图:http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?automodule=gallery&req=si&img=11198 2 在 FAVORITE 中添加 IP 3 在 SOURCE:FAVORITES/LOCAL/INTERNET 上连续点三次,刷新服务器 4 刷新后有PING值的服务器肯定能进的 以前有人贴过图,找不到贴子了。 这样不行的话就无语了。 PS:昨天开始偶进馒头服也是读秒,偶尔能进去,看了下关了PB,不知何解?
  11. HBO greenlights Spielberg mini Project is an Asian-theater take on WWII HBO Films has greenlit "The Pacific," a WWII miniseries from "Band of Brothers" exec producers Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman that will serve as a kind of companion piece to that earlier project. Production will begin in Australia this summer, with the mini to run on the net possibly in 2009. Spielberg, Hanks and Goetzman will serve as exec producers. HBO Films will produce in association with Playtone and DreamWorks Television. Tony To and Graham Yost are co-exec producers. Bruce McKenna is supervising producer, and Robert Schenkkan, George P. Pelecanos and Michelle Ashford are co-producers. Project, an Asian-theater take on WWII whose title had also surfaced at one time as "The Pacific War," had been in development at the pay net. Cast members and a director have yet to be attached. "The Pacific" will draw on several sources of material, including Eugene Sledge's tome "With the Old Breed" and Robert Leckie's "Helmet for My Pillow." Hugh Ambrose, son of the late historian Stephen Ambrose, will serve as a consultant on the project; Stephen Ambrose's book of the same name was the source material for "Band of Brothers." "The Pacific" follows the stories of the two authors, as well as that of fellow Marine John Basilone, as they the fight against Japan across the entire Asian theater. Much of the mini will be shot in Melbourne, where U.S. troops were stationed during the war. "Band of Brothers" was a huge hit for HBO in 2001 and won six Emmys and a Golden Globe. But despite the similarities between "The Pacific" and "Brothers," HBO Films topper Colin Callender noted that the new project will dramatize how the Asian war "profoundly differed from the European front. This was a different sort of war fighting a different sort of enemy." After years of movies set in Europe, Hollywood has directed its WWII efforts toward Asia, as with Clint Eastwood's "Letter From Iwo Jima" last year.
  12. 最简单的方法:在选项中换入你的KEY,简体版联网有问题,偶的55元
  13. It seems that the Modern Warfare will become CoD a famous FPS game in China , just like CS, Maybe ?!
  14. http://www.fpschina.com/index.php?automodu...i&img=11122 好像没有PC版?!
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